Ave Maria Purissima...
The saving works and ministry of God does not end with that of the Second Person, our Lord Jesus Christ, for there is still one more and last person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit. The works of the Holy Spirit is evident even in the Old Testament and Saint Paul spoke of the Holy Spirit as the One who led and provided Israel of their needs in ther sojourn out of the bondage in Egypt. The Glory and Presence of the Lord manifested as Pillar of Fire in the night and Dark Clouds during the day.

Thus, Saint Paul coined the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of the Father who is called Yahweh. He, Saint Paul, also wrote of the guidance and admonitions of the Spirit of Jesus Christ or Spirit of the Lord. With this in mind, we believe that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and the Son; His Glory and Presence that is the Shekinah of the Hebrew.

The Lord is true indeed in His promise that He will not leave His Apostles orphans. He came back as a Spirit to them. In the Pentecost, He, the Holy Spirit came, manifesting like a mighty wind. He baptized the Apostles and enthroned in them the holy spirits from heaven and was seen in the form of tongues of fires. (Acts 2: 1, 2-4) They were the first sealed servants and they were baptized by the Spirit of the Son and the Father whom they call simply as Lord (John 20:17; 20-22; 26-29; 21:12) and adore Him as they did to our Lord Jesus Christ, and true indeed He is the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit, the Holy Ghost, – in a glorified and resurrected body (Acts 1: 1- 5; 6-8).
The same Holy Spirit, in due time, shall come and has come, manifesting Himself in a form recognizable by man by becoming man, not to be born once again of a woman as what happened to our Lord Jesus Christ but as an old man, a hermit, an old beggar as Vassula Ryden as well told us.
“I come to you as The Beggar in rags and barefoot with parched lips, imploring and lamenting for some love, for a return of love; today you have in your sight a Lamenting Beggar..”
It all began in the year of our Lord, 1969, one if not the most turbulent periods in Church History, when the Divine Presence, the Shekinah, left the Sacred Altar of the Vatican because the smoke of Satan, admitted by Paul VI, prophesied in La Salette, envisioned by Leo XIII; spreads in the sanctuary and Satan have reached the summit of the Roman Catholic Church, for he was enthroned in one of the Chapels in Rome, and that witchcraft is practiced by the nuns.

He, the Shekinah, ceased to reside in the altar of Rome and consequently in all her churches around the world, when He was systematically removed by the agents of hell. These agents are the people, in the person of the clergies, who submitted their selves to Satan and to his service of destroying the Church of Christ on earth internally by infiltration and seduction of the shepherds; so when the shepherds were strucked the sheeps will scatter; a divide and conquer method. He cannot be removed, in fact, directly by these people for He is a Spirit and God but these people, animated with infernal spirit, can destroy the required state and condition for His coming and manifestation – like the dove who returned to Noah for she never found yet anywhere to rest her feet.

It was the time when the validly ordained Roman Catholic Priests has to either say the New Order of the Mass, that is devoid and stripped of its true Sacrificial nature, for it was made only a memorial; or face sanctions or excommunications.

The period when new bishops are consecrated with the modified and insufficient ambigous new rite; when new priest is ordained but does not confer the necessary priestly power; when mass is said no more for the propitiation of the souls in purgatory, when the power to forgive and absolve the sins of men is no longer in their hands for it was not given in their ordination; the time when priest became a mere minister of the people instead of being, originally, the priest of Christ.
The time when three Popes sits on the Chair of Saint Peter succeedingly in just a decade (John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I) ; all not without allegations of impostorship, masonic, atheistic, and communist infiltration.

