This is a draft, unofficial, unapproved profession of faith of the Apostolic Catholic Church that all catechumens must accept and believe, and the faith the Sealed Servant must hold undefiled, for the good and the salvation of his soul.
The Apostolic Catholic Church professes faith as stated by the glorious Nicene Creed as follows:
I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible…
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father. Who, with the Father and the Son, is adored and glorified: Who has spoken through the Prophets, Who, according to the Holy Scripture, will reveal His new name, and that name is INGKONG, Alpha and Omega, the Spirit of God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the One seated on the throne; the Spirit of God that hovers the water; the One who filled the prophets, the disciples and the saints; the One who descended to the Lord in the form of a dove; the Spirit of the Son that indwells the baptized believer and made him His temple; the promised Paraclete, Comforter and Teacher who shall come in the Lord’s name from the Father; and that in the last days when the Seventh Angel has sounded his trumpet, ‘The One Who Lives Forever’ shall accomplish His Plan and that through Brother Florentine and Maria Virginia He started the fulfillment of the said plan through Holy Sealing and the founding of His Holy Church.
We believe in the Holy Matriarch, St. Maria Virginia P. Leonzon as the one, true, last, only Spouse of Beloved INGKONG, the throne prepared by God; mother of the Church and of the faithful next to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Theotokos; and through her, Beloved INGKONG has ministered the baptism of Fire and Spirit, the Holy Sealing; healing, conversion and sanctification of the people.
We believe that she was given the foretaste of the joys of heaven with the Holy Trinity while still in the flesh, and now, since her dormitio, she enjoys the perpetual happiness exceeding that of the saints and angels in the company of her Spouse, Beloved INGKONG. That she is unceasingly interceeding in behalf of the Church and its hierarchy, of the sealed servants and the faithful to Beloved INGKONG. And as Beloved Ingkong revealed, she is no longer to enthrone herself to anyone, for her earthly sacrifices for His mission is more than enough to understand by anyone and as her reward she was given the highest honor and glory in heaven.
We believe in the covenant made by Beloved INGKONG between Him and Brother Florentine is true and binding forever; and that the faithful obedient servants sealed by Him through St. Maria Virginia or through the Patriarch are the fulfillment of His promise to him and the Matriarch regarding the people of and the New Jerusalem.
We believe that he is the ‘other Angel’ of the last days and to whom the spirit of the Prophet Elijah and St. John the Baptizer rests; And through him Beloved INGKONG has started and shall complete His ministry and manifestation via the agency|faculty of man, and afterwards, as He repeatedly say, so shall the Church and her members meet Him in the Holy Tabernacle of the Altar and through the Holy Sacraments.
We believe in the one and only church founded by Beloved INGKONG, through St. Maria Virginia, in His Holiness Patriarch John Florentine, the Holy APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH (ACC), which is one and united with the ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH founded by our Lord Jesus Christ through His Apostles; mandated “to teach and baptize all believers in every nation in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” and to proclaim the works and words of the Holy Spirit; to sanctify all the people through the Holy Sacraments, prayers, works and sacrifices. The church that is sitted on top of the mountain whose light is seen by all. The church that preserve that which is true, holy and good of the tradition, rites, teachings and dogmas of the pre-schism and post schism councils of the Undivided Christiandom (Eastern Orthodox Church and the Western Roman Catholic Church)as confirmed by Beloved INGKONG, the Patriarch and the Magisterium of the Church. The church that promotes, encourages, and works towards Christian Unity through Ecumenism, and for attainment of peace and solidarity among men of different faith thru Dialogues and Cooperation [20.b] without compromising the truths and doctrines of Beloved INGKONG.
And in the Supremacy of the Patriarch of the Apostolic Catholic Church, Co-equal with all the other Patriarchs of the Christendom of Valid Apostolic Line of Succession, while united with the Hierarchy over matters of faith, morals, doctrines, disciplines, government of the church and the people of Beloved INGKONG – the sealed servants and the faithful. And wherever the Patriarch is so is the Church of Beloved INGKONG and St. Maria Virginia.
We believe in the Holy Seal, the mark of the Cross written on the forehead of the elect with the last drop of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in Calvary for the forgiveness of sins, for protection and victory over Satan, and for salvation, which Brother Florentine availed as an essential and integral part of the covenant between him and Beloved INGKONG.
We believe in the Holy Sealing also called ‘Baptism by fire and spirit’ as prophesied by St. John the Baptizer [30] through which man is truly reborn spiritually as declared by the Lord Jesus to Nicodemus; that through His grace and mercy the elect became ‘throne’ of the spirit of an angel or saint who came from heavenly Jerusalem whom Beloved INGKONG brings down, is now called in his new name as sealed servant; and they are commissioned to ‘renew the face of the earth’ through living and leading a holy life, and by bringing the people back to God through His Church. This is the fulfillment of the words of the Prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel and Joel, of the Prayer of the Lord, and of the mystery of God hidden in all the ages – ‘to unite all things in heaven and on earth in Jesus Christ’. AMEN+

