This blog is in response to the youtube video clip entitled: KULTO:PAGSIRA NG AMING SIMBAHAN posted by johnleigh00 as you can watch below. You can see the comments also at the link "pagsira ng aming simbahan"
The video shows the efforts of those who followed and stayed with the church founded by Mahal na INGKONG, the Apostolic Catholic Church, to remove the concrete wall that covered the back access door to the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity from the House of the Patriarch. No one destroys, EVER!, any of the edifices erected through the collective efforts of all “tinatakans”, especially the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, the very place where the sacred feet of our Beloved Mama and Mahal na INGKONG walked and where they taught all of us about LOVE, PARDON, AND UNITY.
The men in the video simply remove that which was not supposed to be there. The said access door was opened, as far as I can remember, for almost a decade but when a conflict of interest arose and those who separated themselves from the Patriarch and the Church of Mahal na INGKONG founded another group called CMHT, the door was intentionally closed and concretized by them.
The doors of the Church were intentionally made many to allow people to come in from any side and pray inside. I do not think it is Christian, tinatakan, or Ingkong and Mama lover’s attitude to close its door and prevent the highest authority of the Church to enter. That concrete as shown in the video was being removed by order of the Patriarch. The Patriarch should not be barred by anyone from entering the house consecrated to the worship and Ganapan of Mahal na INGKONG.
More than anybody else, more than any tinatakan there can never be higher than Apo Juan Bautista. He prepared the way of the public ministry of Mahal na INGKONG.He was the door where our Mahal na INGKONG entered in 1968/69 and found His Covenant Beloved St. Maria Virginia, and He will be the same door where our Mahal na INGKONG will exit when He completed His works. That is the time when His church is glorified and known to all the continents of the world. More than any one else He understand and he knows what our Mahal na Ingkong really desire from us.
Let us not be easily carried away by our emotions. Let us see if our anger is founded on reason, if it really comes from us or we are just being used by those people who have vested interests, and those who are using us as pawns.
The real issue here is who ordered to seal the said door with concrete and why. Mama would not say it, nor Mahal na INGKONG, not even one 'holy seal' or 'tatak' from heaven would say so. And what authority does the Patriarch have over the affairs of the church and its properties that a Barangay Tanod seemed to ignore and acted as if more powerful and authorized than him? Even before, when Beloved Mama was still with us, the said door was open and she did not say to close it right away when she dies. Who closed it and why? It is being removed because it should not be there.
And by the way, it was not the entire Cathedral which was being removed but the concrete seal of the [access] door of the Cathedral leading to the Patriarchate; door and Church or Cathedral are two different things.
It is so sad that instead of building bridges between members, many among us are making and digging rivers so that black and dirty water of disagreement can flow furiously. Anger comes from a heart full of anger and bitterness. Those who are not creative inside manifest destruction in the outside. In all these exchange of words no one wins and no one is happy, neither Beloved Mama nor any of us; be it CMHT or ACC. No mother can ever be happy to see her children fighting over a piece of nonsense.

Why can't we see and realize that the devil is using the same tactics as before - DIVIDE AND CONQUER. His mathematics is repetitive subtraction (division) while Mahal na Ingkong’s is repetitive addition (multiplication). If our intention is to divide, to do away the other, to destroy, think again, it is not of Mahal na INGKONG.
The Beloved Patriarch does not divide the tinatakans; he did not found any strange or unknown organization; ACC is in existence since 1992 but CMHT is not, it came to exist only in 2006. The Patriarch is recognized, by all from the beginning of our kaganapan until the dormitio of our Beloved Mama, as the head and the authority in matters of faith and ecclesiastical functions and administration. Separating oneself and forming another body is in no way helpful and beneficial to many.
Let the Roman Catholics shout on their rooftops in all their fiery languages that ACC is a cult. We do not need their confirmation of the kaganapan of our Mahal na INGKONG, we do not need their words to strengthen our faith in Him nor we need their approval of the kaganapan of our Beloved Patriarch. Our Church will remain standing as all other churches are trembling. The words of Beloved INGKONG thru St.Maria Virginia concerning the Apostolic Catholic Church is more than enough to fortify us.
The strange thing was that separated clergies knew those messages and they heard it. They were kneeling in every ganapan of Mahal na Ingkong and listening attentively inside the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, and some of them even recorded the messages on tapes. How about play once again those tapes and listen to them if Mahal na Ingkong mentions anything about another church or listen if you can hear anything about CMHT? It is always the truth that sets a man free.
In today's troubled times all of us must hold firmly to what was left to us by our Beloved Mama. And of all she left, aside from Her sacred relics,is the Patriarch and the only Church she knew - the Apostolic Catholic Church. No one is entitled to boast that since the sacred relics of our Beloved Mama is located in their proximity they are in the truth. Possession of a gun does not make one a policeman.
Nothing changes the fact that no other Church did our Beloved Mama know ever since until her dormitio, and everybody knows it, including all the separated clergies who are now in CMHT. Let it be known that it was through the hands of the Patriarch that those separated clergies were made worthy and received their first ordination and consecration as priests and bishops. They are, in fact, bound by ecclesiastical law to obey their Superiors, and it is within the authority of the Patriarch to discipline them as much as necessary – and they know it.

The Patriarch is the only rightful and legitimate head of the church and successor to the management of the pilgrimage center. All other lay organizations must submit, by principle and practice, to the higher ecclesiastical body, and in our case, the Church, the APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH.
You can see in the picture above that Mahal na INGKONG transfers the “crown of thorns” to our Patriarch John. This transfer signifies that he will carry the pain as the Holy Covenant suffered. He is not accepted by his own, and those whom he blessed and has given bread to eat have lifted their feet against him, and the hands he once held for prayers have clenched, ready to hit him.
In the same picture, did Beloved St. Maria Virginia or Mahal na INGKONG Himself asked the opinion and approval of the people around Him if it is alright to transfer the crown of thorns to Patriarch John? Did He consulted them? They witnessed, as you can see in the picture, the transfer of the responsibility to carry the burden signified by the crown, the same burden, that our Beloved Mama has carried on her shoulder to the Patriarch's shoulder - the welfare of the sealed servants.
Mahal na INGKONG preferred the Patriarch more than anyone else to continue what He started to our Beloved Mama - 'caro matriarcham caro est patriarcham'' the flesh of the son is the flesh of the mother'
If you, dear reader, cannot accept the things I mentioned here, would you then accept my offer that we stay friends if it seems to you that to be called brother or sister is inappropriate? I neither belong to ACC nor CMHT; I BELONG TO OUR MAHAL NA INGKONG, TO BELOVED MAMA, and TO THE PATRIARCH. I do not belong to labels and names; rather, I belong and seek to belong to the company of those who believe in the message of LOVE, PARDON, AND UNITY of MAHAL NA INGKONG, either through the lips of St. Maria Virginia or of the Holy Patriarch.
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen