To the Contemporary Church
[Confessions of Hell]
A literal text of the revelations made by the demons Beelzebub, Judas Iscariot, Akabor, Allida, and Veroba during a series of exorcisms' from 1975 to 1978 A translation from the French, by Nancy Knowles Smith, of the book 'Avertissements de l'Au'delà à l’Église Contemporaine – Aveux de l’Enfer’ by Jean Marty.
The revelations have also been published in German by Bonaventure Meyer in Switzerland. Jean Marty's book in French is available from 'Les Editions Saint Raphael, 31 Ouest, rue King, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J IH INS.
Part One.
August 14, 1975.
August 14,1975.
August 17, 1975.
October 31, 1975.
January 12, 1976.
February 5, 1976.
March 30,1976.
According to the divine revelations made to Veronica Lueken, Seer of Bayside' N.Y. during the last decade, there has been a hidden Modernist revolution in the Vatican. The papacy of Pope Paul VI was overthrown by apostate and traitorous ecclesiastics. The leaders of this revolution were named at Bayside as Cardinal Jean Villot (now deceased) former Vatican Secretary of State; Cardinal Giovanni Benelli and Cardinal Agostino Casaroli. The latter is the Secretary of State under the present Pope John Paul 11. Benelli, if elected, would have been the 'Anti‑Christ' pope. These men and numerous other ecclesiastical traitors made Pope Paul V1 a prisoner. In his place they installed an Imposter Pope, a priest who was a fine actor. By means of skilful plastic surgery he was made to appear very like the true Pope and taught to imitate his voice and mannerisms. (FOR EXORCISM REVELATIONS ON THE IMPOSTOR POPE, READ PART 2...)
Pope Paul VI was given poisonous injections, which weakened and paralyzed him. They censored and changed his documents and letters, and thus perverted and falsified the teaching of the whole Church.
For a concise and masterly summary of these points, purchase the booklets “Mass” Deception. The Catholic Bishops' plot to Destroy The Mass' and 'Thou Art Peter'... A Pope in Chains... Under A Forged Papal Decree... A Bishops Mass” both by Louis A. Post and available for 60 cents each from Americans for Public Morality, Box 145, Norwood, Mass. 02062.
For an in-depth analysis of these matters consult the following books of Michael Davies: “Cranmer's Godly Order”; “Pope John's Council”; “Pope Paul's New Mass”; “Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre”, “The Order of Melchisedech” ‑ a defense of the Catholic Priesthood; “Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre” and “Pope Paul's New Mass” are available from The‑Angelus Press, Box 1187, Dickinson, Texas 77539. The other books are available from the Remnant Press, 2539 Morrison Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55117.
It was revealed to Veronica Lueken and is confirmed in the following revelations of the demons, that these ecclesiastical traitors have Masonic and Communist connections. The Christian religions have been infiltrated by Masons and Communists with the sole aim of destroying Christ's Church from within. Many have now reached positions of eminence and power, and have been able to bring the church to its present tragic state.
The following work confirms many of the Bayside revelations. The book essentially exposes the remarks and gestures made by a possessed woman in Switzerland during 1975‑1978. Speaking through the possessed woman, the demons were forced to tell the truth by Our Lady under the Solemn Church Exorcism, which was witnessed by the following priests who have all expressed their conviction of the authenticity of the revelations made by the demons upon the order of the Blessed Virgin.
1. Abbot Albert‑l`Arx, Niederbuchorten
2. Abbot Arnold Elig, Ramiswil
3. Abbot Ernest Fischer, Missionary, Gossau (St.‑Gall).
4. Rev. Father Pius Gervasi, O.S.B., Disentis
5. Abbot Karl Holdener, Ried
6. Rev. Father Gregoire Meyer, ‑ Trimbach
7. Rev. Father Robert Rinderer, C.P.P.S., Auw
8. Abbot Louis Veillard, Cerneux‑Pequignot
All eight priests are Swiss, except Father E. Fischer, a German. All participated in the exorcisms except Father G. Meyer who was spiritual director of the possessed woman. Two other French priests also participated in the exorcisms.
Part One
August 14, 1975
E= Exorcist
A= Akabor, a fallen angel, from The Choir of Thrones[2]
Al= Allida, a fallen angel, from the Choir of Archangels
Preparations: Prayers, blessings, dedications, prescribed psalms, three Rosaries (Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries) Litanies of the Saints, prayers of exorcism, etc.
E: Demon Akabor, we priests order you, in so far as we are representatives of Christ, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We order you in the name of the Holy Cross, the Precious Blood, the Five Sacred Wounds, the Fourteen Stations of the Cross, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes, Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of the Great Victory of Wigratzbad, the Seven Dolours of Mary, (in the name of) St. Michael the Archangel, all the nine Choirs of Angels, the Angel Erabel, Guardian Angel of this possessed woman, St. Joseph, the Scourge of Evil Spirits, the patron Saints of this woman, all Guardian Angels and Angels especially assigned to priests, all the Saints in Heaven especially those who were exorcists, the Holy Curé of Ars, Saint Benedict, (in the name of) the servants of the servants of God, Padre Pio, Theresa (Neumann) of Konnarsreuth, Catherine Emmerich, all the souls in Purgatory and in the name of Pope Paul VI.
As priests of God, we command you therefore Akabor, in the name of all whom we have just invoked, and in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: you must return to Hell.
A: There is more that I must still say.
E: Speak the truth, and nothing but the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception...!
A: Yes, in Their names, and in the name of the Thrones from whom I came, I am forced to go on speaking. I must speak.
E: Tell the truth, and only the truth. You have no right to lie. In the name...!
A: I was a member of the Choir of Thrones. I, Akabor, must speak (his breathing is gasping; he[3] cries in a terrible voice). I must say how terrible Hell is. It is much more terrible than anyone could believe. God's justice is terrible, so terrible (he moans and groans).
E: Continue to tell the truth in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception. Say what God commands you to say.
A: Hell is so much worse than you imagine - you do not think deeply enough to comprehend. God's justice... naturally, His Mercy is available... but this requires many things. You must have great confidence, say many prayers, go to Confession. You must do everything according to the old ways. Novelties cannot be allowed to come in easily and wantonly. It is the Pope who speaks the truth.
E: Continue, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, continue in the name of the Thrones, continue!
A: The Wolves are even now...
E: Tell the truth, bring out the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, and in the name of the Thrones!
A: The wolves are now in your midst, even among the good people.[4]
E: Tell the truth, nothing but the truth. We order you, in the name...!
A: As I said before, they (the wolves) are even under the form of bishops,[5] and higher still, in the cardinals.
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, in the name...! Continue to tell the truth, the whole truth, as you must, in the name...!
A: I say this against my will. I am saying all this against my will. But the young... the young have been taken in. The young believe that with a few...
E: Tell the truth, in the name of the Thrones. You have no right to lie!
A: ...with a few works of charity, they can reach Heaven; But that is not so. No, never.
E: Continue to tell the truth, the entire truth, in the name of the Thrones, in the name of...!
A: They must, whatever it costs me, I have to say this...
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Holy Trinity! You must tell the truth, in the name...![6]
A: ...they must receive the Sacraments; receive them in the proper way. True confession, not just participation in penitential ceremonies, and Communion. At this time (Communion) the priest should say “Lord, I am not worthy” three times, and not just once.[7] Communion must he received in the mouth and not in the hand.
E: Speak only the truth, in the name of the Precious Blood, the Holy Cross, the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes. Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima!
A: We racked our brains for a very long time down there (he points downward), until we succeeded in getting Communion in the hand under way.[8] Communion in the hand... Communion in the hand is very good for us in Hell, believe me!
E: We order you, in the name... to say only what Heaven orders you! Speak only the truth, you have no right to lie, so leave off, stop it!
A: She (he points upward) wishes me to say...
