The moment we say to ourselves we are willing to be sealed by the holy sign of the cross we submit ourselves to certain precepts and disciplines of the sealed community i.e. the Church; and once we were formally signed and accepted through the rite of Holy Sealing, conducted by Mahal na Ingkong through the agency of the Patriarch or of our St. Maria Virginia, we became a disciple. Disciple of certain discipline of a certain precept, bound to a certain obligation and responsibilities to dispose for the common good of the community. We [should] learn to sacrifice personal interest and gratifications including ambitions which might be detrimental to the health of the majority. In short, we learn to think and envision the greater community while acting and doing our individual part and role.
Though we may not be religious men or women by the virtue of our holy sealing we are called to be holy, obedient, chaste and pure.
Remain United With Him
The very time, after our holy sealing, Mahal na Ingkong clearly said " Ako ang inyong puno kayo ang aking mga sanga. Ang sanga ay dapat nakakabit sa puno. Ang sanga ay hindi dapat mabali o mapigtal. Mapipigtal lamang kayo kung kayo ay magkakasala. At ang sangang napigtal at nahiwalay sa puno ay matutuyo. Ang sangang natuyo ay iginagatong sa apoy. Kung kaya nga manatili kayo sa akin mga anak." He was stressing to us that our life as sealed servant is directly connected to Him. Our ability to produce divine goodness and fruits are directly dependent in Him. We cannot do outside of Him, outside of His grace and protection.

Unity to His Church
When our Beloved Mama St. Maria Virginia is still with us, through her, Mahal Na Ingkong was always asking us to support His Church - Apostolic Catholic Church, to receive the holy sacraments through His clergies - the OMHS clergies. The authority, power and mandate resides in the Church as a whole and not in individual member of the priesthood. Thus, any clergy or religious who disconnect oneself willfully from the Church disassociated himself from the community and severe the channel of grace, authority and the power he once enjoyed and exercise.
They will be like policeman removed from service. Their authority to arrest and to command in the name of the Law and Government was removed from them. Yes, they may still have their old police uniforms, their shoes, their hats and the name of being a police. But in the eyes of Law they are no longer policemen. They still know the laws, of course, it was not removed from them but they can no longer exercise it.
As much as the life of the branch and the ability of the flower to mature into fruit resides within sustenance provided by its connection to the tree i.e. Vine.
Thus, it is so important and essential to the our life as sealed servant to be united with the Church. For what reason does our Lord Jesus Christ founded a Church if not for the sake of continuing His mission on earth for He knows His time is near. If, perhaps, Mahal na Ingkong did not establish a Church and organize a Religious Congregation before He took our Beloved Mama in 2005, the more I suppose will be the divisions among the sealed servants. For many shall lead, many shall claim to be in possession of [imaginary] authority on the basis of their personal contact with the Holy Covenant. It is the Church who shall continue the mission of Mahal Na Ingkong as much as the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ were united in only one Faith and Church.
The moment we are cut-off from from His Church we lose this grace communicated by our connection and unity with the tree. We are officially cut off when Mahal na Ingkong pronounces it either through the lips of our Beloved St. Maria Virginia or the Patriarch, or through the Patriarch himself by the power vested upon Him by Mahal Na Ingkong and of the "Apostolic Tradition and Laying of Hands" he received as Bishop, Visible Founder and Patriarch of the Church. Is there a way to return - YES, repentance and acceptance of the mistake and sin and a firm resolve to amend one's life.
Sin No More
We were also told "Huwag na kayong magkakasala". We should exert our efforts not to commit sin, not to provoke Him to anger, not to tempt our spirit seal or tatak to distance themselves from us and lose protection. There is no greater sin than to say that Sin is Good and Confession is a thing of the ignorant past. We should preserve the purity and cleanliness we received when He totally wiped out and cleansed our soul from all the sins we have since our birth and the last good confession.
Personal Sanctification, Pagninilay, Santo Rosaryo, Sta Misa atbp
The personal sanctification of the sealed servants are dependent on the following: prayer and devotional life, study, and apostolate. The first is prayer and devotional life which includes personal and community prayer and devotions. This includes as well the receiving of the Sacraments. Secondly is study, this includes bible study, church history, apologetics, mariology, christology and ecclesiology. Thirdly, is the Apostolate, this includes visitation of the sick, the dying, the jailed or imprisoned, serving at home for the aged, teaching catechism, block rosaries, distribution of religios materials like pamphlets about our Church and the Messages of Mahal Na Ingkong. Traditionally, the prayerbook we are using is the GABAY or GUIDE, the cursilista mini prayer book. Start to use them from cover to cover. It contains essential devotions and information about our faith.
Block Rosary
Of all the apostolates, the Block Rosary is your best, if not the only, way to propagate the teachings of Mahal Na Ingkong. I ask you to prepare holy oil, water and salt, these can be used for healing and other spiritual related activities. But again, you should always get in touch with your parish priest to receive proper instruction and guidance. Block Rosary is also your means to distribute religious materials.
The Holy Mass
The spiritual life of the sealed servants lie in exercising and practicing spiritual activities. On top of these activities is the regular attendance to the Holy Mass celebrated by our very own clergy, the OMHS. If a sealed servant knows that there is an on-going mass celebrated by our own priest yet he attended other mass like the Roman priest Mass, he is guilty of unbecoming a sealed servant.
