Sunday, December 5, 2010


Q1: "are the members of your congregation not really allowed to wear jeans and t-shirts? what if they are just on a nightout or a drinking session? or in a beach party perhaps?

Q2: how true is it that the Holy Spirit is actually the LOVE between Mary and Jesus as stated by the priest of the Catholic Church. therefore there cant be an Ingkong because if the holy spirit is love...then its just an emotion...not something which would enter to a body of a human being and send messages that would make thousands of fanatics believe that the New Saviour has come...

Q3: how did Mary made that "appeal" to all women to honor her attire when in fact itsnot even written on the bible?

Q4: how is wearing of women with jeans contribute to the destruction of our planet? is it not because of pollution and environment related issues?.. and not due to "improper" attire per se?

Q5: due to temptations? i dont think all men would esily get attracted to girls who wear jeans and tshirts. its the new trend of our society today. our Pope is not even against it. i mean "easily"... well im not against the rules if your group but you just seem weird uhmm...if im on a drinking session wid my friends or on a beach party do i still need to wear palda and blouse? i dont think anyone would be cm4tble wid dat.


Today, I logged in to ACC-OMHS website and scrolled over the Shout-it box at the left pane of the page. I am happy to see someone, a visitor, posting questions about our practices and rules. Beloved INGKONG bless her, she is called to discover who we really are and who we really follows.

I invite you to read my reposts on Modesty as taught by the Bible, the Church, and the Saints.