I would like to share some of my thoughts and reflections about the name "INGKONG" and how it defines its relation to the roles of St. Maria Virginia and of His Holiness Patriarch Dr. John Florentine.
INGKONG: The truth behind the name
The name INGKONG is not only a new, yet ancient, name [and title] but mystical as well. If we will use the Hebrew letters parallel of this sacred name we will have the following:
I - Yod
N - Nun
G- Gimel
K- Kaph
O - Ayin
N - Nun
G - Gimel
For the Hebrew, each letter mean something or pertains to something, however I will take that which is more meaningful for us, as follows:
Yod - The word is synonymous with power or might; to fall in one's hands. It's typical that the alphabet's smallest letter came to mean power, but perhaps it's shape reminded of a little fist.
Nun - The verb means propagate, increase. Derivative means offspring, posterity. The letter is often said to mean and resemble a fish, but the word nun is not used as such in the Bible.
Gimel - The verb (gamal 360) means to deal, or recompense in the sense of benefitting from. Derivation (gamal 360d) means camel.
Kaph - One of two regular words for hand (the other being the 10th letter). (kap 1022a) denotes the hand as outstretched, asking and weak. The word basically encompasses anything that is hollow or outstretched in order to receive something: dish, plate, etc.
Ayin - The word (ayin 1612) means eye in all regular senses, but also as means of expression (knowledge, character, etc). The word (ayin 1613) means spring or fountain. The eye is one of four bodily "fountains," the other three being mouth, skin and urethra (and only the mouth is not supposed to produce water outwardly). Transpiration releases the body of excessive heat; urine evaluates toxins, and the eye produces water commonly when grief or pain is prosessed. All have to do with cleansing or purification.
Nun - The verb means propagate, increase. Derivative means offspring, posterity. The letter is often said to mean and resemble a fish, but the word nun is not used as such in the Bible.
Gimel - The verb (gamal 360) means to deal, or recompense in the sense of benefitting from. Derivation (gamal 360d) means camel.
So we will have:
I - Yod - Fist and power
N - Nun - Fish and propagate, offspring and posterity
G- Gimel - benefits and camel
K- Kaph - outstretched weak and asking hand
O - Ayin - spring or fountain, cleansing and purification
N - Nun - Fish and propagate, offspring and posterity
G- Gimel - benefits and camel
Now we can have the following meanings behind the name INGKONG
The Doubles in the Name INGKONG: "NG"
For the Hebrew as well, the letter Nun is the Cherubim of the Ark of the Covenant and we have two Nun in the name INGKONG.

We also have two Gimel or camels.

The two Gimels or camels, the beast of burden, are no other than our Beloved Mama St Maria Virginia and her son, our Patriarch John Florentine, above them each of them are the heavenly spirit i.e. the Nun, the guardian of the Ark - the cherubim.

The letter K or Kaph which is the outstretched weak and asking hand also means a BEGGAR'S HAND is the Holy Spirit - the beggar God, whose weak hand is outstretched and asking for alms so He can "cleanse and purify us from His fountain and spring of love" which is the Ayin.

In the name INGKONG we have single letters such as I, K and O. The letter I could also mean I or 1 (one) [in the Roman Numeral] and the letter O is symbolic of the Infinite who is God. Thus I and O in the name INGKONG means ONE GOD. It tells us that MAHAL NA INGKONG is no other God, He indeed is the God of our Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who comes as a Divine Beggar.
Grouping the letters ING and ONG keeping K alone in the middle as shown below:
gave us the following significations:
ING stands for ALPHA
ONG stans for OMEGA
and K stands for KRISTO or KALAPATI or the Kaph of the Hebrew. We will have this meaning: INGKONG is the ALPHA and OMEGA [Christ is the Beginning and the Ending].

Using the above meanings [of the other letters] applying the Beginning and the Ending meanings we can also say

From the beginning means from St Maria Virginia He, Mahal na Ingkong, will carry us until the end means through the Patriarch John F. In the beginning is our Mama, and in the last will be our Patriarch; both of them will feed us, nourish us, and cleanse us, and will shed tears because of us.

Mahal Na Ingkong elected through St.Maria Virginia the Patriarch as her successor in continuing His mission to the world through His Church, the Apostolic Catholic Church.

And he, Patriarch John, will carry these days a more heavy burden which was before somewhat lighter for it was once carried by two (St. Maria Virginia and him), he has to endure until he join her in heaven.
Ave Maria Purissima, beloved and fellow sealed servants, rejoice and be glad we knew His name, INGKONG.

This post is related to MAHAL NA INGKONG: The Power of the Name