Having a block rosary is one of the apostolates of the sealed servants. This is one of the best opportunities to spread the teachings and messages of Mahal Na INGKONG and to conduct healing and deliverance as well.
Some Guidelines
A block rosary which can be initiated by any sealed servant should be blessed by the priest of Mahal na Ingkong; valid priest from the Order of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit,OMHS.
Spiritual Director
The priest will then become their Spiritual Director or Confessor. It follows then, that at least once a month each officers and members of the Block should approach their priest for confession and to recieve Holy Communion.
The Altar
The altar should consist of the following: An image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Crucifix, Beloved Mama's image or picture, Mahal na Ingkong's image, vessels or appropriate container for holy water, holy oil, and salt, incense and frankincense, candelabrum, and Holy Bible. The Altar should not sit together or adjacent with a television or obscene pictures etc. Obscene pictures should be removed and burned, with the consent of the home owner, before the enthronement of the sacred images. Advise them that it is required to fully recieve the blessings and the benefits of the BVMary's visit.
Traditionally, altar is located in the East in such a way that people faces the East. The Golden Legend says that Christ was crucified facing the West, so our fathers faces the East when they pray. Catholics were also buried, traditionally, facing the East, while the priest facing the west as they shall account to the people in the day of judgement. Church altar and tabernacle was also located in the East and facing the West.
Before the sacred images are enthroned to the table, a white table cloth used only for this activity should be placed on top of all other table cloths. This table cloth should have some embroidery bearing the words "Ave Maria Purissima Cin Pecado Con Su Vida" , Mahal Na Ingkong, and Apostolic Catholic Church - Order of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (OMHS). These will help the homeowners identify us and one way of spreading and promoting our faith in Mahal Na Ingkong. You should be ready to answer inquiries and explain the meaning of all these words to them which is the other goal of conducting a block rosary - to evangelize. Evangelization by the way we speak, the way we act and by our deportment i.e. proper attire.
The altar must be blessed with water and incensed.
Blessing of the house
The house should be blessed by sprinkling of the Holy Water and Incense beginning from the altar to all the rooms, accompanied and with the consent of the home owner, and ending at the altar. The people gathered were also blessed. All this should be done while singing the Christus Vincit. The appointed sealed servants, in absence of the priest, may do the sprinkling of the holy water, and the incense. Water should be replenished and covered after use. Remove the covers of oils, water, salt during prayer.
Perpetual Candle
An electric candle light should always be on to give the sacred image light all the times even without lighted wax candles.
Evangelization Talk
At least 20-30 minutes talk should be given to the homeowners and to all that gathers about Who we are, what we believe, what we do, who is Mahal na Ingkong, what is His Church, Who is the Patriarch, who are the men and women called in His service - the OMHS, what are the messages and teachings of Mahal na Ingkong, of St. Maria Virginia, of the Patriarch.
While in the Block, do not talk or open issues which is not related to Kaganapan.
As much as possible, everybody should be home by 8pm. So it is always good to start the block rosary by 5:30pm or at most by 6pm and finish by 7:30pm so that by 8pm everybody are already home. As far as I can recall, M.Ingkong said that all Auxiliaries especially young ones should be home before 8pm for security reason. Each female sealed servant should be accompanied when going home especially during the night after the ganapan.
The Shibboleth
Always use the greetings "Ave MAria Purissima" to start and end a talk, or if somebody would like to speak and get noticed.
Always use the ACC-OMHS prescribed prayer or Guide for Block Rosary.
Deportment | Attire
As much as possible, all ladies or girls should be in their proper attire and covered with white veil during the prayer and the procession. If you anticipate several bisita then it is always nice to keep good number of spare veils for their use.
Angelita and Angelito including small children should be arranged to kneel near the altar followed by the Hijas de Maria, Querubin, Serafines then APO.
The Marshall
At least one sealed servant should act like Marshall or guard of the gathering and to direct the traffic during the procession.
Distribution of Religious Articles| Materials
The Block Rosary is one of the best opportunities to distribute Religious articles like blessed Rosaries, medals, pamphlets or reading materials about our Church and Mahal na Ingkong, Holy Messages among others.
Making of Rosaries
Officers and Members of the Block Rosary may also start a drive to make Rosaries. They may ask donations from the APOs of their toka or region or they may, from their own pocket as a sacrifice, purchase beads and strings. Though, however, by the members ingenuity they can make rosaries out of local and readily available materials. We, here in Saudi Arabia, use polyester string in making Rosaries and the cross because religious articles are not allowed. We also use Tile Spacer ,which is in the form of a cross, for the cross of the rosaries. Everything are done in secret. Catholics here are like the primitive Catacomb Church.
Something about the Rosary
Rosary or prayer beads, when properly blessed and consecrated, are all useful in directing our prayers to God thru the Blessed Virgin Mary and is a very powerful sacramental. Certain indulgences are attached in Praying the Rosary as well as to the other sacramental you may wish to attach in this wonderful chain. You may use as your rosary crucifix the Saint Benedict Crucifix; the miraculous medal as your center medal after the Glory Be.