The decade when noted changes to the church discipline was implemented which gradually turns the hearts of many cold and caused many to leave the holy Catholic and Orthodox faith; the decade when the true Roman Catholic Church was severed from its temporal secular power and protector, the Vatican Institution. The Vatican Institution was taken over by the agents of hell and executed a masterplan of putting up a pseudo-Roman Catholic Church that is almost unrecognizable by the faithful but never to the eyes of learned and investigative Catholics.
He roamed the world and its cities, its many places of worship and found none where He can rest for He saw how quick and systematic the spread of infernal volcanic lava among the pastures of Peter is. In His search of resting place, He found the young Florentine, eighteen years of age, praying, facing towards the East while the sun is just about to cast his mighty splendor in the ‘Land of the Morning’; praying and contemplating the Salvation of Mankind; Memories came back to Him, He remembered Abraham that used to wake up early in the morning and offer Him his prayer (Genesis 22:3). He also remembered Jesus who in Gethsemane, contemplating and praying for the Remission of Sins of the people. He remembered John the Baptist who prepared the way for Jesus public ministry, the one who said that there is another One greater than himself who shall baptize the people with fire and spirit. With all this thoughts, He look back to the Eternal City of Rome and the Chair of His prince apostle, Peter; He saw the blood of the martyrs, the saints, the fathers and all who died for the Catholic Faith; and He see how the spirit of King Belshazzar (Daniel 5:1,5-6) once again taking possession of the Sacred Properties, scattering abominations in the Sanctuary. He heard the cries of the saints in heaven and saw in vision the flood of bloods and the fury of the elements because the Daily Oblation was stopped in the House of Peter. He saw that Peter’s key was with the devils or at least hide it where no man can find, and as if these demons closed the gates of heaven they rejoiced and spread malice knowing they have but short time; the mouth of hell opened and cast its venom like flood to all the seeds of the woman. Yes, the gates of hell cannot prevail over the Church because it is divine and un-earthly but it can prevail over the churchmen and its secular temporal arm, the Vatican Institution; for they have submitted their selves to the service of Satan, and history is full of such occurrences.
And now before His eye was a young man, with Holy Scripture in his hand, contemplating about the Salvation of Mankind while almost all the people and young of the world is indifferent and busy with other worldly things or in knowing the status of the first man landing on the moon, the Apollo 11; launched 16th July 1969; the day of the Feast of the Virgin of Mount Carmel, the mountain of the Prophet Elijah, destroyer of false prophets, worships and idols.
He transformed Himself into the likeness of man, not into a strong young man nor to a beautiful woman nor in the likeness of a child, He made Himself into a beggar, not to arose pity but to try the heart of young man how compassionate and zealous he was in the cause of heaven which his young mind is contemplating in that early morning – the Salvation of Mankind.

Here you have a God, the Owner and Creator of all things visible and invisible clothed Himself with despised cloth of poverty, with parched lips, barefooted, slowly and gently approached the young Florentine inside the garden of St. Joseph Major Seminary of Ateneo de Manila in Quezon City. He asked the young man “Son, would you help me?” He, Florentine, replied, "If the alms you are asking me is for the salvation of the world; take me and use me as your instrument.”; Florentine wondered on words he has just said. The Divine Beggar saw how astonished Florentine was in his reply; and He recalled Peter when he asked them, the Apostles, ‘as for you who do you say I am?’ Peter immediately replied “You are the Son of God, the Messiah.” and Jesus said to him, ”TU ES PETRUS ET SUPER HANC PETRAM AEDIFICABO ECCLESIAM MEAM” which in English is ‘You are peter, and upon this rock I shall build my church.’
Christ named Simon as Peter which means ‘rock’ so that he will be a sign and remembrance for all generations to come that the ‘profession of faith in Jesus the Son of the Living God and the Messiah’ is the Rock Foundation of His Church; and this which he, Peter, professed was revealed to him by the Father in heaven. And in this pronouncement of faith of Peter, Jesus built His One Church, not exactly on the person of Peter as later writer tells us but rather in Peter’s rock faith profession about Jesus. Thus, the words are ‘… and upon this rock’, upon this truth you have just spoken about who I am I shall build my church; and Jesus is the true Rock, the cornerstone, that is rejected by the builders; and in Him all the Apostles are founded and stabled for they are wise and not fools who build houses on sands and seashores. The Church is built on Jesus and not on Peter nor to any of the Apostles; it was they, the Apostles, who were built over on Jesus.