It is written that the Holy Spirit, Himself, will reveal His new name (Apocalypse 3:12) and none among the First Christians nor any of the people of today knew about the New Name of God, lest we tell them. If not by His own design and plan, nobody, until now, will ever know His new name. Thus, we must be thankful for this blessing that through Brother Florentine and his mother, Sis. Maria Virginia, we were given the opportunity and made worthy to know the New Name of God; the name which would probably be the last of all the names to be revealed in these last days.
We learned the new name of the third Person of the Holy Trinity when He first appeared to Brother Florentine in the year 1969, a few years after the most controversial Vatican II Council that changed the Roman Catholicism significantly away from its orthodox heritage; and by the revelations He also made through Brother Florentine’s mother, Maria Virginia.
The name “INGKONG” is a Filipino term for “Great Grand Father”. This word even applies to the very first ancestral father of the clan. The Holy Bible says that all nations of the earth came from one and the same parent, Adam and Eve [Genesis 10:1-31, 32]; so, it is only fitting that the Father or the Creator of Adam and Eve, who is God Himself is our “INGKONG”. It is right that we call the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (Exodus 3:14-15) by the name INGKONG for we speak Filipino, the language of the Holy Spirit in the modern tongue; as Hebrew and Aramaic were the languages of the Father and the Son. And no matter what language we use to translate the name of “INGKONG”, we will always be led, and referred, to the same God Almighty, the Judeo-Christian YHWH, the One who was in the beginning and in the End- the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.
In the Philippine setting, the name “INGKONG”, or the person called by this name, commonly refers to an old man, a hermit, a monk, or a street beggar; the nearly-forgotten citizen of the country either living alone at home or no home at all, or the abandoned in charity houses. The Holy Spirit came as an old beggar; begging for things that God never gave us – SIN. He desires to cleanse us by taking the sins from our hearts and souls, and our disobedience, being the root causes of our separation from Him. He desires us to be holy and sanctified.

The name INGKONG is equivalent to the “Ancient of Days” of Prophet Daniel (Daniel 7: 9) whom the Hebrews called by the name “ATIQ YOMIN”, “PALAIOS HEMERON” by the Greeks, and “ANTIQUUS DIERUM” by the Latins; while Saint John the Evangelist refers to Him as “To HIM that sitteth on the throne…” (Apocalypse 5:13); “Alpha and Omega” (Apocalypse 1:8). Our Lord Jesus Christ calls Him PARACLITUS.

The Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat of God the Father, an image and figure of the real one to come.
No one sees the Father and Creator of Adam and Eve because He is a Spirit; He often uses a medium or vehicle such as an Angel appearing like man as in the case of Abraham and Jacob (Genesis 18:1-2), while He appeared to Moses in a Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-15) and in the Exodus of the Israelites, He, by His glory, appeared through a Pillar of Clouds during the day and a Pillar of Fire during the night. (Exodus 14:15-24)

The Holy Spirit found His resting place, the “Pearl of great price” (Matthew 13:45-46), His Spouse and Throne among the daughters of this Christian nation - St. Maria Virginia; and the prophecies are fulfilled that the Name of the God of Israel will be praised and glorified in the rising of the sun i.e. Orient, in the islands of the sea.(Isaiah 11:11; 24:15;42:10-12; 43:5; 59:19); where the Signing Angel will ascend (Apocalypse 7:2-3). Is not our blessed nation called The Pearl of the Orient and the Promised Land?
As mentioned earlier, God the Father is addressed by different names: “YAHWEH”, “GOD OF ABRAHAM, GOD OF ISAAC AND GOD OF JACOB”, “I AM that I AM” and, lately, “ABBA” or simply “Father in heaven”, by our Lord Jesus Christ, stands easy to remember. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father, for whom and through whom all things were made has also a personal name and that is YESHUA, or IESUS; he is also called EMMANUEL.
INGKONG, because He is the God of our ancestors (Acts 24:14); the God of the Patriarchs (Exodus 3:16) who also revealed His name as “I AM that I AM” (Exodus 3:14-15); the “Father in Heaven” of the Lord (Matthew 6:9); Saint Paul refers to Him as the PARACLETE (2 Corinthians 1:3-4); the PARACLETE, the Guide, Spirit of Truth, the Comforter as the Lord promised to come in His name (Juan 14:15-17; 16:7).
INGKONG, because the kingdom of God is not different from the human family; as the Lord Jesus taught us “Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven”. When the Lord came on earth He taught us to call God in heaven “Our Father” and later on, as His true disciples, we were told “Son, Behold thy Mother” and so we received Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, as our “Spiritual Mother”. Thus, in the great Family of God, we have our Father, our Mother, Lord and Brother, Jesus Christ and by this reason, it is also fitting that we call the Spirit of God our INGKONG, the Spirit of the Thrice Great, Thrice Holy Father of all. (Isaiah 6:3)

