To become a sealed servant one must be sealed by Beloved INGKONG. And to receive the Holy Sealing, one must be a baptized catholic or orthodox Christian – this is the pre-requisite for all the other Holy Sacraments of the Church. By principle and practice, each man who wishes to become a sealed servant must be in the state of grace; his act is born of free will, believes in the doctrine of Beloved INGKONG, and understands the duties and responsibilities associated with receiving the spirit-seal. Thus, it is advised that a desiring person should join or associate himself with the Block Rosary of the sealed servants, attend Holy Masses officiated by the clergies of the Apostolic Catholic Church, attend one of Beloved INGKONG’s ‘Ganapan’ and hear His ‘Mensahe’ – these activities will prepare him in becoming a sealed servant. It is also helpful if he associated himself with a pious and obedient sealed servant and asked him questions about the holy faith.
The candidate should pass through ‘Comprohan’, a usually overnight gathering designed to instruct the would-be sealed servants of what it is to become a ‘tinatakan’, prior to the ‘Ganapan of Juan Bautista’, the baptism for repentance. Those who passed the test and baptism of Juan Bautista are confirmed to be worthy, by the holy water, to proceed to the next stage and summit of the process – the Baptism of Fire and Spirit by Beloved INGKONG – the “Holy Sealing”.
Beloved INGKONG searches the heart and soul of man and woman, thus He knows who is really worthy for such a great blessing. Some were denied, or delayed, the reception of the holy seal. Oftentimes these are due to some un-confessed mortal sins like abortion, witchcraft, and murder among others. These are sins which generally fall under the violation of any or all of the Ten Commandments. They were not absolutely denied the holy seal; the door will still and always be opened for them. All they have to do is amend their lives, be converted, confess, do penance and sacrifices in reparation for their sins.
Abortion and other Crimes
Those who committed abortion were asked to confess and do penance for their sins by praying the 15 mysteries of the Holy Rosary with arms outstretched in the form of a cross while holding candles [on both hands] and attend daily masses. These should be done for thirty (30) consecutive days for each aborted human being. This applies to everybody who consented to the commission or accomplishment of this great crime; this includes the mother, the husband or the man, and the doctor.
Those who practiced witchcraft prior to the holy sealing and still have somebody suffering from their spells or rituals must remove, dispel and nullify the spells that caused other people’s suffering – be it physically or mentally. Those who received amulet, talisman or occult literatures such as satanic bible, Masonic books and similar items which are contrary to the Catholic and Orthodox Faith are asked and required to renounce and surrender these items to the feet of Beloved INGKONG or to the appointed person of the Church prior to the holy sealing. These items must be exorcised and burned in the name of the Holy Trinity, of the Lord Jesus Christ and Beloved INGKONG. And for other sins, Beloved INGKONG pronounces His judgment and the penance to the person on how he can repair his sins.

The Holy Sealing is the “Baptism of Fire and Spirit” prophesied by St. John the baptizer (Matthew 3:11). It is where and when, Beloved INGKONG sprinkles and washes the person’s spirit with the water of life (Ezekiel 36:25); He renews, restores and strengthens the person’s conscience, fills the consecrated space within him with abundant graces and writes on his forehead the sign of the cross (Ezekiel 9:4; Apocalypse 3:12; 7:3) with the last drop of the blood of Jesus Christ in Calvary (Hebrew 9:12,14,22), availed by Brother Florentine during his encounter with Beloved INGKONG at the seminary, for the forgiveness of his sins committed from his last good confession (and those forgotten ones since childhood, or the age of reason, and were not confessed) “sins he will no longer take an account in the day of judgment” (Message of Beloved INGKONG); He is reborn and is a now a new creation like a newborn babe (John 3:5-7; 2 Corinthian 5:17); And becomes a “throne” of a blessed spirit whom Beloved INGKONG brings down from the heavenly Jerusalem (Hebrews 12:22-23) and enthrones in him (Apocalypse 3:12) who becomes his spiritual guide and helper called “Spirit-seal” - the guarantee of his salvation and eternal life - being the fulfillment of the words of the prophets Joel and Ezekiel (Joel 2:28; Ezekiel 11:19-20;36:26-27) in addition to his Guardian Angel and the “indwelling spirit”.

The Spirit-seal is the spirit that cooperates with the man, the one that reminds, teaches, shows and reveals truths in man’s spirit in the form of intuition, “guts” feelings and through other special, though supernatural, manifestations. The Spirit-seal indwells the man [in his physical body] and cohabits with his own spirit such that there are two spirits that dwells in his faculties [as a person i.e. personality]; and with regards to who will have the upper hand depends on the will of the person or the urgency of the divine intervention when his eternal salvation is at stake.

