Sunday, April 16, 2017


A man who speak on top of the mountain is heard of those who are below. The speaker sees and knows all of them who are below and so are the surrounding and nearby mountains and trees while the listeners only sees the man speaking to them and those who are near them.
Unless there is a meeting of the mind, of perspectives or paradigms so many messages can be misunderstood and misinterpreted.
Yes, there is only one God, there is only one message in the same way that there is only one kind of seeds that falls on different soil and lands. As there is only one kind of sunlight that shines over the oil, the rock, the mud, and the crystal clear water.
Beloved Ingkong said, IDILAT NINYO ANG INYONG MGA MATA AT TUMINGIN KAYO SA AKIN.. This is a message that is devoid of complications. We heard of this after we were sealed. It is like saying, ONCE WE ARE SEALED YOU ONLY HAVE TO OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT HIM - EXCLUSIVELY. He is the man on top of the mountain.
If we gonna look on each other we tend to compare the recipients of the same message according to our standard. Our standard is varying and is indeed not a standard. A standard is something that never change. God's is the standard that never varies. It is always in fact easy to comply with God's standard than the varying whims and likes of man. Yet, and still the hardest if not the most difficult standard to comply.
Comparing each recipients of Beloved Ingkong's message is like comparing apples and oranges. Yes we are all sealed servants - on that level we are the same but there are more underlying differences than similarities. And unless we capitalize in Beloved Ingkong's word 'TUMINGIN KAYO SA AKIN' we will be busy looking on each other's faults, frailties, shortcomings, dirts and unconsciously raises ourselves from them as superior or we gradually escape having the feeling of serious guilt and unworthiness.