The Image of the Mother of Perpetual Help is the fulfillment of the Ark of the Covenant during the time of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the Lord Jesus Christ.
As God the Father, who called Himself the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob manifested Himself to Moses on the Mount Sinai through [an Angel like fire in the midst of] the ‘lowly burning bush’ (Exodus 3:1-15), to the Israelites by the Pillar of clouds and Fire (Exodus 14:15-24), and by the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:10-22); and the Son, the Eternal Word of the Father incarnated to the immaculate womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-38), was born (Luke 2:1-7), visited by the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20) and received gifts from the kings of the Orient (Matthew 2:1-12), grew as other human being (Luke 2:52), was seen, heard and touched by His disciples; and by His oppressors; preaching the beatitudes, crucified, died, resurrected, and ascended in the Mountain of Olives; so thus the Holy Spirit as one of the Divine Persons of the Most Holy Trinity shall also manifests Himself, as well, as a distinct Person to His chosen people and gathers them in the mountain of His selection.
The Athanasian creed rightly says “Qualis Pater, Qualis Filius, Qualis Spiritu Sanctus”, As the Father, so is the Son, so is the Holy Spirit. He is a Spirit, without flesh and blood, and for Him to act and perform His works and so that people may see, touch, talk and communicate with Him and Him to the people He prepared and sanctified Maria Virginia, a woman, mother of Brother Florentine, and elected her as His Throne, Covenant, and Spouse [As God the Father prepared and sanctified the Blessed Virgin Mary to become the worthy vessel of the Divine Word- Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Holy Trinity]. Through her, the third person of the Holy Trinity- Beloved INGKONG communicates His messages and fulfills what were written about Him in the Old and the New Testament. Prophet Isaiah prophesize about her:
“And a throne shall be prepared in mercy, and one shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging and seeking judgment and quickly rendering that which is just.” (16:5)
The Holy Spirit found His Resting Place, the “Pearl of great price” (Matthew 13:45-46), His Spouse and Throne among the daughters of this Christian nation - St. Maria Virginia; and the prophecies are fulfilled that the Name of the God of Israel will be praised and glorified in the rising of the sun i.e. Orient, in the islands of the sea.(Isaiah 11:11; 24:15;42:10-12; 43:5;59:19); where the Signing Angel will ascend (Apocalypse 7:2-3). Is it not that our blessed nation is called The Pearl of the Orient and the Promised Land?
The Ark of the Covenant is the Holy Spirit’s Throne, and through revelation and by the testament of His works as the Lord Jesus says”…and wisdom is justified by her children.” (Matthew 11:19); children means the fruits i.e. the works; we believe and we know, by the eyes of faith and reason that St. Maria Virginia Penaflor Leonzon is the one and only Throne of the Holy Spirit, Beloved INGKONG; prepared by the Holy Trinity before her birth, the lioness of the tribe of Judah; the crown flower of all the daughters of the descendants of the tribe of Judah; where Saint Thomas, in obedience to the Lord, findeth in the “islands of the sea“, in the Pearl of the Orient. AND AS THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OVERSHADOWED THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY AND BEGOT OUR LORD JESUS, AND THE LORD BEGOT HIS CHURCH THROUGH THE APOSTLES, SO THUS THE HOLY SPIRIT OVERSHADOW STA. MARIA VIRGINIA AND BEGOT THE SEALED SERVANTS [OF THE HOLY SPIRIT], AND THE SEALED SERVANTS HIS CHURCH, APOSTOLIC AND CATHOLIC, AND HIS CHURCH, THE NEW JERUSALEM.

The beautiful name of the Holy Covenant, Saint Maria Virginia Penaflor Leonzon reveals meaning on her real character and who she is and what she would be in the plan of God.
MARIA is composed of two words “Mar” and “IA”. Mar [is a Greek word] means ‘Sea’ and IA is the sound produced when one speaks of this word, i.e. breath or air, signifying the Holy Spirit. The name, MARIA means the breath or the Holy Spirit on the water. It reminds us of the ‘Spirit of God’ that hover the water in the story of Creation in Genesis 1, the Spirit Creator, or the Spirit of the Creator; God the Father.
VIRGINIA from the words “Virgin” and “IA”, is the union of the Virgin and the Spirit Creator thus, glorifying the Virgin with and by the power of the Spirit [IA] and has made a new creation, a new heaven and a new earth [VIRGINIA]. It is the message and meaning of the prayer VIRGEN MARIA INCARNATUS REX SANCTI PATER GUBERNATUS ILIUM NOMINE INGKONG ANIMASOLA; the prayer we used to say after Beloved INGKONG enthroned St. Maria Virginia and performed His works in the “Ganapan”.
Note: It is said to call the spirit of St. Maria Virginia to return in her material body. The V.I.R.G.I.N.I.A. prayer can be translated as follows:
PEÑAFLOR from the words “Peña” and “Flor”; Peña refers to a kind of fruit, the pineapple and this word rightly refers to its “crown”, while Flor means “Flower”. The complete name means the “Crown of flowers” or ‘the Most Fair among the flowers’.
LEONZON from two words – “Leonz-on” can be pronounced as “Lioness-on”. The tribe of Judah, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Mark the Evangelist are all symbolized by Lion in the Scripture. In and through Her life, Beloved INGKONG fulfills the events and messages of these three characters in the Holy Scripture. She with Her son Florentine caused the repentance, sanctification, and baptism by fire and spirit of the Christian believers; they caused conversion and amendments of the life of sinners.

The Ark of the Covenant of the third and last Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit who called Himself INGKONG.
The Beloved Sta. Maria Virginia is the Throne of the Holy Spirit prepared on earth by the Holy Trinity and of the Virgin Mary, mother of our Lord, to fulfill the last prophecies in the last days about the vision of the Prophet Daniel.