An APO is a throne of the spirit of one of the saints produced of the Eastern or Western Christianity (Hebrew 12:22-23) from places like Jerusalem [Israel], Antioch [Syria], Alexandria [Egypt], Avila, Rome [Italy], Constantinople [Istanbul, Turkey], Moscow [Russia], Sienna [Italy], Padua [Italy],Thessalonica [Macedonia], Malabar [Kerala, India], and Ephesus [Turkey] among others.
To the spirit-seals belong the spirits of the patriarchs, saints, martyrs, confessors, and virgins. In the early years of the public ministry of Beloved INGKONG, He enthroned the spirits of the Patriarchs like Moses and Aaron; the spirit of Saint Expeditus among others. There are about hundreds of thousands to million martyrs in the Eastern Christianity alone, not to mention the many saints of the Western Christianity, who were either beheaded, burned at the stake, or fed to the blood-thirsty lions of the Coliseum in Rome. The spirits of the early Christians were enthroned by Beloved INGKONG to the sealed servants in fulfillment of His promise, when He was with His Disciples as our Lord Jesus Christ, to those who eat His flesh and drink His blood – ‘he will raised them up in the last days’ (John 6:1-34,35-59).
The sealed servant is the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to the early saints of Christianity, they are raised from the spirit world, from the heavenly Jerusalem, re-clothed them with the flesh of the living, i.e. the sealed servants, to inspire them to holiness and courageous faith, and to wage battle against the powers of darkness; whose evil spirits have enthroned – possessed – poor and wretched souls. These days are the battle of those who are possessed by the holy spirits and those possessed of the evil ones. Saints are not only those who were proclaimed by the Church and we know the names of, there are countless martyrs who gave up their lives for the sake of the holy faith.
Beloved INGKONG made known and enthroned to His young sealed servants, for the reason of their childlikeness and purity, the following angels as spirit-seals: HIJAS DE MARIA, QUERUBIN, SERAFINES, ANGELITO, and ANGELITA- these are called ‘Auxiliaries’. While the psychologically-matured and physically-able bodies are enthroned the APO, MUSKITEROS, SIETE (7) ARKANGHELES, KUATRO (4) BASTON, and KUATRO (4) ALAS.
The name HIJAS DE MARIA can be literally translated as ‘Daughters of Mary’. These are holy spirits within the rank of first choir of angels, they are the angels specially appointed to assist and serve the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The ALAS are powers representing the Four Holy Evangelists namely Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and representing as well the four elements namely Fire, Air, Water, and Earth.
The BASTON are the powers that guards the four cardinal directions (North, South, East and West). They are the spirits that encircles the throne of God on earth such as the Holy Covenant, St. Maria Virginia, and now, the Holy Patriarch. They encircle the throne for the purpose of protecting it with their potent'baston'.
THE MUSKITEROS are the thrones of the horsemen of the Apocalypse.


The ANGELITO and ANGELITA are the angels of the same rank as the QUERUBIN, SERAFINESand Hijas de Maria except that their purity and child-likeness fits them to be enthroned to children.
In the past, Beloved INGKONG, through the Holy Covenant, also enthroned a class of spirit-seal called LEGIONARIES to the sealed servants; but after some time He recalled and returned them to heavenly Jerusalem. These latter spirit-seals are Spirits of the order within the hierarchy of the Angels. There are, as well, DOSE (12) APOSTOLES, MARIAS and JUANS; these are the “Spirit Escorts” of Beloved INGKONG who once ministered to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Mother and John the Baptizer. The MARIAS are for the Covenant, St. Maria Virginia, and the JUANS are for the Patriarch, John Florentine.

