Ave Maria Purissima!

We believe in third Divine Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit. We believe that His name is INGKONG and as our sign of love and respect we call Him MAHAL NA INGKONG.
It cannot be denied that our Mahal na Ingkong made His first corporeal appearance and covenant with the Seminarian Florentine Teruel in 1968 at the San Jose Major Seminary in Ateneo de Manila University. Mahal na Ingkong was using the young Florentine, then about 18 years of age, in fulfilling His mission. And through him Mahal na Ingkong elected Maria Virginia, Florentine's able mother, to be His Tabernacle. Mahal Na Ingkong reinforced His covenant, as what He said to Florentine, that through them the world will receive the blessings of God, the New Jerusalem and the Holy Sealing, and that the Third Testament will be written.
During the infancy of the Sacrifice Valley Kilusang Katoliko (SVKK), at the small chapel made of light materials,later renovated with concrete, both in the Old Sacrifice Valley and in the 'Kubo' near the house of Mama Virginia, prior to the present Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity; Holy Mass and the other Catholic Sacraments were administered to the sealed servants by the Roman Catholic Priest. For a considerable period of time, the SVKK is under the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bataan.
For some reasons, the Diocese of Bataan stopped serving the SVKK. The community was left without any valid priest to celebrate the Holy Mass. This necessitates the continuance of Florentine, Apo Juan Bautista, into priesthood with blessings of Mahal na Ingkong and his mother, Mama Viring. He received his ordination and was later consecrated Bishop. Being a bishop he possessed the fullness of the priesthood as that of the Apostles. By the grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit, Bishop John Florentine was elevated as Patriarch, mandated to lead the First International Sacrifice Valley Apostolic Catholic Church or FISV-ACC. He received the same power and authority as do the Apostles, "to go and preach the Good News, baptizing all who will believe in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"
As a Bishop, as it was said, he has the power and authority as do the Apostles, he created with Mama Virginia and Mahal na Ingkong's blessings the Order of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (OMHS), and he cause to be erected the Saint John the Baptist Seminary, the Convent for the aspiring religious women, and the schools. He represented the community of sealed servants in almost all civic and religious organization both local and abroad. He battled legally, side by side with Mama Viring, in the forefront against those who called our organization a Cult. He even, representing the Church, filed libel case against Korina Sanchez who in His Balitang K said that we are a killer cult. And just recently with the Bishop of Novaliches (Bp. Tobias) whom I overheard had already express regret and shake hands with the Patriarch due to his Pastoral Letter concerning ACC.
He caused the organization to be enlisted among the respected ecumenical churches in the Philippines, the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) and has met in several occasions various dignitaries of the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) including the late Jaime Cardinal Sin among others. He made his way to the influential policy makers in our Government which, but not limited to, has earned him and his mother, St Maria Virginia, various honors and distinctions.
Since 1992, Patriarch John Florentine Teruel with his mother was never been tired of improving not only the spiritual life of the sealed servants, but also their financial standing he inspired them to engage in honest business. He even released most of his personal funds as working capitals which in some cases were not returned. He believes in the capacity of the sealed servants, he empowered them and motivated them to become self-reliant. He is not without critics of his strategies but never was it known that run away and keep silent of the ill-mouthed sour graping critics- he faced them with honor, dignity and squarely.
If the late Patriarch John Paul II and Benedict XVI are travelling Heads of the church, so thus, Patriarch John Florentine, he travelled to Canada, to the United States of America, in Great Britain, Japan and Hongkong and in several regions of the Philippine Island bringing the Good News and Messages of Beloved Ingkong; inspiring the people of the Holy Spirit to be united under one legitimate Church and Patriarch.
Everybody is indebted to Beloved Patriarch John Florentine for the initiative and the canonization of our Beloved Mama Viring as Saint, the first saint of the Church of Beloved Ingkong, the Apostolic Catholic Church. Can anyone imagine how much resolve and faith to make one humble woman a saint by her own son? Who among the sealed servants has made his father or a mother a saint, at least, in his life?