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
A: She wishes me to say... that if She, the Great Lady, were still living on earth. She would receive Communion in the mouth, but on her knees, and She would bow deeply, like this (he makes the gesture).
E: In the name of the Blessed Virgin... and of the Thrones, by order of the Thrones, tell the truth!
A: I have to say the Communion must not be received in the hand. The Pope himself gives Communion in the mouth. He does not want Communion to be given in the hand at all. That comes from the Cardinals.
E: In the name..., by order of the Thrones, tell the truth!
A: Then it went to the bishops and they imagined that it was a question of obedience, that they must obey the cardinals. Finally, it came to the priests, and they, in turn, imagined that they had to conform, because obedience is written in very large letters.
E: Tell the truth, you have no right to lie, in the name...!
A: Evil people should not he obeyed. The Pope, Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin are the ones who must he obeyed. Communion in the hand is not at all the will of God.
E: Continue telling the truth, in the name...!
A: The young must return to being pilgrims (on the road to Heaven). Moreover, they must turn towards the Blessed Virgin. They must not eliminate her. They must... they must know the Blessed Virgin and they must not live according to the spirit of the innovators - absolutely nothing must he accepted from those ones (he shouts furiously). We hold those ones, the wolves - we already have them in our clutches.
E: Continue, tell the truth, in the name...!
A: Nowadays, the young believe they have done wonders when they have accomplished a few charitable works, and when they are all united among themselves. But that is nothing very much - it is often very easy, when they have sympathy one for the other, but that has nothing to do with it. They must start to offer up sacrifices, they must mortify themselves, they must pray; they must go to the Sacraments at least every four weeks. But prayer and suffering are important too. Above all that, I must add...
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name…! Say what the Blessed Virgin commands you!
A: ...above all, the world of today, even the Catholic world, has completely lost sight of the truth that suffering for others is necessary. The fact that you are all part of the Mystical Body of Christ, and that you must all suffer for each other, has been completely forgotten (he whimpers wretchedly like a dog). Christ did not accomplish everything on the cross. He certainly opened Heaven up, but men must make reparation for each other. The sects say that Christ has done everything, but this is not true. The Passion of Christ goes on: In His Name, it will go on until the end of the world[9] (he groans).
E: Continue, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, to say what she commands you to say!
A: It (the Passion of Christ) has to go on. People must suffer for each other, and offer up these sufferings in the name of the Cross of Christ and the sufferings of Christ. You must suffer in union with the Blessed Virgin and all the renunciations she endured during her life in order to unite her own sufferings with the terrible sufferings of Christ on the Cross and in His Agony in the Garden of Olives.
These sufferings were more terrible than men believe. In the Garden of Olives, Christ suffered in ways other than those that you perhaps know about. He was crushed by the Justice of God as if He had been the greatest of sinners, and as if He were going to have to go to Hell. He had to undergo this suffering for you men. Otherwise, you would not have been saved. He had to endure such terrible sufferings, that He was almost on the point of believing that He would go to Hell.[10]
His sufferings were so great that He felt Himself totally abandoned by the Heavenly Father. He sweated blood because He felt Himself totally separated from the Eternal Father and abandoned Him (he weeps piteously). He was crushed as if He were one of the greatest sinners.
This is what He has done for you, and you must follow Him; these sufferings are worth so much; these sufferings, darknesses, these terrible feelings of abandonment when it seems that all is lost and suicide is the only way out... I would rather not say it, no (he sighs heavily).
E: Continue to tell the truth in the name of the Thrones...!
A: God's response is the greatest, and rightly so. When these sufferings make it seem as if all is lost; one feels completely abandoned by God, the least among men and the lowest of creatures. These terrible, terrible sufferings in darkness are the most precious there can he. But the young do not know that. Most of the young do not know that, and therein lies our triumph.
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name...!
A: Many, the majority who commit suicide, do so when they feel abandoned by God and the least of men. They no longer feel that, however dark the night. God is always near them. It is as if God no longer existed, and, momentarily, His presence is no longer felt by them. But, in spite of this, it is necessary for men to imitate the sufferings of Christ; especially those whom He has called to suffer much.
There are many who believe that they are perhaps no longer normal - but the majority are - so they give in. They give in much too easily; they believe they should kill themselves because they are no longer understood by men. Therein lies our triumph. Most of them go to Heaven,[11] but it is our triumph nevertheless because...
E: Continue, in the name...!
A: ...they have not fulfilled their mission. They should have gone on living.
E: Continue, in the name the message from the Thrones!
A. There are today, somewhere in the world, some extremely heavy crosses - it is She who makes me say that (he points upward). These crosses are often mounted on illness. Visible crosses, like cancer, infirmities, or other handicaps, are often easier to bear than the terrible anguish or darkness of the soul which many people are enduring today. She up there (he points upward) makes me say what She has said before through a privileged soul: “I will send my children sufferings, sufferings as great and as deep as the ocean”. Those people who have to bear these terrible crosses and many are predestined to do so - must not despair.
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Akabor, say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say! A: By the way, the crosses of which I have just spoken are crosses which seem to be useless and pointless. They can lead on to despair. Often they become almost insupportable, but that is when they are most precious. I, Akabor, I am forced to say once again: She (he points upward) wants me to shout it to all the cross-bearers: “Courage! Do not be disheartened!” In the Cross lies salvation, victory is in the Cross. The Cross is stronger than the battle.
E: Continue, in the name... the message of the Thrones!
A: Modernism is false. Modernism must be totally rejected. It is our work, it comes from hell. Priests who spread Modernism are not even in agreement among themselves. Nobody agrees with anybody else. That indication alone should be enough for you.
E: Continue in the name of the Immaculate Conception! Tell the truth, in the name..., you must speak the whole truth, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
A: The Pope is tormented by his cardinals, his own cardinals... he is surrounded by wolves.
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
A: If that weren't so, he would be able to speak out more. He is, as it were, paralyzed. He can no longer do very much; believe me, he can no longer do very much you will feel in your hearts what must be done. But, whatever else, in no way must you abandon the smallest scrap of the old faith. I want to say, I must say, that the Second Vatican Council was not very good. It was, in part, the work of Hell.
E: Tell the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity!
A: There were a few small things, which needed to be changed, but most of it - no. Believe me! In the liturgy, there was practically nothing to be changed. Even the Gospel reading should not be in the vernacular; it would be better if the Holy Mass were said in Latin. The reason can be seen if you just look at the Consecration, only the Consecration, but that is typical. At the Consecration, one uses the words: “This is My Body which will be given up for you”, followed by: “This is My Blood, which will be shed for you and for a great number”. That is what Jesus said.
E: It is not correct to say “for all”? Tell the truth, in the name... you have no right to lie.
A: It certainly isn't. The translations have not been completely accurate, and this is particularly the case with “for all”.[12] It should not, and cannot, be “for all” - it should be “for a great number”.
When the text is not correct, so the abundance of graces diminishes; the channel of graces still flows, but only sparsely.[13] And the Consecration is accompanied by so many graces when the priest does things correctly, according to the old Tradition, and according to the Will of God. For you and for a great number” must be said, just as Christ Himself said it.
E: But, didn't Christ shed His Blood for all? Tell the truth in the name...!
A: No, He would have liked to shed it for all, but, in fact, it did not flow for all.
E: Because many have rejected it? Tell the truth in the name...!
A: Exactly; in this way it did not flow for all, for it did not flow for us in Hell.
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
A: The new order of the Mass - the bishops have changed the Tridentine Mass - the new Mass is absolutely not as They up there want it (he points upward). The point will soon be reached when the whole Mass will no longer be valid.[14]
E: How is the Tridentine Mass, the old Mass, which was prescribed by Pope St. Pius V? Tell the truth, in the name... and you have no right to lie!
A: It is the best in existence; it is in the standard, the true,[15] the good Mass (he groans).