“The ancient of days sat...his throne like flames of fire”
The name of the Patriarch is also full of meanings. The name ‘John’ or Juan means ‘gift of God’, ‘Florentine’ means a ‘small flower’, and ‘Teruel’ from the two words ‘TERU’ and ‘EL’; by faith and grace, it was revealed to me, in meditation, that ‘Teru’ is a name [of an angel] which means ‘the writing one’ while ‘EL’ is one of the names of God.

The name of the angels of God usually ends with ‘EL’ like ‘Mi-ka-EL’, ’Ra-fa-EL’, ’Gab-ri-EL’ and the rest of all the angels. The ‘Tau’ or the letter ‘T’ in the beginning of his family name ‘T-eru-EL’ signifies his role and that is, through him, ‘God will sign His people’ with the sign of the Cross or Tau. He is God’s gift to us [John], the male flower [Florentine] of the Crown Flower of the lioness of the tribe of Judah [Peñaflor Leonzon] with the strength and potency of an angel [Teruel], preparing the way of the Holy Spirit.
And more than this, the Holy Spirit, in the Book of Revelation, speaks His words to the seven angels of the seven churches; these angels are the princes of the church, i.e. the bishops.
“The mystery of the seven stars, which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches. And the seven candlesticks are the seven churches.” Apocalypse 1:20
Sacrifice Valley is one of the barangays of the Municipality of Hermosa in the province of Bataan, Philippines. The place is elected and sanctified by Beloved INGKONG to become His Holy Mountain. As God the Father has the Mount Sinai [Horeb] and Lord Jesus Christ has the Mount Calvary, Tabor and Olive, so is the Holy Spirit has Sacrifice Valley for His Holy Mountain.
The name and location of Sacrifice Valley is meaningful. The word ‘Sacrifice’ came from two words ‘Sacri’ and ‘Ficio’; ‘Sacri’ means ‘Holy’ and ‘Ficio’ from the word ‘Officio’ or ‘Office’ which means ‘Work’, ‘Duty’ or ‘Occupation’, thus Sacrifice means ‘Holy Works’. The words ‘Sacrifice Valley’ also denotes ‘Valley of tears’ and one can find its meaning from the prayer Salve Regina, “Hail Holy Queen…to you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears…” It is the place where the thirst and longing of man for God is satisfied. The place reminds man of the sacrifices and the price of which the only begotten Son of the Father offered for his eternal salvation. The place where Beloved INGKONG through His Covenant dispenses blessings, delivers His messages and doctrines, baptizes all who approach Him with contrite heart.