There is no other church sitted in Sacrifice Valley than the Apostolic Catholic Church. It is not the Apostolic Catholic Church who left or abandon something. The Patriarch, with Beloved Ingkong's permission, left for the meantime Sacrifice Valley to prevent further troubles and problems with the dissenters. There were, as in all other organization - spiritual or human, people who is vested with interest and ambitions which is in most cases contrary to the general good.
The FISVKKInc which is our umbrella organization is a lay organization and it is not a Church. During the time we do not have a Church and priests we come to the Roman Catholic Church - unfortunately most of us experienced to be denied of the Holy Eucharist. Beloved Ingkong gave us a Church through Apo Juan Bautista. He gave us a Congregation, the OMHS. By principle, any lay organization is subject to the rules and administration or control of the Church hierarchy -specifically with the Bishop or Patriarch. Dissenters believed otherwise. They claimed that the legacy of Santa Maria Virginia have to be taken cared of at all cost.
The greatest legacy of Saint Maria Virginia is OBEDIENCE to the will of Mahal na Ingkong. Since the foundation of ACC up to the death of the physical body of the Holy Covenant, she never heard of any legitimate church of Mahal na Ingkong - but the APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH and the Patriarch John Florentine as the legitimate head. There is no greater sealed servant who has dedicated his or her entire life for the mission of Mahal na Ingkong after St.MAria Virginia but the beloved Patriarch.
Most of the dissenters keep silent, others rallied followers with them, others formed a new group, and other formed their own church- totally unknown and without verifiable and concrete blessings of the Holy Covenant, whom they claimed they are keeping her legacy. The legacy of St. Maria Virginia is the messages of Mahal na Ingkong that " All the churches will fall except His Church, the Apostolic Catholic Church" - hear for yourself all the recorded voiced tapes, see for yourself all the pictures on whose church logo is kneeling and with Mahal na Ingkong.

We believe in third Divine Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit. We believe that His name is INGKONG and as our sign of love and respect we call Him MAHAL NA INGKONG.
It cannot be denied that our Mahal na Ingkong made His first corporeal appearance and covenant with the Seminarian Florentine Teruel in 1968 at the San Jose Major Seminary in Ateneo de Manila University. Mahal na Ingkong was using the young Florentine, then about 18 years of age, in fulfilling His mission. And through him Mahal na Ingkong elected Maria Virginia, Florentine's able mother, to be His Tabernacle. Mahal Na Ingkong reinforced His covenant, as what He said to Florentine, that through them the world will receive the blessings of God, the New Jerusalem and the Holy Sealing, and that the Third Testament will be written.
During the infancy of the Sacrifice Valley Kilusang Katoliko (SVKK), at the small chapel made of light materials,later renovated with concrete, both in the Old Sacrifice Valley and in the 'Kubo' near the house of Mama Virginia, prior to the present Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity; Holy Mass and the other Catholic Sacraments were administered to the sealed servants by the Roman Catholic Priest. For a considerable period of time, the SVKK is under the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bataan.
For some reasons, the Diocese of Bataan stopped serving the SVKK. The community was left without any valid priest to celebrate the Holy Mass. This necessitates the continuance of Florentine, Apo Juan Bautista, into priesthood with blessings of Mahal na Ingkong and his mother, Mama Viring. He received his ordination and was later consecrated Bishop. Being a bishop he possessed the fullness of the priesthood as that of the Apostles. By the grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit, Bishop John Florentine was elevated as Patriarch, mandated to lead the First International Sacrifice Valley Apostolic Catholic Church or FISV-ACC. He received the same power and authority as do the Apostles, "to go and preach the Good News, baptizing all who will believe in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"
As a Bishop, as it was said, he has the power and authority as do the Apostles, he created with Mama Virginia and Mahal na Ingkong's blessings the Order of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (OMHS), and he cause to be erected the Saint John the Baptist Seminary, the Convent for the aspiring religious women, and the schools. He represented the community of sealed servants in almost all civic and religious organization both local and abroad. He battled legally, side by side with Mama Viring, in the forefront against those who called our organization a Cult. He even, representing the Church, filed libel case against Korina Sanchez who in His Balitang K said that we are a killer cult. And just recently with the Bishop of Novaliches (Bp. Tobias) whom I overheard had already express regret and shake hands with the Patriarch due to his Pastoral Letter concerning ACC.
