The following is related to the previous post "Some Block Rosary Guidelines". I showed below the images which you can use, print and put them in frame.
Picture of Mahal na INGKONG with St.Maria Virginia

Picture of the Ina Poon Bato used by Apos in London

Picture of the Statue St Maria Virginia holding the two crosses
The picture below shows St.Maria Virginia holding the two crosses, the Eastern Cross of Orthodoxy and the Western Cross of Roman Catholicism.

Our church, the Apostolic Catholic Church is the fulfilment of the prophecy of the visionary and modern prophet Vassula Ryden about the Church with towering two crosses as a symbol of the unity of the Eastern and Western Orthodox Catholicism. The Apostolic Catholic Church is the bridge in Vassula's vision. She speak as well of the coming of God as "Beggar", our Mahal na INGKONG.

It was the doctrine on the Holy Spirit - issue on "Filoque", along with other cultural, political, and selfish interest that divides the unity of the East and West in 1054. Thus, in the end, the Holy Spririt Himself, coming as Beggar, revealed Himself to us through the Patriarch John and St. Maria Virginia. The last of the three Co-equal, Co-Substantial Trinity.
Our Beloved Mama Virginia

Our very own St. Maria Virginia is instrumental for the accomplishment of the "Mysterious Plan of God" and that is to "unite all in heaven and on earth in Jesus Christ" through Holy Sealing. Thus, She is the Patroness and Protectress of our Church next to the Blessed Virgin MAry, the Theotokos. It is our church, the ACC, through the grace and permission of Mahal na Ingkong, that elevates our Mama Virginia to sainthood. The Philippines have two beatified and canonized saints in heaven, St. Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila and St. Maria Virginia.
Our Beloved Patriarch John Teruel

It is through the consent of our Patriarch John, then a seminarian, that the public ministry of God Holy Spirit started in the 1960's through him and his mother. He was the door where God Holy Spirit enters and will be the same door where He will exit when He finally brought the Church able to stand by her hierarchy including the faithful under His guidance.
Through him with him and in him Beloved Ingkong founded His Church, the holy Apostolic Catholic Church with all the blessings and recognition of our Beloved Mama St. Maria Virginia. He is instrumental for the propagation of the mission of the Holy Spirit in many parts of the globe through the priests and religious of the Order of the Missionaries of Holy Spirit (OMHS)and of continuing the sanctification of the world through holy sealing. Above all the sealed servants none can be higher in authority and privilege than Apo Juan Bautista i.e. Patriarch John. The sealed servants have ONLY ONE PATRIARCH - JOHN TERUEL, ONLY ONE COVENANT OF M.INGKONG AND MATRIARCH- ST. MARIA VIRGINIA, ONLY ONE CHURCH- ACC, ONLY ONE RELIGIOUS ORDER- OMHS, ONLY ONE ROOT AND SPIRITUAL HOMELAND - SACRIFICE VALLEY.