The following are courtesy of His Grace Bishop Filippo,D.D.,OMHS of the USA. It is very timely that all of us should know how to address and conduct ourselves in the presence of our dedicated and consecrated men and women constituting our church. All clergies are representative and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and of Mahal na Ingkong. If we respect political and government officials in civil and cultured manner so we, sealed servants, are expected to do the same for our clergies and religious. For through them, through their hands we are receiving the true real presence of the body and blood of our Lord, and through their lips we received the sweet and kind words of absolution - forgiveness of our sins.
Let us then read, learn and start the good instructions you will find below. Cheers!
Addressing a Clergy in the Apostolic Catholic Church
Note that priests and their superiors and religious should be treated with the utmost respect. The rules of etiquette that apply when dealing with people of different social standing apply here as well, for example: during introductions, laymen are introduced to priests or their superiors and religious (e.g., "Father, I present Mrs. Doe. Mrs. Doe, this is Father Smith."); clergy and religious should be seated at the right hand of a host (or hostess, as the case may be); at social gatherings, they should be seated in the place of honor, etc.
A note on kneeling:
* Kneel on the left knee for persons (Kings, Bishops, Archbishops, Patriarchs, Cardinals, Popes, etc.);
* Kneel on the right knee for Christ in the tabernacle;
* Kneel on both knees when the Eucharist is exposed.
For our very own and sole ACC Patriarch, His Holiness Patriarch John Florentine Teruel, PP, OMHS

For our beloved Archbishops

For our beloved Bishops

For our beloved Monsignors

For our beloved Priests

For our Deacon/ Sub Deacon

For our Monastics

For our Religious Brother

For our Beloved Mother General

For our Sisters and Religious

For our Nanay Maria

NOTE: Nanay Maria’s are not ordained as a Religious. Theirs are a title of honor befitting their role as Church Elders and to take care of the Auxiliary members of the Church.
For the Deaconess

NOTE: The title, “Deaconess/Diyakonesa”, for a spouse/wife of a Clergy is a title of honor, befitting her important role in the support of her husbands’ priestly duties. This is not to indicate that she is an ordained person.
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