Note: Beloved INGKONG through the Holy Patriarch, aside from the clergies, ordained, empowered and mandated the 7 ARKANGHELES, JUANS, and the 12 APOSTOLES to administer the Holy Sacraments as per His message in the first quarter of the year 2008.
To become a sealed servant one must be sealed by Beloved INGKONG. And to receive the Holy Sealing, one must be a baptized catholic or orthodox Christian – this is the pre-requisite for all the other Holy Sacraments of the Church. By principle and practice, each man who wishes to become a sealed servant must be in the state of grace; his act is born of free will, believes in the doctrine of Beloved INGKONG, and understands the duties and responsibilities associated with receiving the spirit-seal. Thus, it is advised that a desiring person should join or associate himself with the Block Rosary of the sealed servants, attend Holy Masses officiated by the clergies of the Apostolic Catholic Church, attend one of Beloved INGKONG’s ‘Ganapan’ and hear His ‘Mensahe’ – these activities will prepare him in becoming a sealed servant. It is also helpful if he associated himself with a pious and obedient sealed servant and asked him questions about the holy faith.
The candidate should pass through ‘Comprohan’, a usually overnight gathering designed to instruct the would-be sealed servants of what it is to become a ‘tinatakan’, prior to the ‘Ganapan of Juan Bautista’, the baptism for repentance. Those who passed the test and baptism of Juan Bautista are confirmed to be worthy, by the holy water, to proceed to the next stage and summit of the process – the Baptism of Fire and Spirit by Beloved INGKONG – the “Holy Sealing”.
Beloved INGKONG searches the heart and soul of man and woman, thus He knows who is really worthy for such a great blessing. Some were denied, or delayed, the reception of the holy seal. Oftentimes these are due to some un-confessed mortal sins like abortion, witchcraft, and murder among others. These are sins which generally fall under the violation of any or all of the Ten Commandments. They were not absolutely denied the holy seal; the door will still and always be opened for them. All they have to do is amend their lives, be converted, confess, do penance and sacrifices in reparation for their sins.
Abortion and other Crimes
Those who committed abortion were asked to confess and do penance for their sins by praying the 15 mysteries of the Holy Rosary with arms outstretched in the form of a cross while holding candles [on both hands] and attend daily masses. These should be done for thirty (30) consecutive days for each aborted human being. This applies to everybody who consented to the commission or accomplishment of this great crime; this includes the mother, the husband or the man, and the doctor.
Those who practiced witchcraft prior to the holy sealing and still have somebody suffering from their spells or rituals must remove, dispel and nullify the spells that caused other people’s suffering – be it physically or mentally. Those who received amulet, talisman or occult literatures such as satanic bible, Masonic books and similar items which are contrary to the Catholic and Orthodox Faith are asked and required to renounce and surrender these items to the feet of Beloved INGKONG or to the appointed person of the Church prior to the holy sealing. These items must be exorcised and burned in the name of the Holy Trinity, of the Lord Jesus Christ and Beloved INGKONG. And for other sins, Beloved INGKONG pronounces His judgment and the penance to the person on how he can repair his sins.
The Holy Sealing, Spirit-seal, and the Sealed Servant

The Holy Sealing is the “Baptism of Fire and Spirit” prophesied by St. John the baptizer (Matthew 3:11). It is where and when, Beloved INGKONG sprinkles and washes the person’s spirit with the water of life (Ezekiel 36:25); He renews, restores and strengthens the person’s conscience, fills the consecrated space within him with abundant graces and writes on his forehead the sign of the cross (Ezekiel 9:4; Apocalypse 3:12; 7:3) with the last drop of the blood of Jesus Christ in Calvary (Hebrew 9:12,14,22), availed by Brother Florentine during his encounter with Beloved INGKONG at the seminary, for the forgiveness of his sins committed from his last good confession (and those forgotten ones since childhood, or the age of reason, and were not confessed) “sins he will no longer take an account in the day of judgment” (Message of Beloved INGKONG); He is reborn and is a now a new creation like a newborn babe (John 3:5-7; 2 Corinthian 5:17); And becomes a “throne” of a blessed spirit whom Beloved INGKONG brings down from the heavenly Jerusalem (Hebrews 12:22-23) and enthrones in him (Apocalypse 3:12) who becomes his spiritual guide and helper called “Spirit-seal” - the guarantee of his salvation and eternal life - being the fulfillment of the words of the prophets Joel and Ezekiel (Joel 2:28; Ezekiel 11:19-20;36:26-27) in addition to his Guardian Angel and the “indwelling spirit”.

The Spirit-seal is the spirit that cooperates with the man, the one that reminds, teaches, shows and reveals truths in man’s spirit in the form of intuition, “guts” feelings and through other special, though supernatural, manifestations. The Spirit-seal indwells the man [in his physical body] and cohabits with his own spirit such that there are two spirits that dwells in his faculties [as a person i.e. personality]; and with regards to who will have the upper hand depends on the will of the person or the urgency of the divine intervention when his eternal salvation is at stake.
After the Holy Sealing you will be called in your new title and name. You will be known, more so in the spiritual realm, as “Sealed Servant”, “Tinatakan”, “Binasbasan” or through the name of his Spirit-seal like APO. The name or word APO is an abbreviation of the Latin ACCEPTAVIT POTESTATIS OMNIPOTENTI.