The word “Hermosa” is a Spanish word which means ‘Fair’, ‘Lovely’, or ‘Beautiful’ while “Bataan” is an old Filipino word i.e. Tagalog, which means ‘Servants’ or ’Slaves’; composed of the root word ‘Bata’ and a suffix ‘an’; Bata means ‘child’ or ‘subordinate’ and the suffix ‘an’ denotes plurality, so the word ‘Bataan’ also means ‘Children’ or ‘Subordinates’. Thus the names Hermosa, Bataan may mean like ‘The Fair and Lovely Children’, or ‘The Fair Servants” among other combinations you may produce.
The name ‘Philippines’, ‘Felipe-nas’, or ‘Las Islas Filipinas’, was the name given by Ferdinand Magellan in honor of King Philip II of Spain. The inhabitants are then called by the name ‘Filipino’ or ‘Pilipino’ and it is said that the word ‘Filipino’ or ‘Pilipino’ is a marriage of the two words ‘Pili’, meaning ‘Chosen’, and ‘Pino’ which means ‘Purified’. With the coming and manifestation of Beloved INGKONG we understood that indeed, we Pilipinos are God’s ‘Chosen people’, the new Israel. Our ancestors crystallized this sympathy in our National Anthem, ‘Lupang Hinirang’ or ‘The Chosen Land’.
Our country, before the Spaniards [Portuguese] came in 1521 A.D., was called ‘MAHARLIKA’ a Sanskrit word from its original word ‘MAHARLOKA’. MAHAR means ‘Great’ and ‘Loka’ means ‘Land’ [and probably the origin of the English word Location or Local]; thus Maharloka or Maharlika means ‘Great Land’. The word MAHARLIKA also means “Royal’, ‘of Distinct and High Honor’, ‘Glorious Position’ denoting ‘Nobility’ and the like. Others say that the said word was composed of two root words which are ‘Mahal’ and ‘Likha’ which gives “Mahal ng Lumikha”.
Legend has it that once upon a time, tens of thousands of years ago, Maharlika, or the Philippines today, was part of the great continent of LeMuria –the land of mystics, philosophers, warriors, and noble people. It was indeed a great civilization ever existed on earth. The Filipino people are the descendants of the said Maharlikans; thus, in the blood of a Maharlikan Filipino runs the qualities of the great people ever existed in the planet.
Excerpt from the Book 'Sealed Servants'
This is a draft, unofficial, unapproved profession of faith of the Apostolic Catholic Church that all catechumens must accept and believe, and the faith the Sealed Servant must hold undefiled, for the good and the salvation of his soul.
The Apostolic Catholic Church professes faith as stated by the glorious Nicene Creed as follows:
I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible…
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father. Who, with the Father and the Son, is adored and glorified: Who has spoken through the Prophets, Who, according to the Holy Scripture, will reveal His new name, and that name is INGKONG, Alpha and Omega, the Spirit of God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the One seated on the throne; the Spirit of God that hovers the water; the One who filled the prophets, the disciples and the saints; the One who descended to the Lord in the form of a dove; the Spirit of the Son that indwells the baptized believer and made him His temple; the promised Paraclete, Comforter and Teacher who shall come in the Lord’s name from the Father; and that in the last days when the Seventh Angel has sounded his trumpet, ‘The One Who Lives Forever’ shall accomplish His Plan and that through Brother Florentine and Maria Virginia He started the fulfillment of the said plan through Holy Sealing and the founding of His Holy Church.
We believe in the Holy Matriarch, St. Maria Virginia P. Leonzon as the one, true, last, only Spouse of Beloved INGKONG, the throne prepared by God; mother of the Church and of the faithful next to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Theotokos; and through her, Beloved INGKONG has ministered the baptism of Fire and Spirit, the Holy Sealing; healing, conversion and sanctification of the people.
We believe that she was given the foretaste of the joys of heaven with the Holy Trinity while still in the flesh, and now, since her dormitio, she enjoys the perpetual happiness exceeding that of the saints and angels in the company of her Spouse, Beloved INGKONG. That she is unceasingly interceeding in behalf of the Church and its hierarchy, of the sealed servants and the faithful to Beloved INGKONG. And as Beloved Ingkong revealed, she is no longer to enthrone herself to anyone, for her earthly sacrifices for His mission is more than enough to understand by anyone and as her reward she was given the highest honor and glory in heaven.
We believe in the covenant made by Beloved INGKONG between Him and Brother Florentine is true and binding forever; and that the faithful obedient servants sealed by Him through St. Maria Virginia or through the Patriarch are the fulfillment of His promise to him and the Matriarch regarding the people of and the New Jerusalem.
We believe that he is the ‘other Angel’ of the last days and to whom the spirit of the Prophet Elijah and St. John the Baptizer rests; And through him Beloved INGKONG has started and shall complete His ministry and manifestation via the agency|faculty of man, and afterwards, as He repeatedly say, so shall the Church and her members meet Him in the Holy Tabernacle of the Altar and through the Holy Sacraments.
We believe in the one and only church founded by Beloved INGKONG, through St. Maria Virginia, in His Holiness Patriarch John Florentine, the Holy APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH (ACC), which is one and united with the ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH founded by our Lord Jesus Christ through His Apostles; mandated “to teach and baptize all believers in every nation in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” and to proclaim the works and words of the Holy Spirit; to sanctify all the people through the Holy Sacraments, prayers, works and sacrifices. The church that is sitted on top of the mountain whose light is seen by all. The church that preserve that which is true, holy and good of the tradition, rites, teachings and dogmas of the pre-schism and post schism councils of the Undivided Christiandom (Eastern Orthodox Church and the Western Roman Catholic Church)as confirmed by Beloved INGKONG, the Patriarch and the Magisterium of the Church. The church that promotes, encourages, and works towards Christian Unity through Ecumenism, and for attainment of peace and solidarity among men of different faith thru Dialogues and Cooperation [20.b] without compromising the truths and doctrines of Beloved INGKONG.
And in the Supremacy of the Patriarch of the Apostolic Catholic Church, Co-equal with all the other Patriarchs of the Christendom of Valid Apostolic Line of Succession, while united with the Hierarchy over matters of faith, morals, doctrines, disciplines, government of the church and the people of Beloved INGKONG – the sealed servants and the faithful. And wherever the Patriarch is so is the Church of Beloved INGKONG and St. Maria Virginia.
We believe in the Holy Seal, the mark of the Cross written on the forehead of the elect with the last drop of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in Calvary for the forgiveness of sins, for protection and victory over Satan, and for salvation, which Brother Florentine availed as an essential and integral part of the covenant between him and Beloved INGKONG.
We believe in the Holy Sealing also called ‘Baptism by fire and spirit’ as prophesied by St. John the Baptizer [30] through which man is truly reborn spiritually as declared by the Lord Jesus to Nicodemus; that through His grace and mercy the elect became ‘throne’ of the spirit of an angel or saint who came from heavenly Jerusalem whom Beloved INGKONG brings down, is now called in his new name as sealed servant; and they are commissioned to ‘renew the face of the earth’ through living and leading a holy life, and by bringing the people back to God through His Church. This is the fulfillment of the words of the Prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel and Joel, of the Prayer of the Lord, and of the mystery of God hidden in all the ages – ‘to unite all things in heaven and on earth in Jesus Christ’. AMEN+