E: Akabor, tell the truth, in the name of and by the order of, the Blessed Virgin! We order you to say everything she charges you to say!
A: I said all that against my will, but I was made to! She up there (He points upward) forced me (he mutters).
E: Is there anything more that you must say, in the name..! But speak only the truth!
A: Many priests make reference to obedience. But now, in these times, it is not necessary to obey modernist bishops. It is now the time of which Christ spoke: “There will rise up many false Christs and false prophets” [16]
Those (modernist bishops) are the false prophets. But one ought not - nor has one the right - to believe them. Soon, one will no longer be able to believe them, because they... because they... have accepted so many novelties. We are in them;[17] we from down there (he points downward) have stirred them up. Prior to that, we deliberated a great deal as to how to destroy the Catholic Mass.
It is over a hundred years ago that Catherine Emmerich said: “It was in Rome...” She saw Rome, the Vatican in a vision. She saw it, surrounded entirely by a deep ditch, and beyond the ditch stood the unbelievers. In the center of Rome, in the Vatican, stood the Catholics. They threw their altars, their statues, their relics - almost everything - into this deep, deep ditch until it was almost filled-up. And that - that time is here now (he cries out in a frightening voice).
Then, when the ditch was filled, those of the other religions were actually able to get across it. They crossed, and looked around in the Vatican. They saw how the Catholics, the Catholics of today and the modern Mass had very little to offer them. They shook their heads, turned their backs and went away. And many from among you Catholics were stupid enough to leave ahead of them. But they did not take one step in your direction. There is something more I must say.
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
A: In the Mass, the true Mass, the Tridentine Mass, there used to be thirty-three Signs of the Cross. Now, there are very few - sometimes two, three when all goes well. And at the end - for the Blessing - you are not even required to get down on your knees (he cries and weeps despairingly). Do you know how we would kneel down...would fall to our knees...if we were still able to (he weeps and wails).
E: Is that correct – thirty-three Signs of the Cross were made at Holy Mass? Tell the truth, in the name…!
A: Of course it is correct, it is even compulsory. When it happens that way, we are not present; we are forced to flee from the Church; but the way things are now, we are there. The 'Asperges Me' must also be restored.” During the Asperges, we were obliged to flee before the holy water and the incense. The burning of incense must also be resumed. And, after Mass, the prayers “St. Michael the Archangel”, the three “Hail Mary's” and “Hail Holy Queen” must be said again.
E: Tell the truth, say what you must say, in the name...!
A: Lay people should not distribute Holy Communion (he cries out in a frightful voice), not at all! Not even nuns and brothers, never! Do you believe Christ would have entrusted this to the Apostles, if women and laymen were able to do it (he groans). How I was forced to say that!
Allida (another angelic demon of lesser rank, equally present in the possessed woman), did you hear? Allida, did you hear what I have just been forced to say? Allida, you can speak too! (The other demon replied angrily: “Shut up!”)
E: Have you said everything now, Akabor, in the name...? Have you said everything, have you spoken the entire truth?
A: She, up there (he points upward) does not allow me to be tormented by the Old One (Lucifer) because I have been made to say these things for you, for the Church. She does not allow it... happily! But it was not good for those down there (He points downward) for all of us, for all of us (he cries and groans).
E: In the name of the Blessed Virgin, continue; have you anything else to say? By order of the Thrones, your old companions, have you anything else to say?
(After seven hours of prayer, and six hours of exorcism, without food or drink, many of the people present are tired)
A: No, but maybe you can go away. We will be happy if you go away. We will be happy! Just go!
E: Continue your discourse! In the name of the Blessed Virgin speak! Say what she commands you, in the name...!
A: Because I have spoken, because I have had to say all that, She allows me a moment more. You must recite, three times: “Holy, holy, holy...” (Those present recite the prayer)
E: In the name of the' Mystical Rose... Akabor, say what the Blessed Virgin has charged you to say!
A: She has charged me to say what I have had to say and what I have said; I have said it against my will (he weeps with vexation).
E: In the name..., have you said it all?
A: Yes!
THE EXORCISM OF AKABOR (Followed by His Expulsion)
E: We order you, Akabor, in the name of the Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit, of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of the Holy Archangels, of the Choirs of Blessed Spirits, tell us now whether you have communicated everything that Heaven has charged you to say! Speak the truth, in the name of the Precious Blood! A: If it had flowed for us, we would have been men; but we were not men. If we had been men, we would not have been so stupid. Fundamentally, you are much luckier...
E: In the name of the Guardian Angels, in the name of this woman's Guardian Angel... Akabor, go away, go away to Hell for ever and for eternity, and never come back!
A: That is not possible...!
E: Akabor, go away, in the, name...! Your speech is finished, your job is done. Call out your name and return to Hell!
A: I am not obliged to go yet. She grants me another short delay.
E: Does any other demon have to go away with you?
A: No, I, Akabor, must be the first to leave; but you must say seven more “Hail Mary's” in honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary. By her order (he points upward) I am going to tell them to you:
1. The first “Hail Mary” for her sorrow when Simeon prophesied to her: “A sword will pierce your heart”.
2. Next, the Flight into Egypt; while contemplating the tears and torments she endured at that time.
3. The Child Jesus lost in the Temple: let this bring to mind the anguish she suffered because He was the Son of God.
4. She meets Jesus on the Way of the Cross; the humiliation in which she sees her Son.
5. The dreadful one, the most dreadful one: the Crucifixion and Death on the Cross; what she endured then - the tears, the anguish, the despondency.
6. The Descent from the Cross; that terribly disfigured Body which they carried together to the tomb; the part she had to play throughout this whole scene.
7. Finally, the laying in the tomb; her great sorrow: her sadness. She suffered enormously.
A: (He calls out the last prayers, in a voice full of hatred : Now, three times: “Holy, holy, holy...” (Those present recite the prayer)
E: In the name of the Holy Trinity...in Their name, you must now go away for ever into Hell, Akabor.
A: (He groans and cries out in a terrible voice): Yes...
E: In the name... call out your name and go away to Hell. Go, in the name of your old companions, the Thrones, who serve God as you have not served God!
A: (Groaning) I wanted very I much to serve God, but Lucifer didn't want me to serve God.
E: You must now go away. We priests order you, in the name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit... you must go away now, in the name of the Holy Heart of Mary and in the name of the Seven Sorrows of Mary.
A: (He cries out despairingly).
E: In the name... take yourself off to Hell! Call out your name
A: A-Ka-bor (he cries his name, weeping)! A-ka-bor!
E: Go away to Hell and never return, in the name...!
Al: Now it is Allida speaking.
E: In the name of the Holy Trinity, we order you to tell us Allida, whether Akabor has gone away? Al: He is no longer there, he has gone. Lucifer and all his clique have come to look for him.
Note: This chapter has been abridged. In particular, the revelations made by Akabor during the time of his expulsion have in effect, been highlighted, rather than detailed in their entirety.
August 14,1975
E: Exorcist
J: Judas Iscariot, a human demon [18]
J: If only I had listened to Her! (he points upward). She was close to me (he sighs in a frightful voice
E: Who was close to you?” Speak in the name...!
J: She, up there (he points upward); but I rejected her.
E: Continue Judas, say what you must say, in the name of the Blessed Virgin! Tell the truth, and nothing but the troth!
J: I am the most hopeless of al (he groans).
E: Judas, you must go away, now!
J: No (he groans)
E: In the name of the Queen whom you rejected, in her name - Our Lady of Mount Carmel - you must now go away to Hell!
J: You have to say the complete Rosary of Sorrows, and the Credo.
(While we are saying “descended into Hell' Judas speaks.)
J: He came - He came down there!
E: Christ came to Limbo? Tell the truth, in the name...!
J: He came to Hell, not just to Limbo where the souls (of the Just) were waiting for him.
E: Why did He come to Hell? Tell the truth, in the name...!