EGO SUM VITES VOS PALMITES, I am the Vine and you are the branches, says the Lord to His Apostles. The apostles became the pillars of the church of Jesus. They shall sit in the twelve thrones in the kingdom of heaven where they will judge the twelve tribes of Israel. And Apostle Peter was neither above the other apostles nor his throne higher than the rest.
He, Peter, also received the keys of heaven and the; authority over the hell. This key, aside from the powers associated with it, is the key that unlocks the mystery of the personality of the Divine Son and of His Church and the Mystery of Faith. He holds the key in the proper understanding of the New Testament, and that key was Jesus Christ, the Son of God; take the name and divinity of Jesus from the Holy Scripture and there is no way to understand the Holy Bible. In the same way Florentine received from the Holy Spirit the keys of heaven, wherein through him fulfills the words of the Holy Spirit to the angel of Philadelphia (Apocalypse 3:7-13). Take the Patriarch John Florentine out of the history of the sealed servants and there is no way to understand the mystery of Beloved Ingkong and His church or separate him from the mission of St Maria Virginia and there is no way you can understand the book of Revelation; for he and his mother are indeed the two faces of the opened book of the last days.
Now a new Peter was before God’s eyes in the person of Florentine, he professed a faith similar and one with the profession of Peter, with this profession he earned to receive the ‘rock’ where His new name, ’INGKONG’, is written. In this young man, in the appointed time, He shall build His church, the Only Church of the Holy Spirit; two type of keys were given Him, the first was the key to the true memory and knowledge of Beloved Ingkong; and secondly, the keys which will be given upon his election as Patriarch, the same keys Christ gave to Peter, the keys of heaven. Beloved Ingkong found him praying for the salvation of the children of Abraham as much as He found the ancient Abraham prayed and worshipped Him in the morning. The condition was complete, at last, the Divine Presence, the Holy Shekinah, found an initial resting place and an instrument to restore His dwelling on earth.
In continuation the Divine Beggar, in response to Florentine’s words, transformed Himself to His real face and countenance, that of the face of the resurrected Jesus Christ, illuminating with such brightness yet only the eyes like Florentine can behold; He showed Himself no more his feet touching the cold earth.

Instinctively, Florentine kneeled humbly, as tears flows from his eyes without limit, for he was used to kneel before the Blessed Sacrament, now the Corpus et Anima Christi is no longer white and round, the sacred host, but in an appearance that is manly and divine that it neither entices fear, fight nor flight but bursting with unbounded love, faith, and hope to a God who just a few minutes ago was like somebody considered by the worldly as trash and dirt.
He asked the head-bowed Florentine to raise his eyes and look at Him; Florentine obeyed and saw the Divine Visitor surrounded with pure white shining clouds; he saw the palm of His hands with still fresh wounds as if pierced with nails, and His side as if pierced with the lance; he recalled the Passion of the Lord, His Crucifixion when the blood and water gushed forth for the salvation of man; he sobbed bitterly for the ungrateful man; he embraced the Lord’s knees and the sight of a wounded feet does not escape his eyes; he knows perfectly who is his visitor.
What more proof a scientific Thomas required to believe that He, the Lord, is indeed risen? He cried out “My Lord and My God.”; with these, the resurrected Lord recalled the greatness of this land and the toils of the early missionaries of the East and he remembered Thomas His Apostle who came in this land of the morning in search of the House of Israel and he come to mind that once upon a time Solomon adorned His temple with gold from this great land; and He felt the pulse of Florentine’s heart and heard the Hebrew language spoken by Adam and Noah’s children before the confusion in the land of Babylon, in the Gate of God, “Bab-Eli” or Babel. He recognized that he is a son to a mother that has the blood of the tribe of Judah.
What a wonderful event to behold, what great and spectacular and solemn visitation from God. The world seems ceased to exist, the time suddenly stopped, there is nothing in the world that is more spectacular not even the scientific and astronomical achievement of Apollo 11 could ever compare to the events surrounding the appearance and covenant made by God to Florentine.
He, God, spoke the words that would earn young Florentine the Patriarch of the New Jerusalem, "Blessed are you son, for you have availed of the last drop of my blood in Calvary!" Then Florentine felt His right hand touching his shoulder and heard Him said;
"From now on, you will stand and make witness to the Divine works of the Holy Spirit, and you will call Me, INGKONG. Like an old peasant along the streets, I am begging for alms, not material things, neither money nor power; but I am begging for something which I never gave to anyone that is sin. The sins in everyone's heart which give me sorrows. From you and your clan, I will raise the wonders of my works for the sanctification of all and it will reach unto the farthest most part of this world."
And Beloved Ingkong raised His eyes and His hands to the heaven and asked the Father, who is witnessing the great event ever since, to bless this young man; a voice was heard in confirmation, “I blessed him and shall bless him even more!” Beloved Ingkong continued “I shall be with you and you shall feel me and my presence whenever you call and need me. I shall not depart from you until all that I have told you are fulfilled.” With that parting and ensuring words Beloved Ingkong disappeared in the light that is also coming from Him and Florentine was alone for the moment regaining and recomposing his heart and mind for the wonderful events that has just occurred. He stand up full of zeal and faith he went back to the Retreat House.
From that very moment, in fact, Beloved Ingkong and the Father in heaven ordained and consecrated Florentine according to the order of the priesthood of Melchisedec, yet a visible enrollment according to the rite instituted by the Apostles in lieu of obedience of the apostolic tradition has to still to be fulfilled in due time; and that was his priestly ordination and episcopal consecration in later years.
The Divine Presence, the Shekina – the Spirit of the Father and the Son - fulfilled His words He spoke through His prophets that in the ‘fullness of times’ He shall call His children from the islands of the sea, from the rising of the sun.
Since then, Florentine is a new person endowed with supernatural and divine abilities ordained for use in fulfilling the will of Beloved Ingkong. He began to experience miraculous and supernatural events like bilocation because Beloved INGKONG, the Holy Spirit, is using him to heal sick people, speak His words, and perform miracles and conversions of sinners; this continued for a period of one year and half. Within this period, Beloved Ingkong was preparing Maria Virginia, Florentine’s mother, for a greater mission. She, in her solemn prayer, espoused herself to Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament like her son. Her apostolates and missionary zeal as Catholic and Cursillista proved that she is a worthy vessel to contain God’s Presence, the Shekinah or the Holy Spirit, our Beloved Ingkong.
The time has come, in His great design; one peaceful evening while every one is asleep, Beloved Ingkong came and visited Maria Virginia in her room. She was awakened by coming of her Divine Visitor who at first she did not recognize other than the face of his son, Florentine. She inquired him what he needs and a light brighter than the sun fills the room, coming from within her nocturnal visitor, yet her eyes never hurt and can even see clearly His face no longer the face of his son Florentine but the Resurrected Jesus Christ.