It is written that the Holy Spirit, Himself, will reveal His new name (Apocalypse 3:12) and none among the First Christians nor any of the people of today knew about the New Name of God, lest we tell them. If not by His own design and plan, nobody, until now, will ever know His new name. Thus, we must be thankful for this blessing that through Brother Florentine and his mother, Sis. Maria Virginia, we were given the opportunity and made worthy to know the New Name of God; the name which would probably be the last of all the names to be revealed in these last days.
We learned the new name of the third Person of the Holy Trinity when He first appeared to Brother Florentine in the year 1969, a few years after the most controversial Vatican II Council that changed the Roman Catholicism significantly away from its orthodox heritage; and by the revelations He also made through Brother Florentine’s mother, Maria Virginia.
The name “INGKONG” is a Filipino term for “Great Grand Father”. This word even applies to the very first ancestral father of the clan. The Holy Bible says that all nations of the earth came from one and the same parent, Adam and Eve [Genesis 10:1-31, 32]; so, it is only fitting that the Father or the Creator of Adam and Eve, who is God Himself is our “INGKONG”. It is right that we call the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (Exodus 3:14-15) by the name INGKONG for we speak Filipino, the language of the Holy Spirit in the modern tongue; as Hebrew and Aramaic were the languages of the Father and the Son. And no matter what language we use to translate the name of “INGKONG”, we will always be led, and referred, to the same God Almighty, the Judeo-Christian YHWH, the One who was in the beginning and in the End- the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.
In the Philippine setting, the name “INGKONG”, or the person called by this name, commonly refers to an old man, a hermit, a monk, or a street beggar; the nearly-forgotten citizen of the country either living alone at home or no home at all, or the abandoned in charity houses. The Holy Spirit came as an old beggar; begging for things that God never gave us – SIN. He desires to cleanse us by taking the sins from our hearts and souls, and our disobedience, being the root causes of our separation from Him. He desires us to be holy and sanctified.

The name INGKONG is equivalent to the “Ancient of Days” of Prophet Daniel (Daniel 7: 9) whom the Hebrews called by the name “ATIQ YOMIN”, “PALAIOS HEMERON” by the Greeks, and “ANTIQUUS DIERUM” by the Latins; while Saint John the Evangelist refers to Him as “To HIM that sitteth on the throne…” (Apocalypse 5:13); “Alpha and Omega” (Apocalypse 1:8). Our Lord Jesus Christ calls Him PARACLITUS.

The Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat of God the Father, an image and figure of the real one to come.
No one sees the Father and Creator of Adam and Eve because He is a Spirit; He often uses a medium or vehicle such as an Angel appearing like man as in the case of Abraham and Jacob (Genesis 18:1-2), while He appeared to Moses in a Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-15) and in the Exodus of the Israelites, He, by His glory, appeared through a Pillar of Clouds during the day and a Pillar of Fire during the night. (Exodus 14:15-24)

The Holy Spirit found His resting place, the “Pearl of great price” (Matthew 13:45-46), His Spouse and Throne among the daughters of this Christian nation - St. Maria Virginia; and the prophecies are fulfilled that the Name of the God of Israel will be praised and glorified in the rising of the sun i.e. Orient, in the islands of the sea.(Isaiah 11:11; 24:15;42:10-12; 43:5; 59:19); where the Signing Angel will ascend (Apocalypse 7:2-3). Is not our blessed nation called The Pearl of the Orient and the Promised Land?
As mentioned earlier, God the Father is addressed by different names: “YAHWEH”, “GOD OF ABRAHAM, GOD OF ISAAC AND GOD OF JACOB”, “I AM that I AM” and, lately, “ABBA” or simply “Father in heaven”, by our Lord Jesus Christ, stands easy to remember. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father, for whom and through whom all things were made has also a personal name and that is YESHUA, or IESUS; he is also called EMMANUEL.
And as the Father has a Personal Name which is Yahweh or YHWH, and the son as YESHUA HA MASHIACH, so thus, the Holy Spirit must have a personal name, as well, and that name is INGKONG.
INGKONG, because He is the God of our ancestors (Acts 24:14); the God of the Patriarchs (Exodus 3:16) who also revealed His name as “I AM that I AM” (Exodus 3:14-15); the “Father in Heaven” of the Lord (Matthew 6:9); Saint Paul refers to Him as the PARACLETE (2 Corinthians 1:3-4); the PARACLETE, the Guide, Spirit of Truth, the Comforter as the Lord promised to come in His name (Juan 14:15-17; 16:7).
INGKONG, because the kingdom of God is not different from the human family; as the Lord Jesus taught us “Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven”. When the Lord came on earth He taught us to call God in heaven “Our Father” and later on, as His true disciples, we were told “Son, Behold thy Mother” and so we received Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, as our “Spiritual Mother”. Thus, in the great Family of God, we have our Father, our Mother, Lord and Brother, Jesus Christ and by this reason, it is also fitting that we call the Spirit of God our INGKONG, the Spirit of the Thrice Great, Thrice Holy Father of all. (Isaiah 6:3)