J: To show that He died for us too;[19] it was terrible for us. He certainly came to the Kingdom of the Dead, but He also came into Hell, really, really into Hell. It was necessary for Michael and the Angels to chain us up to stop us throwing ourselves at Him (He points upward and growls). Because I am who I am, I do not like saying that; I don't at all like hearing that; I was guilty of betraying Jesus Christ.
You must sing “I see you, Jesus, silent...” and “I wish to express sorrow for my sins”; these two verses, and then a verse of “Stabat Mater” – “Standing at the foot of the Cross...”
(Those present sing the two hymns)
J: (During the singing, he utters cries of frightful despair). If only I had repented! If only I had repented!
E: Judas Iscariot, we priests order you, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity—to go back to Hell!
J: No - but I don't want to go back (he growls). It was good for me to be in this woman. It was good for me in this woman. She was obliged to share my despair to a very large decree. [20]
E: Judas, in the name...you must now go out of her and return to Hell, to eternal damnation, which is where you belong, in the name…!
J: But I don't want to.
E: Depart from there, Judas Iscariot. in the name of the Mother of God!
J: She (he points upward) would have pity on me, even now, if she could; even now! She loved me, she loved me! Do you know what that means? (He sighs a terrible sigh)
E: Call your name, Judas Iscariot, and depart, in the name...!
J: I know she loved me (he mumbles piteously).
E: You didn't want it; you did not obey her. She wanted to save you for eternity, for Heaven. She was so well disposed towards you! Go away now, in the name of Our Lady of Fatima!
J: No! (a cry of utter despair)
E: Judas Iscariot, call your name and go away! Go away now to Hell, in the name of the Crucified Savior Whom you betrayed, in the name of His sufferings, in the name of His hours in the Garden of Olives!
J: You must say three times: “Holy, Holy, Holy...”
(The people present recite the prayer and sing “Benis O Marie!” During this time, Judas cries out in a terrible voice: “No! No!”)
E: We order you, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity...! (Judas tears at one of the priest's stoles) In the name of Jesus, leave that, Judas Iscariot! In the name of all the Choirs of the Blessed Spirits, in the name of this woman's Guardian Angel, you must go away now - we order you!
J: No! (in a terrible voice)
E: In the name of this woman's Patron Saint, you must go away now, Judas Iscariot!
J: You must bring all the relics from the shelf. That will make me go away so easily... I am the... (he utters a terrible cry)
E: In the name of the cruel sufferings of Our Lord, Jesus Christ...! J: I don't want to go away!
E: You have to go, in the name...!
J: I don't want 'to go away. I don't want to go away. Leave me, leave me alone! (frightful howling)
E: Our Lady of the Great Victory orders you!
J: If only I had listened to Her!
E: We order you, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, of the Catholic Church!
J: That's useless (loud grumbles in a sepulchral tone)
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity...!
J: If only I had not lost hope afterwards! It is frightful in Hell! If only I had not lost hope! (spine chilling howls of despair)
E: The Blessed Virgin orders you to go away, in the name of the Crucified One, in the name of His Precious Blood!
J: Let me stay a little longer in this woman.
E: No, depart, in the name of all the Holy Apostles, in the name...!
J: I don't want to. No, no! (he howls' in a voice full of hatred)...but they will come soon (the infernal spirits) - (heartrending cries)
E: You must go now, Judas Iscariot, in the name of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! She commands you to go back to Hell, to eternal damnation.
J: (A prolonged, heart- rending cry) No, No…! (he sighs dreadfully, and emits sounds of despair)
E: In the name of the Seven Sorrows of Mary, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity...go away to Hell!
J: But I don't want to, I don't want to (terrible howls)
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Immaculate Conception, the Mother of God, we order you to return to the home of Lucifer!
J: (Drawn-out moaning): No! (With a terrible howl of despair): No, no! They do not want me at all in Hell. (Suddenly, Judas shouts despairingly: “Lucifer, Help.'“)
(The priests say a new exorcism and two litanies)
E: In the name of the most Holy Trinity, we order you to go back to Hell for eternity!
J: Oh, you infernal spirits, come to my aid! Help me so that I am not forced to go away! Hurry, Akabor! Help me! Oh, oh, hurry, hurry! (he groans woefully)
E: Judas Iscariot, go away, in the name...!
J: Lucifer, you sent me, you must help me!
E: We priests order you, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father...
J: (He cries in despair): They are coming...they are going to come soon (Lucifer and his cohorts). Do you know how I fear them? Do you know that?
E: We, priests of the Catholic Church, order you, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Holy Cross, of the Immaculate Virgin and Mother of God, Mary of Lourdes, of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima... go away, Judas Iscariot!
(Thereupon the priests recite three times: “Holy, Holy, Holy...” and the “Glory be to the Father.” At this moment, Judas, in the mouth of the possessed woman, assumes a masculine voice”)
J: No! Oh, (he groans)...if only we could kill her (the possessed woman) right now. We would like to kill her. A long time ago we decided that she had to be killed.
E: We order you not to kill her, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity...move out now, move out in the name of the Blessed Virgin, of all the Holy Angels and Archangels, and especially of Saint Michael.
J: No, Michael, you must not… (he howls like an animal and utters a dreadful groaning). They are coming... they are coming... they are coming...!
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, call out your name, Judas Iscariot, and go away!
J: I...they are coming! I... Judas Iscariot... I... Judas Iscariot... I must go away, I must go away! Go away - I must... I must, I must, I must! They are coming... there they are! (he howls and shouts in a terrible voice). There they are, the wicked spirits! (He weeps)... Lucifer, Lucifer!... Go away, Lucifer, go away Lucifer!... I am afraid of you, go away! (He cries out in a frightened manner)
E: It is necessary for you to go away, Judas Iscariot, right now, in the name...!
J: He is coming... he is coming.
E: In the name of the Blessed Virgin - flee for ever to Hell and never come back!
J: They are there they are. There they are... (terrible cry and groaning) I must go away...they are greeting me!
E: Go away now, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity...and call out your!
J: I have already called (it)...I, Judas Iscariot, I must...I...I must go away.
E: In the name of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, in the name of the Immaculate of Lourdes, go away! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it is necessary for you to leave now!
J: “Judas Iscariot!” (Fifteen long, frightening and heart-rending cries are heard)...No, no, no…no, I would rather not go away!
E: We order you, in the name of the Catholic Church in the name of the Most Holy Trinity...!
J: Oh, this despair! This frightful despair![21] How frightful it is! You have no idea how cruel Hell is! You have no idea how horrible it is down there! You don't know what it is like!
E: It is your own fault. Go away, Judas Iscariot, in the name...!
J: (He moans and sighs) I have a frightful corner! Such a frightful corner, down there! Oh...Oh! Tell everybody that I have a frightful corner! Live a good life! Live a good life!... It is frightful!... For the love of Heaven, do everything in order to reach Heaven, even if it means enduring torture for a thousand years on the rack (he moans). Listen to me, there is more I must say: Even if you had to remain a thousand years on the rack, stand fast, stand fast!...Hell is horrible, it is horrible! Nobody knows how horrible Hell is! It is much more atrocious than you imagine... it is appalling...so appalling! (Judas pronounces all these words in a spine-chilling, jerky, faltering voice of unutterable despair)[22]
E: Have you said everything now, in the name of Jesus?
J; I must still say, although I would much prefer not to: There are so many people...who no longer believe in Hell...but...but (menacingly) it is there! There is a Hell, and it is frightful!
E: Yes, there is a Hell. Speak only the truth, in the name...!
J: Yes...Hell is there...! It is frightful...! I will have to go back soon, but I have still more to say (he howls and whimpers like an animal)
E: But, now you must go away, in the name...! Depart from this woman!
J: Hell is much more frightful than is believed...! Hell is much more frightful than you believe...! (he shouts with ear-shattering loudness)
E: Speak, in the name...!