It is widely believed and proved true that the Saint Benedict Cross is a powerful sacramental of the Catholic Church against evil spirits and witches while the Miraculous Medal, through the agency of our B.V.Mary and St. Maria Virginia, Beloved Ingkong pours graces in our soul.

The intervention of the Miraculous Medal facilitates the conversion of many hardened sinners and make all Block Rosary a truly sanctifying experience.
Monthly Mass
The Block Rosary should conduct a mass specially or only for all the homeowners who were visited. They may be invited to give offerings. As much as possible, the Block Rosary speakers or evangelizers should be able to explain the need for Confession and Communion to the homeowner so that before the Holy Mass, they can confess and later received Holy Communion. Introduce them to our priest and let them be assured of our perpetual inclusion in prayers and petitions.
Officers Regular Meeting
All the officers and members of the Block should meet regularly on specific date, time and place. The meeting place should not be at the home where the Block is. They should meet on pre-selected and announced house of one of the sealed servants or officers. Plans and issues should be discussed and faithfully recorded.
The meeting should start by the Invocation of the Mahal na Ingkong - the Holy Spirit, 5 decades of the Holy Rosary, A Spiritual Reading from the Messages of Mahal na Ingkong or listening to taped message, a short reflection, checking of attendance, reporting of other activities or apostolates performed, discussion of current issues and concerns, Reflection Sharing and lastly the Closing Prayer. The format of the meeting can be discussed as well by all members of the block, including the officers, and submit the same for comments and approval to the Spiritual Director.
Any issues and concerns should not be discussed in the visited home especially if homeowner are not yet sealed servants.
Prayer Log Book
The group may keep a Log Book of all the visited homes and their petitions. This book should be kept and be mentioned during the "Paghahandog". Like, "Mahal naming Ingkong inihahandog po namin sa iyo ang mga panalangin at kahilingan ng aming mga kapatid na kanilang isinulat sa log book na ito. etc.." So, for every home that the block will be visited, ask the homeowners to write down their petitions - Thanksgiving, Health Recovery, Dead, Special Intentions, etc.
The Blessing of the Oil, Water and Salt
The holy oil, water,and salt should be blessed and consecrated as much as possible by the priest before using. Although, by virtue of the holy sealing and the power of Mahal na Ingkong a sealed servant may bless the oil, water and salt as well. He can do this by solemnly invoking the name of Mahal na Ingkong, St. Maria Virginia and St. John the Baptist like:
Hold the water vessel and extend your right hand over it, palm facing downward and may say "Purihin at Luwalhatiin ka O Mahal na Ingkong, ikatlong persona ng Iisang Diyos na maylikha ng kalahat lahatan. Isinasamo ko po na hingahan ninyo at bendisyunan ang tubig [asin] na ito upang maging banal na aming magamit sa aming pagba block Rosary na ito. Na puspusin nyo po ng inyong kapangyarihan na saanman ito maibendisyun, maiwisik na binabanggit ang inyong pangalan at inaawit ang Christus Vincit ay mapalayas nito ang lahat ng kaaway ng kabanalan at kabutihan at magsitakas palayo ang mga kaaway ng iyong mga tinatakan at hinirang. Santa Maria Virginia, banal na Luklukan ng Diyos Espiritu Santo, Mamang at ina naming mga tinatakan, idalangin nyo po at kami ay inyong samahan, San Juan Bautista hipan nyo po at hawakan ang tubig na ito. Isinasamo ko po sa ngalan ng Makapangyarihang Diyos, Ama, Anak, at Espiritu Santo. Aleluya Aleluya Aleluya."
Hold the oil and say "Purihin at Luwalhatiin ka O Mahal na Ingkong, ikatlong persona ng Iisang Diyos na maylikha ng kalahat lahatan. Isinasamo ko po na hingahan ninyo at bendisyunan ang langis na ito upang maging banal na aming magamit sa aming pagba block Rosary na ito. Na puspusin nyo po ng inyong kapangyarihan na saanman ito ipahid at isulat ng pa-krus habang binabanggit ang inyong pangalan ay ipagkaloob ninyo ang kagalingan hindi lamang ng lupang katawan kundi pati na din ng kanilang Espiritu at kaluluwa. Santa Maria Virginia, banal na Luklukan ng Diyos Espiritu Santo, Mamang at ina naming mga tinatakan, idalangin nyo po at kami ay inyong samahan, San Juan Bautista hipan nyo po at hawakan ang langis na ito. Mahal na Birheng Maria, ina ng P. Hesus at Esposa ng Espiritu Santo ipanalangin mo po kami. Isinasamo ko po sa ngalan ng Makapangyarihang Diyos, Ama, Anak, at Espiritu Santo. Breath Aleluya Aleluya Aleluya to the oil."
Breath on it|them thrice tracing the Cross, ask also another sealed servant to breath on it. If there are many sealed servants, seven auxiliaries or apo will do.
Please get back, i might add some more in this posting. Ave Maria Purissima!