The Image of the Mother of Perpetual Help is the fulfillment of the Ark of the Covenant during the time of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the Lord Jesus Christ.
As God the Father, who called Himself the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob manifested Himself to Moses on the Mount Sinai through [an Angel like fire in the midst of] the ‘lowly burning bush’ (Exodus 3:1-15), to the Israelites by the Pillar of clouds and Fire (Exodus 14:15-24), and by the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:10-22); and the Son, the Eternal Word of the Father incarnated to the immaculate womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-38), was born (Luke 2:1-7), visited by the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20) and received gifts from the kings of the Orient (Matthew 2:1-12), grew as other human being (Luke 2:52), was seen, heard and touched by His disciples; and by His oppressors; preaching the beatitudes, crucified, died, resurrected, and ascended in the Mountain of Olives; so thus the Holy Spirit as one of the Divine Persons of the Most Holy Trinity shall also manifests Himself, as well, as a distinct Person to His chosen people and gathers them in the mountain of His selection.
The Athanasian creed rightly says “Qualis Pater, Qualis Filius, Qualis Spiritu Sanctus”, As the Father, so is the Son, so is the Holy Spirit. He is a Spirit, without flesh and blood, and for Him to act and perform His works and so that people may see, touch, talk and communicate with Him and Him to the people He prepared and sanctified Maria Virginia, a woman, mother of Brother Florentine, and elected her as His Throne, Covenant, and Spouse [As God the Father prepared and sanctified the Blessed Virgin Mary to become the worthy vessel of the Divine Word- Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Holy Trinity]. Through her, the third person of the Holy Trinity- Beloved INGKONG communicates His messages and fulfills what were written about Him in the Old and the New Testament. Prophet Isaiah prophesize about her:
“And a throne shall be prepared in mercy, and one shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging and seeking judgment and quickly rendering that which is just.” (16:5)
The Holy Spirit found His Resting Place, the “Pearl of great price” (Matthew 13:45-46), His Spouse and Throne among the daughters of this Christian nation - St. Maria Virginia; and the prophecies are fulfilled that the Name of the God of Israel will be praised and glorified in the rising of the sun i.e. Orient, in the islands of the sea.(Isaiah 11:11; 24:15;42:10-12; 43:5;59:19); where the Signing Angel will ascend (Apocalypse 7:2-3). Is it not that our blessed nation is called The Pearl of the Orient and the Promised Land?
The Ark of the Covenant is the Holy Spirit’s Throne, and through revelation and by the testament of His works as the Lord Jesus says”…and wisdom is justified by her children.” (Matthew 11:19); children means the fruits i.e. the works; we believe and we know, by the eyes of faith and reason that St. Maria Virginia Penaflor Leonzon is the one and only Throne of the Holy Spirit, Beloved INGKONG; prepared by the Holy Trinity before her birth, the lioness of the tribe of Judah; the crown flower of all the daughters of the descendants of the tribe of Judah; where Saint Thomas, in obedience to the Lord, findeth in the “islands of the sea“, in the Pearl of the Orient. AND AS THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OVERSHADOWED THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY AND BEGOT OUR LORD JESUS, AND THE LORD BEGOT HIS CHURCH THROUGH THE APOSTLES, SO THUS THE HOLY SPIRIT OVERSHADOW STA. MARIA VIRGINIA AND BEGOT THE SEALED SERVANTS [OF THE HOLY SPIRIT], AND THE SEALED SERVANTS HIS CHURCH, APOSTOLIC AND CATHOLIC, AND HIS CHURCH, THE NEW JERUSALEM.

The beautiful name of the Holy Covenant, Saint Maria Virginia Penaflor Leonzon reveals meaning on her real character and who she is and what she would be in the plan of God.
MARIA is composed of two words “Mar” and “IA”. Mar [is a Greek word] means ‘Sea’ and IA is the sound produced when one speaks of this word, i.e. breath or air, signifying the Holy Spirit. The name, MARIA means the breath or the Holy Spirit on the water. It reminds us of the ‘Spirit of God’ that hover the water in the story of Creation in Genesis 1, the Spirit Creator, or the Spirit of the Creator; God the Father.
VIRGINIA from the words “Virgin” and “IA”, is the union of the Virgin and the Spirit Creator thus, glorifying the Virgin with and by the power of the Spirit [IA] and has made a new creation, a new heaven and a new earth [VIRGINIA]. It is the message and meaning of the prayer VIRGEN MARIA INCARNATUS REX SANCTI PATER GUBERNATUS ILIUM NOMINE INGKONG ANIMASOLA; the prayer we used to say after Beloved INGKONG enthroned St. Maria Virginia and performed His works in the “Ganapan”.
Note: It is said to call the spirit of St. Maria Virginia to return in her material body. The V.I.R.G.I.N.I.A. prayer can be translated as follows:
Virginia –Virgin, Maria –Mary,
Incarnatus -Incarnated
Rex-King Sanctifater –Sanctifying or Sancti Pater – Holy Father
Gubernatus -Governing
Ilium- in the
Anima- Soul, Sola –One
PEÑAFLOR from the words “Peña” and “Flor”; Peña refers to a kind of fruit, the pineapple and this word rightly refers to its “crown”, while Flor means “Flower”. The complete name means the “Crown of flowers” or ‘the Most Fair among the flowers’.
LEONZON from two words – “Leonz-on” can be pronounced as “Lioness-on”. The tribe of Judah, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Mark the Evangelist are all symbolized by Lion in the Scripture. In and through Her life, Beloved INGKONG fulfills the events and messages of these three characters in the Holy Scripture. She with Her son Florentine caused the repentance, sanctification, and baptism by fire and spirit of the Christian believers; they caused conversion and amendments of the life of sinners.

The Ark of the Covenant of the third and last Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit who called Himself INGKONG.
The Beloved Sta. Maria Virginia is the Throne of the Holy Spirit prepared on earth by the Holy Trinity and of the Virgin Mary, mother of our Lord, to fulfill the last prophecies in the last days about the vision of the Prophet Daniel.