An APO is a throne of the spirit of one of the saints produced of the Eastern or Western Christianity (Hebrew 12:22-23) from places like Jerusalem [Israel], Antioch [Syria], Alexandria [Egypt], Avila, Rome [Italy], Constantinople [Istanbul, Turkey], Moscow [Russia], Sienna [Italy], Padua [Italy],Thessalonica [Macedonia], Malabar [Kerala, India], and Ephesus [Turkey] among others.
In a sense, all sealed servants of Beloved INGKONG may be generalized under the name APO, for it means person who received power and grace from the Omnipotent God.
To the spirit-seals belong the spirits of the patriarchs, saints, martyrs, confessors, and virgins. In the early years of the public ministry of Beloved INGKONG, He enthroned the spirits of the Patriarchs like Moses and Aaron; the spirit of Saint Expeditus among others. There are about hundreds of thousands to million martyrs in the Eastern Christianity alone, not to mention the many saints of the Western Christianity, who were either beheaded, burned at the stake, or fed to the blood-thirsty lions of the Coliseum in Rome. The spirits of the early Christians were enthroned by Beloved INGKONG to the sealed servants in fulfillment of His promise, when He was with His Disciples as our Lord Jesus Christ, to those who eat His flesh and drink His blood – ‘he will raised them up in the last days’ (John 6:1-34,35-59).
The sealed servant is the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to the early saints of Christianity, they are raised from the spirit world, from the heavenly Jerusalem, re-clothed them with the flesh of the living, i.e. the sealed servants, to inspire them to holiness and courageous faith, and to wage battle against the powers of darkness; whose evil spirits have enthroned – possessed – poor and wretched souls. These days are the battle of those who are possessed by the holy spirits and those possessed of the evil ones. Saints are not only those who were proclaimed by the Church and we know the names of, there are countless martyrs who gave up their lives for the sake of the holy faith.
Beloved INGKONG made known and enthroned to His young sealed servants, for the reason of their childlikeness and purity, the following angels as spirit-seals: HIJAS DE MARIA, QUERUBIN, SERAFINES, ANGELITO, and ANGELITA- these are called ‘Auxiliaries’. While the psychologically-matured and physically-able bodies are enthroned the APO, MUSKITEROS, SIETE (7) ARKANGHELES, KUATRO (4) BASTON, and KUATRO (4) ALAS.
The name HIJAS DE MARIA can be literally translated as ‘Daughters of Mary’. These are holy spirits within the rank of first choir of angels, they are the angels specially appointed to assist and serve the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The ALAS are powers representing the Four Holy Evangelists namely Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and representing as well the four elements namely Fire, Air, Water, and Earth.
The BASTON are the powers that guards the four cardinal directions (North, South, East and West). They are the spirits that encircles the throne of God on earth such as the Holy Covenant, St. Maria Virginia, and now, the Holy Patriarch. They encircle the throne for the purpose of protecting it with their potent'baston'.
THE MUSKITEROS are the thrones of the horsemen of the Apocalypse.


The ANGELITO and ANGELITA are the angels of the same rank as the QUERUBIN, SERAFINESand Hijas de Maria except that their purity and child-likeness fits them to be enthroned to children.
In the past, Beloved INGKONG, through the Holy Covenant, also enthroned a class of spirit-seal called LEGIONARIES to the sealed servants; but after some time He recalled and returned them to heavenly Jerusalem. These latter spirit-seals are Spirits of the order within the hierarchy of the Angels. There are, as well, DOSE (12) APOSTOLES, MARIAS and JUANS; these are the “Spirit Escorts” of Beloved INGKONG who once ministered to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Mother and John the Baptizer. The MARIAS are for the Covenant, St. Maria Virginia, and the JUANS are for the Patriarch, John Florentine.

Note: Beloved INGKONG through the Holy Patriarch, aside from the clergies, ordained, empowered and mandated the 7 ARKANGHELES, JUANS, and the 12 APOSTOLES to administer the Holy Sacraments as per His message in the first quarter of the year 2008.
- You should express your desire to be sealed to an APO or Auxiliary who will assist you along the way.
- Receive Holy Sacrament as required
- Fill up Registration Form and submit to the person in charge/office.
- Attend and participate in night-long study called Comprohan wherein you will know initially the foundation doctrines of Beloved Ingkong and His Church
- Attend and pray during the Ganapan ng Mahal na Ingkong through the Patriarch
- If you are worthy, you will receive your Holy Seal.
Now as member of the Church you are encouraged to fulfill your obligations:
- Pray the Holy Rosary, the Angelus, Pagninilay, Scripture Reading and Reflection
- Attend Holy Mass celebrated by ACC-OMHS or ACC-OMJF clergies
- Attend Feast Days celebration in EDSA or in Sacrifice Valley
- If you are currently employed: support the church financially by your tithes and donations
- Share and Proclaim the messages of Beloved Ingkong through your own life example, personal sanctifications.
- Keep in touch with your District/ Regional officer and the assigned priest/bishop in your area.
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