J: (He howls and wails) Oh!.. .if I were able to come back...if I could come back!...Oh...Oh! (indescribable cry)
E: Depart from her, depart from her, in the name...!
J: Oh! I would prefer not to go back down there. Have pity...let me stay in this woman!
E: No! In the name...we order you, depart from this woman!
J: Let me stay in this woman. Let me stay in this woman!
E: No! No! In the name..., go away!
J: (sighs) It was better for me in her. She was obliged to share my despair to a large degree. Let me stay in this woman...it is frightful for me - so frightful for me in Hell (he heaves a gasping sigh; Oh, do let me stay in this woman!
E: No, in the name...!
J: Besides, she can still put up with me (with immense despair). It will be good for her to have me stay.
E: Depart from her, in the name...!
J: What are you thinking of!... Down there, it is much more frightful, it is much more frightful!...Oh! Oh! (he howls) Tell that... tell that to all the young people, to all the heretics, tell it to absolutely - everyone: THERE IS A HELL! (In piercing, spine-chilling tone) Oh! (he cries) It is terrible enough to send you mad. It is terrible enough to send you mad! If only I had listened to the Blessed Virgin and had not slipped that rope around my neck! If only I had retained hope! If only I had retained hope! (in a despairing voice)...But that is what they all say - all damned men say that when they come to join us. But then it is too late. They don't believe it until it is too late.
E: You must go away, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in the name of all the Holy Angels and Archangels, and of Saint Michael, the Archangel.
J: That Michael is terrible for us. Michael is terrible (he howls with a voice full of hatred)
E: Go away, in the name of the Holy Curé of Ars, in the name of all the exorcist Saints, and in the name of the Catholic Church!
J: (He cries) Ju - das Is - ca - ri - ot! I have to go (in a terrible roar)
E: Now you must go away, Judas Iscariot, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, you must return to Hell for all eternity. You must return to damnation!
J: They are coming, they are coming (he moans and weeps despairingly) There they are… Farewell, farewell, happy men... happy! I am going away... because I am obliged to...because I am obliged to (he weeps and roars in heart-rending fashion)
E: We order you, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, son and Holy Spirit. Amen. In the name of Saint Michael, the Archangel, go away now! Call out your name and go away to Hell!
J: (He roars in despair like a lion) I...I am leaving... Ju - das Is - ca - ri - ot!
E: Leave now and go to Hell, in the name of Saint Michael, the Archangel, and in, the name of the Blessed Virgin, in the name...! (He continues uttering piercing cries of unbelievable despair)
(Suddenly, he points upward and says: “She allows me another short delay. Her (the possessed woman's) mission is not yet completed.”
August 17, 1975
E= Exorcist
J= Judas Iscariot, a human demon
E: When do you have to go away? Speak, Judas Iscariot! Speak now. in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit
J. I was an Apostle (in a somber, harsh voice, like the voice of a man)
E: Continue, in the name of Jesus!
J: I was a traitor.
E: Continue...we know that...in the name of Jesus!
J. Today, also, there are traitors among, the bishops with this one difference from me - I betrayed openly, and they are able to disguise it.
E: Is that the truth, in the name...!
J: Yes!
E: You are not lying? In the name...!
J: No. Do you believe that I am saying this of my own accord?
E: Have you been forced to say that, in the name? Tell the truth!
J: Yes!
E: In whose name?
J: In that cursed name...Hers (he points upward) Alas!
E: When are you going to go away? In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, tell the truth!
J: I still have things to say.
E: Then say now what you must say, everything that you must say, in the name of Jesus!
J: Among the bishops of today, there are some who are no less treacherous than I,[23] whether...or not they are..
E: Not all of them. Tell the truth, in the name...!
J: Not all, but many. It is easier to fall into their nets than into mine.
E: Continue, Judas Iscariot, to say what you must say, in the name of Heaven, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity...!
Those that aren't must not be obeyed.
J: I have to say that, today, many bishops are not on the good road, and those ones must not be obeyed. Obedience is of great importance. Even in Heaven, Obedience is written in large letters. But it is now the time of the howling wolves.
E: Continue, Judas Iscariot, in the name of the Immaculate Conception, in the name...! You have no right to lie, in the name...!
J: No lamb throws itself into the jaws of the wolf. One cannot give obedience to wolves.
E: In the name of Jesus, continue; continue, in the name.., in the name of the Saints who were not traitors and whose relics are placed on your brow, continue!
J: All men flee when the wolf arrives. Now, alas, it is the time of the wolves. Many bishops have become ravening wolves[24] who no longer know what they are saying; and they must not be obeyed.[25] In the eyes of Heaven itself, they can no longer lay claim to obedience.
E: Continue, Judas Iscariot, in the name of the Blessed Virgin!
J. One can make reference only to the Pope!
E: Continue now, in the name of Jesus!
J: He (the Pope) can no longer produce his documents, because they are distorted and falsified.
E: Continue, in the name...!
J: It is necessary to pray every day to the Holy Spirit, so that you don't fall into the ditch - or, in other words, into the jaws of the wolf.
E: Continue, Judas Iscariot, in the name of Jesus! What else have you still to say about the Pope?
Say what you have to say on behalf of Heaven! We do not want to know any more about it, except what Heaven wishes you to say!
J: Do you believe I am saying anything else other than that? Do you believe I wanted to say those things?
E: Speak in the name of Jesus; say nothing but the truth from Heaven, the truth from the Heavenly Mother!
Many are searching for it.
J: Ecône will triumph.
E: What is that you said? Repeat that, Judas Iscariot! Who were you speaking about?[26] In the name of Jesus, repeat, it, tell the truth and nothing but the truth!
J: After a long struggle, Ecône will triumph.[27]
E: Speak in the name of Jesus!
J: Ecône is on the unique good road.
E: Is that the truth? Is it Heaven who said that? Speak, in the name of Jesus!
J: When I say: the good road I do not wish to say that there is nobody else on the good road; but the road which Ecône follows is singularly good. That is what we mean. There are not many roads which are good, but there are many people who are on the good road. Ecône is on the good road and many people do not recognize Ecône are searching for the truth, and so they also are on the good road.
E: Continue, in the name..., say what you must say!
J: Archbishop Mgr. Lefebvre will still have a great deal to suffer, but he is good.
E: Continue, in the name... say what you must say.
E: Is the liturgy he follows good? Tell the truth, in the name of Jesus!
J: The liturgy he follows is the only good one.
E: Is this the truth, in the name of Jesus?
J: It is the complete truth.
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, have you lied?
J: No! It is the complete truth.
E: Where does it come from? Who ordered you to say that? Speak, in the name...!
J: It is She (he points upward) who says it; it is Those up there Who say it. The truth comes from on High. They, up there, do not like the new liturgy. In any case, the old Missal did not need to be modified... I am saying all of this against my will (he cries and sighs). In today's times, one should not obey all the bishops any longer.
E: There are still some good bishops. Speak, in the name of..., nothing but the truth!
J: There are still some who should be obeyed, but not all! Akabor has spoken about that previously (he sighs and has difficulty breathing)
October 31, 1975
E = Exorcist
J = Judas Iscariot, a human demon
E: Judas Iscariot, we priests order you in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, of the Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, of the Immaculate Conception, of all the Holy Angels and Archangels, of the Nine Choirs of Blessed Spirits of all the Saints of the Celestial Court, tell us: Are you really obliged to go away? Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, nothing but the truth! In the name of all these protectors, you must speak the truth and nothing but the truth, arid in the name of the holy relics which rest on your brow.
J: I must speak. I must speak. I am, in a kind of way, part of the angelic demons, and am ranked amongst them. I was important, I was important, I was a bishop.[28]
E: Continue! Tell the truth! Say what you must say, in the name...!