If there is no mass or no OMHS priest in his place and he knows that there are masses going on in Roman priest mass or orthodox mass he may attend without committing guilt. However, if the priest of the said church do not give him communion because he was known to be a sealed servant do not trouble yourself as Mahal na Ingkong said - He will bless for you a piece of bread and coffee [which you prepared] in your home to become for you His body and blood. This latter is ONLY WHEN THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN RECEIVE THE PROPER COMMUNION. Like for instance in places where the practice of Christian Catholic Faith is forbidden or in places where sealed servants are stigmatized as heretical and non catholic and that the local roman priest abhor them. In short, ATTEND AND VALUE THE MASS CELEBRATED BY OUR OWN OMHS CLERGIES.
Please take note, though we may attend the holy mass celebrated by the Roman priest we are bound to obey the sealed servant discipline in attending masses i.e. decency and proper deportment like proper attire for men, and the woman including veil. We are not allowed to receive the Corpus on our hand because by so doing we incur two things: first, we commit sacrilege, and secondly we do not actually receive the real presence of the Lord because Mahal Na Ingkong will leave from it.
The Superiority of our Clergies
Our clergies are no ordinary priest for the following reasons: they are empowered and mandated by the apostolic tradition through the Patriarch and by the Holy Spirit Himself, our Mahal na Ingkong. Their power and authorities are coming from two sources; the one that passes through the laying of hands handed by the Apostles to their successors, and from Mahal Na Ingkong. The Roman priests and other catholic churches with valid apostolic tradition possess but one source of grace - that is through the laying of hands. Their name was changed according to their like and selection while the sealed servant's new name was given by God Himself, the name of blessed spirit from heavenly Jerusalem.
The source of all graces is the Holy Spirit including the laying of hands. But this transference and communication of authority and mandate is only possible if the communicator is not cut off (excommunicated) and if the rite or ritual used is valid. Say for example, the new rites of the Consecration of Bishop and the ordination of priest after the Vatican II according to critics and scholars does not confer, in fact and in principle, the full power of the bishop and the priest. Thus, the Roman priest who was ordained using the new rite of ordination is disarmed of two powers - the power to forgive sins in the name of Christ, and the power to turn the bread and wine into the very body and blood of Jesus. In addition, the new order of the mass as well has diminished the mass from sacrificial, atonement for both the living and the dead into a memorial banquet only. Our clergies, since they are not affected by these, possess the same power and authorities as the pre Vatican II priests. They can effect the forgiveness of sins of both the living and the dead, they, by the power of the Holy Spirit can effect the transubstantiation.
Our critics will say that most of our priests does not passes through formal seminary training or education. Priesthood is not a display of intellectual prowess. Priesthood is all about humility, obedience, and boldness to the truth. The primary functions of the priest is to lead people to God and sanctity through the holy sacraments of the Church, seven in numbers. The centering of one's life in the abundant graces flowing from the Communion Table, and the Holy Confession. We are at the same period as the Apostles of our Lord. The Apostles listened, watched and learned the teachings and miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ and these what they started to preach everywhere. As much as we listened and learned from Mahal Na Ingkong from the lips of Beloved Mama or the Patriarch. All of us, not alone the clergies, are responsible and under obligation to preach about Mahal na Ingkong and His Church.
Nature and Environmentally Aware
So, the above paragraphs deals about the spiritual aspect of being a sealed servant. Now, we should not forget the other important role we should perform as missionary of the Holy Spirit. And that is to take care as conscious Steward of Nature.
The Nature's Basilica in Sacrifice Valley which our collective efforts and sacrifices through the inspiration of Mama St. Virginia was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Basilica is a concrete proof that Mahal Na Ingkong desire us to realize the importance of taking care of nature. It is true that all things are coming from Him but we should understand that it is through the agency of Nature that we received them; the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and many other things. Mahal Na Ingkong loves nature. The coming of the Holy Spirit changes the face of the earth - and one of those faces is Nature. Nature includes all that are here even before we are born, even before we are sealed. The coming of the Holy Spirit is to remove the curse of the earth it once received due to the sins of the first parents, Adam and Eve.
How will the Holy Spirit shall change the face of the earth? He will change it through the agency of the elementals such as the fire, the water, the earth, and the air; and through all living beings including humans especially us, sealed servants. Earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, fire, floods and all other catastrophic environmental events the Holy Spirit is changing the earth - cleansing and purifying not only the elements but also the hearts and souls of men and women. It is through major cataclysmic events that the finer and tender emotions of the hearts of men are awakened and pushes to action- setting aside differences.
As a sealed servant, we should take care of our immediate sorrounding. We have to give concrete proof of our being a conscious and proactive individual sealed servant. How? It is said, cleanliness is next to Godliness. Let us be clean and neat not only with our soutane but also with all the places we used to have ganapan. Keep the in and outside of the Shrine of Ina Poon Bato clean, keeping and taking care that all things are in their proper place. Taking care of the plants of our Toka's image in the NAture's Basilica either by doing it ourselves or by financially supporting the caretakers. All these should also reflect in our own homes and houses and to all that we get in contact.
Ingkong bearer
We carry the holy name of Mahal Na Ingkong, as such, we should extend our help and assistance to those who are close and near to us. If we give them bread let us teach them as well how to bake bread or in familiar saying " give them net and teach them to fish". We are not social workers, said Mother Theresa. Social workers do gives assistance and help to those who are distressed while Mother Theresa gives Jesus through her acts of charity. We, as sealed servant, should give the love of the Holy Spirit. They should smell the fragrance of Mahal Na Ingkong through our words and works. They should feel and be convinced that sealed servant is unique and are really doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways.
Please get back, I might be adding more to this post.