Sunday, September 12, 2021

Ang Simbahan ay Dapat ding mag-ikapu sa Tao


There are several passages in the Old Testament that directs the children of Jacob to give tithes to the Lord through the priest for the upkeep of the temple and the priesthood.
This commandment to tithe was forgotten or no longer strictly followed and obeyed by the majority of the people hence the temple was forsaken and so is the priesthood. This was the time the Spirit moved the prophets to speak out about the situation and tells the people what the Spirit prompted him to speak.
The prophet Malachi condemned the children of Israel in forsaking the house of the God YHWH while keeping their homes big and large while others are having difficulties in their life.
Does the people of the New Testament obligated to keep the tithing? There is no passage in the Gospel that tells the people to tithe directly spoken by Adonai Yeshua.
There was an instance Adonai single out the generosity of the old widow woman who reached out to her pocket the last and only coin she have and drop it to the donation box in the temple. He said, the old woman's donation is far greater in amount though it was only a coin than all the hundreds and thousands the rich people ever gave to the temple.
Why it is so, asked the disciples? Her coin is a symbol of all her great generosity because it is her last and only coin yet she overcame her fear of want and instead she gave it to Adonai.
Those who love much give much and their rewards are equal to their generosity. It is the meaning of it all.
Yes there is no mention of tithing in the Gospel not even among the letters of Paul nor to the Acts of the Apostles but there is far greater commandment to the disciples in terms of required generosity to the works of Adonai.
There was the story of this young rich business man who asked to follow the Lord. The Adonai told him that if you wish to follow me, sell all your belongings, distribute the proceeds to the poor, come back carry your cross and follow me. In there the young man got sad because indeed he was rich materially and his ATTACHMENT to it prevents him to come and follow Adonai.
The Apostles themselves left their houses, their farm and cattle, their families and their works to follow Adonai. And since they left all these and their new found work is preaching they would not have so much time to earn materially. So, to support their ministry, the Adonai commanded those who would like to follow this ministry to sell their belongings and gave to the ministry. Here is the reason why later on the Apostles appointed and anointed deacons so these deacons can take and manage the material things of the organization. It was also because of the death of Judas Iscariot who was the treasurer of the ministry.
( It was alleged in other writings (not recorded in the Gospel) that it was Judas who bought the perfume and gave it to Mary Magdalene as gift because Judas loved Mary Magdalene. So when, Mary broke the bottle and bathe the Adonai with perfume one of the Apostles, Judas I believe, broke out and said, that's a waste that perfume can be sold in high price and readily can be given to the poor. But in turn, Adonai Yeshua commended what the woman did and said, ALL HER SINS ARE FORGIVEN FOR SHE LOVED MUCH.
She loved much and she have no ATTACHMENT to the monetary value of the perfume, her love have such greater quantity than the greatness of the perfume and since the perfume and her tears are all she have in possession - she broke and pour it to Adonai Yeshua.
Now, Judas Iscariot have to recover, in one way or the other, the money he used to purchased the perfume. There follows the story of the silver coins. )
Let me go back to the main topic of Tithing.
In the Acts of the Apostle there was this couple who promised to sell their lands and give the proceed to the Apostles but they lied, they never gave the proper amount as they promised. Apostle Peter knew this by the power of the Holy Spirit, he got angry and instantly the couple died as if struck by lightning, one after the other.
The New Testament, indirectly commanded the disciples not about tithing but ALL-THINGS.
1. The old woman gave her only and last coin. It is her ALL.
2. The Lord asked the young man to SELL ALL, give to the poor and follow me. The old
3. Mary Magdalene broke the most expensive perfume and her tears and GAVE ALL to the Lord.
4. The Apostles required those who promised to GIVE ALL to really GIVE ALL and no reservation.
Today, many find it difficult to TITHE and I presume that it will even more difficult if not impossible to GIVE ALL.
Tithing, today was used by many bible reading pastors to lure people to the idea of giving tithes will mean prosperity. Tithe is a seed money and the Adonai will give you back more money. Money money money.
Tithing is a commitment and to Give ALL is far greater commitment.
BUT, I HAVE MY BUT, if people be required to tithe today by the pastors, priests or the Church I believe the people are entitled also to their tithes from the pastors, priests and the Church.
Yes, the people is not the only one who is required to tithe. The pastors, priests and the church are also required to tithe to the people.
The people gave their tithe of their income to support the priest and the church in their ministry of providing the spiritual need of the people. Hence, they are required to give THE TITHE OF THE INSPIRATION, TEACHINGS, ENCOURAGEMENTS, UPLIFTMENT, EMPOWERMENT to the people.
The people are not milking cows of tithes to fatten the priests and decorate materially the temple and the priests are not employed tax collectors nor accountants. YWHW do not need money YHWH needs the love of the people who express it in the form of money or anything they can, in heartfelt non-attached generosity. It is the temple that needs these money. It is the priest that is in need of this money for their vestments, for the things in the temple, for the upkeep of the temple and many other material necessities. YHWH needs nothing from man but love like the love of children to their parents. A return of love for love.
But a true loving parent will never scare their children that they will go to hell nor live in hell if they never give back something to them. True loving parent gives and gives and gives all to their children expecting no material reward from the children - ONLY LOVE.
Pastors, priests, churches there is nothing wrong to tax follower of tithes but they should receive back from you the tithes they also require to live and continue to be a subscriber of your faith system. Tithe them with inspiration, teachings, encouragements, uplift their spirit and their mind, their soul; empower them to live their life to the fullest.
You do not have to tell they are not worthy because neither you are worthy - no one is worthy; rather remind them of their value of being the image of YHWH that no angels were made so.
You do not have to scare them just to force them to give for their lives have been in perpetual force and pressure from all directions. Their poverty and want need no explanation why they are already living in fear. Fear that no meal to follow after this.
You do not have to remind them of hell because their daily life is almost hell. Tell them of heaven. Tell them of the joy of being with the Lord. And since, you, like them, are living in the same situation and have not experience yourself the joy of heaven so you find it easy to share your own hell to add another degree of hell to other people.
Give them the tithe of good teachings not the latest telenobela happenings, not showbiz stories but CHRIST STORY. People are watching almost every hour what are happening in telenobelas what they infrequently hear and understand are the gospel and its message relevant to today challenges.
Motivation by fear and intimidation no longer appeals to grown up believers. People grew in fear in their homes the true Church and pastors should instead plant the seeds of hope and courage among these broken souls so they can live up to what the loving Father wants of them.
THE PEOPLE ALSO NEED TITHES FROM THE CHURCH. If tithes be the seed of the people for abundant blessings then let the Church and her priests, pastors give their tithes to the people so the church will receive a hundredfold new members - the true blessings of a church that is truly blessed.