J: I am more important than the other human demons. As I said before, I have a horribly dark corner. Those human demons...I envy them. They are well off compared to me. I have a filthy corner.
E: Continue! Say what you must say, in the name...!
J: She (pointing upward) kept warning me. She warned me. I didn't listen, I didn't listen (frightful wailing)
E: Continue! Tell the truth, say what you must say, in the name of the Blessed Virgin!
J: If only I had listened! In some way I was mistaken about Her. I did not love her. I did not love her, this...
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Blessed Virgin! Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, say what you must say on her behalf!
J: To tell the truth, from the outset I wasn't there because of Jesus to any great degree. I was hoping for power and royalty, and as that didn't happen, I was disappointed.
J: The Catholic Church is in a grave situation. Without intervention by Those up there (he points upward) it would not be possible for it to be saved. But these words must be fulfilled: “I am with you all days, even to the end of the world.”[29] There will be a total purification, a terrible purification, which we are not very keen about at all, you understand.
E: Continue! Tell the truth, in the name...!
J: We are around you now, particularly during the last few months, as we have never been before.
E: Continue, tell the truth, in the name...!
J: At all events, not since a thousand years ago.
E: Continue! Tell the truth and nothing but the truth! In the name of the Blessed Virgin, tell the truth about the Church!
J: The Pope, the Pope...he is a martyr. In a kind of way, he has been laid low - he would like to die. He would prefer not to go on living under these circumstances. He is tormented by the thought that what he says is not being published throughout the world, and it is precisely what he would not want which is published by the cardinals. At all events, many cardinals, not all, but many, are involved in it. He has been deceived terribly. He is in a prison, harsher than any actual prison. We demons exert great pressure on him, we are doing everything we can. We have already done a lot.
E: Continue, tell the truth,... and nothing but the truth!
J: He is deprived of his freedom... so he can no longer do anything important. That is why we speak of him as a slow-worm who can only move without pain by creeping across the ground. He has nothing to say, neither to the right nor to the left, neither to the front nor to the rear. They are responsible for this - those false men who would like to see him gone.
E: Continue, tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin! Continue to say what you must say on Heaven's behalf!
J: You must pray for the Pope. He is in a worse plight than a martyr. He would rather be stoned like Stephen.[31] He is a great Pope although he is forced to remain silent. He carries a cross. Few achieve his eminence, although he appears to be small and powerless. In the beginning, he made some mistakes, which he realised a long time ago, and now his hands and feet are tied,[32] even his tongue. He cries out to Heaven that he would like to restore the old liturgy, the Tridentine Mass:[33] he would like...but his hands and feet are tied. He can do nothing.
E: Speak only the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin! Tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, about the Church and about Pope Paul VI!
J: You can be sure that Pope, Paul VI would like to re-introduce the Tridentine Mass. Whenever you see on television, or have to see or read any part of these novelties, you can be certain that this does not come from him.
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
J: They do with him as they wish.[34] They are like wolves howling during a gale...this is what they want and what the “Modern” people, the masses, want. So they are popular. Quite recently, some of the good “Traditionalist” priests, who formerly had no doubts about the thinking of the Pope, have been led into error. But, as things are now, the thoughts of the Pope are not his own any longer.[35] Now, in these times of dreadful disorder, the Pope is able to do practically nothing any more. Now, it is necessary for God Himself to intervene,...and He will intervene before long, very soon.
E: What do you mean: before long? In a few years? Speak, in the name...all the truth!
J: No, not that. It is closer, closer than you think.
E: Tell the truth, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, about the Church and about the Pope! Continue to say what you must say, nothing but the truth!
J: The worst thing for the Pope is seeing how even the “traditionalist” priests are in doubt about his thinking and his wishes. He can do nothing. Everything he does do is interfered with. Supposing he wants to send a letter outside - it does not reach its destination in the same form as it leaves him. It is altered before it reaches the post.
E: Why doesn't he speak out during his audiences, his public audiences? He would be able to speak freely there!
J: Many times he is no longer able to; he is no longer able to. Many times he scarcely knows what he is saying.. That is how these terrible errors and confusion are produced.[36] He is an unfortunate Pope. The Blessed Virgin pities him, and Christ does too. But he must live out his martyrdom. For a very long time he would have preferred to be assassinated by his own cardinals rather than go on living like this. He knows they are against him. He is very sensitive and feels it. His nerves are on edge. He is not a forceful Pope, but they wouldn't want a forceful Pope now - it would take too long to topple him over.
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, tell the truth! We forbid you, in the name... we forbid you to lie!
J: It was part of God's plan, now that the situation is such as it is, to have in office a Pope who is humble, submissive, selfless. The words of the scriptures must be fulfilled; that is why it was necessary for Pope Paul VI to come at this time - he was, in effect, chosen for this. They alone (he points upward) pity him. But all this will not last much longer. His martyrdom will soon be over; but to him, it will seem a long time; for to him, the days seem like weeks - worse than that, like months. You must pray for him, pray much more. It is appalling for him to see the Church tumbling down with everything topsy-turvy. You must believe that he would like everything still to be done the old way. He would prefer it if the Council had never been convoked. He is aware that what has eventuated from the Council - its frightful, devastating, catastrophic consequences, cannot be halted. They cannot be halted, even by prayer.[37]
E. Continue, say what you have to say, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, about the Church and the Pope!
J: All the bishops should be told that the Pope is not in control. But they don't believe it. They are blind. Of what use are their doctorates and their intelligence if they are so blind and do not believe! We know a lot more about it, we know a lot more about it than the bishops.
E: Tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, in the name of the Blessed Virgin!
J: They are afraid of each other. They are all afraid of the people - afraid of being given a hard time by them. Each one wants to dance to the tune played on the people's violin, although the bow does not produce tuneful sounds.
E: Continue! Tell the truth, in the name of the Blessed Virgin!
J: This violin is so out of tune. that it will soon not be possible to produce a sound from it at all - and this is what has the effrontery to call itself the Church! Do you understand? This still wants to call itself the Church! A cursed, corrupt, upside-down Church. Is this what a Church is - something which soon one will no longer have the nerve... will no longer be able to call a Church![38]
E: Now that wasn't the Blessed Virgin speaking when you said: “It is a cursed Church”.
J: No, you're right, that was us - that sentence was our own.
E: Speak only the truth, and only what the Blessed Virgin wishes!
J: In spite of all that, it is the truth. In a kind of way, it is what She wants me to say.
J: It has almost reached the stage when the sects will soon be better than your Catholicism. The sects will be in a better position for they do not have its knowledge, nor are they guided by the Holy Spirit as the Church has always been. The sects say that it is the Holy Spirit, but it is really their own ideas that they want, in their illusion, to send throughout all the world. There are still some of them (bishops) who would prefer not to spread this (new) kind of Catholicism so much; they would still like things to be done the old way. They would still like that, but they are too cowardly. Their cowardice is an indictment against them right up to the highest places - up there close to the Great One (he points upward).
E: Continue! Tell the truth, in the name...!
J: If there are many prayers, some will see the light again, but for many it is already too late! Heaven is sorry about this, the Blessed Virgin is sorry, the Pope is sorry. These three, Christ, the Blessed Virgin and the Pope are in agreement; they are the only ones who do agree nowadays. The cardinals, - or at least, many of them - are not in agreement. The work that they are doing is the opposite of what Those up there (he points upward) wish, and what the Pope would like. The Pope is in a dreadful, dreadful situation!
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Blessed Virgin! Say everything you must say, in the name...!
J: We fear the Pope; only the fact of the matter is that we no longer have to fear him so much, because his Vatican is directed by the cardinals. The Pope is suffering constantly, but, in the final analysis, he can thus save more souls and accomplish more than we would like.
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, nothing but the entire truth! Continue!
J: What will happen is that God Himself will be obliged to turn everything around and overthrow Modernism. Everything will start again from where it used to be - with the good, traditional, old ways of the past - doing what must be done and what They up there wish (he points upward), not what humanity has created for itself.