He caused the organization to be enlisted among the respected ecumenical churches in the Philippines, the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) and has met in several occasions various dignitaries of the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) including the late Jaime Cardinal Sin among others. He made his way to the influential policy makers in our Government which, but not limited to, has earned him and his mother, St Maria Virginia, various honors and distinctions.
Since 1992, Patriarch John Florentine Teruel with his mother was never been tired of improving not only the spiritual life of the sealed servants, but also their financial standing he inspired them to engage in honest business. He even released most of his personal funds as working capitals which in some cases were not returned. He believes in the capacity of the sealed servants, he empowered them and motivated them to become self-reliant. He is not without critics of his strategies but never was it known that run away and keep silent of the ill-mouthed sour graping critics- he faced them with honor, dignity and squarely.
If the late Patriarch John Paul II and Benedict XVI are travelling Heads of the church, so thus, Patriarch John Florentine, he travelled to Canada, to the United States of America, in Great Britain, Japan and Hongkong and in several regions of the Philippine Island bringing the Good News and Messages of Beloved Ingkong; inspiring the people of the Holy Spirit to be united under one legitimate Church and Patriarch.
Everybody is indebted to Beloved Patriarch John Florentine for the initiative and the canonization of our Beloved Mama Viring as Saint, the first saint of the Church of Beloved Ingkong, the Apostolic Catholic Church. Can anyone imagine how much resolve and faith to make one humble woman a saint by her own son? Who among the sealed servants has made his father or a mother a saint, at least, in his life?

There is no other church sitted in Sacrifice Valley than the Apostolic Catholic Church. It is not the Apostolic Catholic Church who left or abandon something. The Patriarch, with Beloved Ingkong's permission, left for the meantime Sacrifice Valley to prevent further troubles and problems with the dissenters. There were, as in all other organization - spiritual or human, people who is vested with interest and ambitions which is in most cases contrary to the general good.
The FISVKKInc which was our umbrella organization is a lay organization and it is not a Church.
The FISVKKInc which is our umbrella organization is a lay organization and it is not a Church. During the time we do not have a Church and priests we come to the Roman Catholic Church - unfortunately most of us experienced to be denied of the Holy Eucharist. Beloved Ingkong gave us a Church through Apo Juan Bautista. He gave us a Congregation, the OMHS. By principle, any lay organization is subject to the rules and administration or control of the Church hierarchy -specifically with the Bishop or Patriarch. Dissenters believed otherwise. They claimed that the legacy of Santa Maria Virginia have to be taken cared of at all cost.
By principle, any lay organization is subject to the rules and administration or control of the Church hierarchy -specifically with the Bishop or Patriarch.
The greatest legacy of Saint Maria Virginia is OBEDIENCE to the will of Mahal na Ingkong. Since the foundation of ACC up to the death of the physical body of the Holy Covenant, she never heard of any legitimate church of Mahal na Ingkong - but the APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH and the Patriarch John Florentine as the legitimate head. There is no greater sealed servant who has dedicated his or her entire life for the mission of Mahal na Ingkong after St.MAria Virginia but the beloved Patriarch.
Most of the dissenters keep silent, others rallied followers with them, others formed a new group, and other formed their own church- totally unknown and without verifiable and concrete blessings of the Holy Covenant, whom they claimed they are keeping her legacy. The legacy of St. Maria Virginia is the messages of Mahal na Ingkong that " All the churches will fall except His Church, the Apostolic Catholic Church" - hear for yourself all the recorded voiced tapes, see for yourself all the pictures on whose church logo is kneeling and with Mahal na Ingkong.