Amazed and surprised for the unexpected Divine Visitor, in great awe she knelt and exclaimed, "My God, My God!" Then the Lord spoke to her, "Maria Virginia, from this day on, you shall take My mission for mankind." And she answered, "My God, I have nine children to support. Am I worthy than your priests and nuns?" Beloved Ingkong replied, “Maria Virginia, it is my will that should be done!” She felt such great power and so divine in Him and inspired her with great reverence and humble submission, and she exclaimed, "My Lord and My God." She was instructed, "From your clan I will start the works of the Holy Spirit, and you will call me 'INGKONG'."
Thus, how Beloved INGKONG has come and forged an everlasting covenant to Florentine and Maria Virginia;
“From your clan, I will raise the wonders of My works for the sanctification of all and My works will reach unto the farthest most part of this world."
The covenant of which is the same in its very essence to the covenant made by God Yahweh to Patriarch Jacob,
“Thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and IN THEE and thy seed, all the tribes of the earth SHALL BE BLESSED.” (Genesis 28:10-19)
And the Covenant made by our Lord Jesus Christ to His Apostles and to those who shall believe in their words. The Covenant that is written and sanctified by His own blood when He said, “This is the blood of the New and Everlasting Covenant which will be shed for you and for many for the remissions of sins! ... I will be with you always until the end of times.”
True indeed, the Covenant made by Beloved Ingkong between Him and John Florentine and his mother is one and the same and is an Everlasting Covenant.

Let this story be told several times over to as many sealed servants as possible, and let them be required to retell this foundational truth of our church and the hierarchy so as to safeguard not only our present time but in the future as well, against any heretics who shall say one day that Patriarch John and St Maria Virginia never existed, never has been instruments of God the Holy Spirit. Let all the sealed servant parents retell the story to their children and let the children retell the story to their children and friends and make it as a one great family tradition.

All honors, glory, praise and thanksgiving to our Beloved Ingkong sitted on His Throne, St Maria Virginia