E: Continue, tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, nothing but the truth!
J: If the Pope were not isolated[39] and watched constantly on all sides, he would still have enough control for his words to reach the outside world. But during these last few months, it has become more terrible. Practically nothing reaches the public any more, and what he would still like to publish is immediately contradicted, modified, changed... to the point of falsification. It is falsified.
No methods are too low for the cardinals to promulgate their notions throughout the world. Nothing is too low, for these, are the Last Times. If we were not steering them on this course and did not have the cardinals in our power as we have, then they would keep a better check on themselves. But as we are all rushing around busily, and so many masters of black magic[40] are following in our tracks, we have the cardinals completely under our domination at the present time.[41] The best thing for you to do is to pray a great deal to the Holy Spirit. As has already been said by myself and Akabor in regard to obedience, I Judas, have said it - it is now no longer obligatory to obey.[42]
E: Tell the truth about the Church, continue in the name... You have no right to lie, in the name...!
J: It is amusing: obedience has never loomed so large, so to speak, as it does now. Now, suddenly, obedience is the “in thing” (sarcastic laughter).
E: Speak only the truth, nothing but the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: All of a sudden, they are calling on everyone to obey, now that it is so easy!
E: Speak the truth, Judas Iscariot, not what you demons want to say, in the name...!
J: What I have just said has the approval of On High. We are obliged to tell the cursed truth. Now that it is, in some way, very easy to obey - for those who have the modern outlook and who love to have plenty of money and the like - now, “obedience” comes hurtling back over the horizon like a cannon-ball! Previously, it was no longer news, but now it has suddenly made the headlines again!
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, nothing but the truth!
J: That pleases us. Long may it go on, just like that! But Those On High regard it with disfavor. They have other plans, which they would really prefer to be different from what they are, but it is necessary for the Gospel to be fulfilled - it must be. All their plans must come into effect, even in the midst of great catastrophes, in the midst of great troubles and conflicts between nations.
E: Tell the truth! Continue telling the truth on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Everyone refers matters to the bishops, at a time when the bishops cannot themselves refer to the Pope, because it is not the Pope who answers them. I believe I have almost finished speaking.
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, say what she wishes to say through you, Judas Iscariot! Go on speaking, say everything you have to say and nothing but the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: On August 14 (1975), Akabor was forced to speak about the Mass and the Asperges Me which should be re-introduced at the beginning of Mass. That is true, that is true; then, we are obliged to flee from the church.
E: Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Without it, we are in the church. It would be better if the priest were to start again sprinkling the people with holy water from the top to the bottom of the church, as used to be the custom. It would also make us flee from within the people.[43]
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! J: Another of our tasks is to distract the congregation. When the priest goes through the church with the holy water, the people are able to pray better.[44] Moreover, this also removes the ideas and powers of black magic.[45]
E: On behalf of the Blessed Virgin, tell the truth!
J: The Asperges Me, the thirty-three signs of the cross, the recitation of “Oh Lord I am not worthy” three times, and finally, at the end of the Mass, the prayer “St. Michael the Archangel”, the three “Hail Mary's” and the “Hail Holy Queen” should all definitely be brought back. Their suppression is our work, and, one way or another, that of the cardinals who are in our power.
E: Continue to tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Furthermore, Those up there (he points upward) prefer the Tridentine Mass to the Mass in German (=also French, English - “the vernacular”) and to the New Mass, because it cannot be translated exactly.
E: Do you mean the Tridentine Mass in Latin? Tell the truth, tell the truth. Judas Iscariot, nothing but the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: The texts are difficult to translate into German.[47] That is how those inexact words have come in - words which carry fewer blessings at Mass.[48] Everything which is not said exactly as Christ wishes it, carries fewer blessings. This applies especially at the Consecration; the words of consecration must be pronounced in a perfectly correct way. Not one syllable should be changed. Everything must be done strictly correctly. Do you know how, in our place (Hell), everything is perfectly well-ordered? Even in the Catholic Church, things are no longer conducted in such an orderly fashion as they are where we come from.
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the blessed Virgin, nothing but the truth!
J: Feasts... Catholic Feasts! Everything is changed and higgledy-piggledy; dates have been altered and the people can't find them any more. Formerly, they were able to know in advance: “Now, here is such and such a feast coming up”... and now... (ironic laugh)
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Now, people don't know any longer when these feast-days occur - neither the dates, nor which dates are fixed ones. This is a great win for us, but a senseless loss for everyone else; for there used to be feasts for which men used to prepare themselves for weeks in advance. Now they can't do that any more, or they do it only rarely, because they don't have the dates fixed in their minds any longer; and in every calendar they are on different dates. How are they expected to prepare themselves? It is not the same thing to come to the Church and celebrate a certain feast with the bishops and priests on a certain day in a certain way, and then, later on, in their own homes, celebrate the old feast on the old date all by themselves.
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: But believe us, even where we live in Hell, it is the old feasts which are in force. They have much more impact where we are then where you live, on earth. You are well aware of that already from the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
E: Tell the truth, nothing but the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: All the feasts must be reestablished in their proper place. And Holy Souls Day - that is another idiotic story! E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: The Souls in Purgatory are at a terrible disadvantage. In former times, cemeteries used to be visited. Every prayer said there gained an Indulgence; a soul could go straight to Heaven. Now that doesn't happen any more; that is to say, some people still go to the cemeteries, but they are no longer encouraged to do so. This has been done away with by the clergy. They say that these Indulgences no longer apply, and that only one of them is available at All Saints time. What do you expect the Holy Souls to do now, with only one, single Indulgence?
Ah! In former times, thousands and thousands of souls were delivered, one should say, millions... and now? Now, it is a terrible loss for them; they are calling out for help and nobody comes. And now, here we are, with this feast coming up again (N.B. date of this exorcism is October 31). Everyone should be told about all this, but, for that matter, they wouldn't believe it (boisterous laugh of evil joy).
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: It wasn't difficult: simply to go to the cemetery, sprinkle holy water there while saying an “Eternal rest grant to them, Oh Lord”, and, sometimes, an “Our Father” or some other prayer which might come to mind. When prayers like that were said with the right intention, a soul was actually delivered from Purgatory with each prayer. Now, even the good, who still believe in this, are led into error when they are told: “You cannot gain such and such an Indulgence because it is no longer valid!” Naturally, that is excellent for us in Hell (laugh of wicked joy).
E: Speak only on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, nothing but the truth, the whole truth!
J: For this great Indulgence, that of All Saints (only one of which can be gained now, according to the modern priests) many people still find the six “Our Fathers”, etc., too long. Another thing - because of this Indulgence being limited to only one, scarcely any souls are delivered any more. God Himself - the One up there (he points upward) - will set people's thinking straight on this. But, without any doubt, for many it will he largely too late; it will be too late.
I must say further that this has more connection than you think with feast-days in general. In recent times, they have lost their importance, particularly those of the Blessed Virgin. The December 8 has not been changed, but what is that? There are many other great feasts. Let us quote as an example, that of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and several other great feasts and commemorative days. When people do not go to Mass on those days to beg the Blessed Virgin's assistance in the conduct of their lives, they receive fewer graces: for them, this is a great loss, but for us, it is a magnificent gain. E: Speak only on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, and only the truth!
J: If only I hadn't been forced to say that! I would prefer not to say it!
E: Continue, in the name...all the truth!
J: I would prefer to stop talking altogether!
E: Continue, speak on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, nothing but the truth, in the name...!
J: The German proverb which says: “Only he who swims against the current gets fresh water” is very true. Many priests will soon, as it were, be swimming in an infected, dirty, disgusting stream and they are not even aware of it. They let this filth bathe their bodies, and, what is worse, their minds, and they are getting in deeper and deeper.
