The power of the Earth over human is omnipotent and if only man will use the same law that Earth or nature use to govern itself and all in it then only can man share the omnipotency of nature. Whether you accept this or not Earth and Nature is the immediate deity and God of man and this is the ancient belief and religion of man. Those were the times we exclaimed paganistic and animistic but in truth and practicality were the best times of planet earth. Nature at its pristine beauty where forests, mountains, lakes and rivers are sacred and taken cared of.
People only take from nature that which they need, day by day, not all and everything in one day. They catch when they need they do not greed nor devour more than they can consume in a day or so.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing above the surface the earth that never comes from earth. From the body we have to the food we eat and clothing we have, the car we travel with, Name at least one that never comes from the womb of nature/earth. And yet people often pray and say thanks to the God whom he never yet seen, nor touched nor heard and forsake outright the Earth that is truly god and mother.
God in Genesis commanded the first couple to TAKE CARE OF THE EARTH AND GOVERN ALL THAT ARE IN IT. It was the first MANDATE.
People only take from nature that which they need, day by day, not all and everything in one day. They catch when they need they do not greed nor devour more than they can consume in a day or so.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing above the surface the earth that never comes from earth. From the body we have to the food we eat and clothing we have, the car we travel with, Name at least one that never comes from the womb of nature/earth. And yet people often pray and say thanks to the God whom he never yet seen, nor touched nor heard and forsake outright the Earth that is truly god and mother.
God in Genesis commanded the first couple to TAKE CARE OF THE EARTH AND GOVERN ALL THAT ARE IN IT. It was the first MANDATE.