“The ancient of days sat...his throne like flames of fire”
“I beheld till thrones were placed, and the ancient of days sat: his garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like clean wool: his throne like flames of fire: the wheels of it like a burning fire. A swift stream of fire issued forth from before him: thousands of thousands ministered to him, and ten thousand times a hundred thousand stood before him: the judgment sat, and the books were opened.” (Daniel 7:9-10)
The name of the Patriarch is also full of meanings. The name ‘John’ or Juan means ‘gift of God’, ‘Florentine’ means a ‘small flower’, and ‘Teruel’ from the two words ‘TERU’ and ‘EL’; by faith and grace, it was revealed to me, in meditation, that ‘Teru’ is a name [of an angel] which means ‘the writing one’ while ‘EL’ is one of the names of God.

The name of the angels of God usually ends with ‘EL’ like ‘Mi-ka-EL’, ’Ra-fa-EL’, ’Gab-ri-EL’ and the rest of all the angels. The ‘Tau’ or the letter ‘T’ in the beginning of his family name ‘T-eru-EL’ signifies his role and that is, through him, ‘God will sign His people’ with the sign of the Cross or Tau. He is God’s gift to us [John], the male flower [Florentine] of the Crown Flower of the lioness of the tribe of Judah [Peñaflor Leonzon] with the strength and potency of an angel [Teruel], preparing the way of the Holy Spirit.
And more than this, the Holy Spirit, in the Book of Revelation, speaks His words to the seven angels of the seven churches; these angels are the princes of the church, i.e. the bishops.
“The mystery of the seven stars, which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches. And the seven candlesticks are the seven churches.” Apocalypse 1:20
Sacrifice Valley is one of the barangays of the Municipality of Hermosa in the province of Bataan, Philippines. The place is elected and sanctified by Beloved INGKONG to become His Holy Mountain. As God the Father has the Mount Sinai [Horeb] and Lord Jesus Christ has the Mount Calvary, Tabor and Olive, so is the Holy Spirit has Sacrifice Valley for His Holy Mountain.
The name and location of Sacrifice Valley is meaningful. The word ‘Sacrifice’ came from two words ‘Sacri’ and ‘Ficio’; ‘Sacri’ means ‘Holy’ and ‘Ficio’ from the word ‘Officio’ or ‘Office’ which means ‘Work’, ‘Duty’ or ‘Occupation’, thus Sacrifice means ‘Holy Works’. The words ‘Sacrifice Valley’ also denotes ‘Valley of tears’ and one can find its meaning from the prayer Salve Regina, “Hail Holy Queen…to you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears…” It is the place where the thirst and longing of man for God is satisfied. The place reminds man of the sacrifices and the price of which the only begotten Son of the Father offered for his eternal salvation. The place where Beloved INGKONG through His Covenant dispenses blessings, delivers His messages and doctrines, baptizes all who approach Him with contrite heart.

The word “Hermosa” is a Spanish word which means ‘Fair’, ‘Lovely’, or ‘Beautiful’ while “Bataan” is an old Filipino word i.e. Tagalog, which means ‘Servants’ or ’Slaves’; composed of the root word ‘Bata’ and a suffix ‘an’; Bata means ‘child’ or ‘subordinate’ and the suffix ‘an’ denotes plurality, so the word ‘Bataan’ also means ‘Children’ or ‘Subordinates’. Thus the names Hermosa, Bataan may mean like ‘The Fair and Lovely Children’, or ‘The Fair Servants” among other combinations you may produce.
The name ‘Philippines’, ‘Felipe-nas’, or ‘Las Islas Filipinas’, was the name given by Ferdinand Magellan in honor of King Philip II of Spain. The inhabitants are then called by the name ‘Filipino’ or ‘Pilipino’ and it is said that the word ‘Filipino’ or ‘Pilipino’ is a marriage of the two words ‘Pili’, meaning ‘Chosen’, and ‘Pino’ which means ‘Purified’. With the coming and manifestation of Beloved INGKONG we understood that indeed, we Pilipinos are God’s ‘Chosen people’, the new Israel. Our ancestors crystallized this sympathy in our National Anthem, ‘Lupang Hinirang’ or ‘The Chosen Land’.
Our country, before the Spaniards [Portuguese] came in 1521 A.D., was called ‘MAHARLIKA’ a Sanskrit word from its original word ‘MAHARLOKA’. MAHAR means ‘Great’ and ‘Loka’ means ‘Land’ [and probably the origin of the English word Location or Local]; thus Maharloka or Maharlika means ‘Great Land’. The word MAHARLIKA also means “Royal’, ‘of Distinct and High Honor’, ‘Glorious Position’ denoting ‘Nobility’ and the like. Others say that the said word was composed of two root words which are ‘Mahal’ and ‘Likha’ which gives “Mahal ng Lumikha”.
Legend has it that once upon a time, tens of thousands of years ago, Maharlika, or the Philippines today, was part of the great continent of LeMuria –the land of mystics, philosophers, warriors, and noble people. It was indeed a great civilization ever existed on earth. The Filipino people are the descendants of the said Maharlikans; thus, in the blood of a Maharlikan Filipino runs the qualities of the great people ever existed in the planet.
Excerpt from the Book 'Sealed Servants'