It is certainly difficult to swim against the current, but one does get fresh water. This is rather like the graces which They, up there, wish one to receive; but, as things are today, even more does it represent souls. More souls are saved through the Tridentine or Latin Masses[49] than through priests who no longer say Mass in the proper way because that does not produce as many blessings. There is no longer the abundance of blessings in those churches because we are present; we dance around there and will soon outnumber the people.
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, in the name...!
J: We will soon be dancing around in such great numbers that the churches will not have room for the people (sarcastic laugh of evil joy).
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: For every one person, we can deploy two, three (demons), or more, if the person is a little more pious than usual (laugh of wicked joy).
E: Speak the truth, and nothing but the truth!
J: And this reading “face to face with the people”! This is a tremendous advantage for us, but it is even more tremendous when there are women parading around up in front, in the sanctuary. (Laugh of wicked joy)
E: Tell the truth, in the name of Jesus, Judas Iscariot!
J: The next thing that happens while the women are still up the front, is that even some of the pious people-both men and women - who would really like to pray, find themselves wondering instead: “What is she wearing? How does her hat suit her? Has she had her hair done recently?” (Loud laugh of wicked joy)
E: Tell the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity!
J: “Are her shoes the latest fashion? Do they make her two or three inches taller than her old ones? Is she wearing dark or light-colored stockings?” (Burst of laughter)
E: Judas, tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Isn't that the lace on the bottom of her slip hanging down?” (sarcastic laugh)
E: From now on, say only what the Blessed Virgin wants you to tell us - say only that and absolutely nothing else! What you have just said came from you (demons).[50]
J: I was, in a kind of way, obliged to say that... I have to go further and say that it really is a bit that way. They do think things like that, and above all they look at her face,[51] which can be seen clearly. In earlier times, the women were veiled, but that was a long time ago. However, even although they are now allowed to go unveiled, it is not their place to be in the sanctuary of the church.[52] The Pope and Those up there (he points upward) do not want any of that.
E: Tell the truth, nothing but the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: The worst thing is when women are appointed to distribute Communion. Then there are scarcely any blessings or graces; these are not consecrated hands, these are women's hands. I want to clarify that - saying that these are women's hands would, in it self, have no special significance, but the hands are not consecrated. Christ chose men, and only men, for the Priesthood - not women. [53] But this is pride - pride, the original sin of the Angels.[54]
E: Continue to tell the truth, on behalf of, and in the name of, the Blessed Virgin!
J: It is like this - these women are proud to be able to go on show and to take part up there in front of everyone. Believe me, the priests - even the modern ones - who are going to see all this thrown out like rubbish in the trashcans, are going to see, just as clearly, that, with all their theories and their smart novelties, they are heading nowhere. However, they don't want to turn away from the road they have taken. Furthermore, they are reaching the point where they no longer know how to organize things to please the people. That is why many priests bring women up to the sanctuary. Then they still have a chance (satisfied laugh) that the people will come back again, since their churches are only one-third filled.
E: Judas, Iscariot, continue to speak on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, and say nothing but the truth!
J: Before long, they are actually nearer to Protestantism; the fact is that Protestantism is in some ways even better than the modern Catholic Church.
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: The protestants know nothing else; I speak the truth - they know nothing else because these things are part Protestantism, but... Catholics!
E: Continue to speak, Judas Iscariot, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Deservedly, the Protestants are soon going to be nearer God than modern Catholicism. They know nothing else, as I have just said; I wish to add that they would, in a certain way, know it well. The intelligent ones might recognize that the Catholic Church - the good Church, you understand - could be the true Church and many might be converted. But at this point where the Catholic Church is today, I - or rather, all of us in Hell '- would say that Protestantism will soon be in a better position.
E: Continue to tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, and nothing but the truth!
J: And next - preaching! There are places where the sermons are delivered by women. He up there (he points upward) does not want any of that.
E: Continue to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: God wishes sermons to be given by a consecrated man, since this has most effect on the faithful. A non-consecrated woman is a long way from having the same effect, without taking into account the fact that people do not pay any attention to her sermon. A woman who preaches is no longer good. She cannot preach seriously, for if she were good and still had a serious mind, she would not be preaching at all.
The imitation of Christ, the virtues, the Cross and the Saints are subjects now hardly touched upon at Mass, or in the sermons. Even the consecrated priests no longer preach them in the majority of places.
E: Continue to tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin and say nothing but the truth!
J: If this woman does not go into the depths of the subject of her sermon, how can the people draw any benefit from it? At the very most, they may get some very strange ideas from it; not always; but, whatever the circumstances, such a sermon has no worth at all.
J: The altar facing the people is not good, particularly for the women. It is like I said before about women in the sanctuary. Now the women say to themselves: What hairstyle does he have? Is it well combed? Has he been to the hairdresser recently! Goodness! Now it is curly...it wasn’t like that before. He has beautiful teeth! (Ironic laugh)
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, and nothing but the truth!
J: His vestments suit him very well, he is still quite young, what a shame he is a priest (gleeful laughter)...etc. But if he celebrated Mass facing the altar, such thoughts would not come to the women. When he used to turn around after they had been praying it was of no consequence. That is why God knows well that Mass should be said with back turned to the people, in other words, the right way round.
E: Tell the truth, by order of the Blessed Virgin - nothing but the truth - continue!
J: The tabernacle should be in the center. What does it mean when, on entering a modern church, the first thing one has to do is search for the tabernacle? One does not know whether it is up front, at the back, or on the side. In many places now, the tabernacles make one ask whether it belongs to a fox terrier (loud laugh of wicked joy)...
E: Tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Judas Iscariot, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
J: ...or whether it is a safe (he can scarcely contain his mirth)
E: Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, nothing but the truth, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
J: There are many people who make tabernacles, of a kind, out of iron; that would be good enough for railroad tracks which men step over or on which they tread.
E: Tell the truth, nothing but the truth, in the name...
J: A tabernacle...you understand me?...ought to be gilded! I must say that neither gold, nor the most precious stones, would be good enough to enclose what it encloses. This (a gilded tabernacle) would still be a long way from being worthy of what it contains. It is shameful - even we, down there, must acknowledge it - it is shameful to see the kinds of churches and tabernacles that people are building.
E: Tell the truth, stop laughing, tell the truth, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Then there are the churches where masses are said in the evening, or better, in the morning, and afterwards they have dances there! I must mention sex as well as dancing, because where there is dancing there are also instances of eroticism in the majority of cases. It could be said that there is not a single dance where sin is not committed, either by action or by thought. It would be better if I said that they provide the occasion for committing them later on.
Dancing is our idea alone. But now, even Catholic priests - recommend these festivals and dances. To make the people come again, it is necessary that they (the priests) offer them dancing. So the order of the day is: beer drinking, dancing and an orchestra (loud laughter again)
E: Tell the truth, nothing but the truth, in the name...!
J: It is coming to such a point, or rather it has reached the point, where certain priests - they still call themselves Catholics, but they haven't been that for a long time - are arranging to bring into their churches men of certain sects, let us say, of the Pentecostal movement, etc..., so that they can speak their nonsense there. Then, it is not the Holy Spirit who prevails, it is we who prevail; to a certain extent, it is then black magic, which prevails. And men are so blinded that they no longer know the difference between east and west. Naturally, that gives us a harvest just waiting to be reaped. Those are the sort of priests we have today. Even the consecration, the essential part of the Mass, will soon be cut out - the essential part - do you understand me? (He sighs)
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, nothing but the truth, only the truth, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Oh yes, the Blessed Virgin! That is something else again! They put her statue right in the corner, or better still, right at the back, in such a way that it can be seen as little as possible. Often it is a cheap little Madonna (when you can still recognize what it is). With modern statues, it is often difficult to tell whether they represent a gangster's moll or someone from On High (he points upward).
E: By order of the Blessed Virgin, tell the truth!
J: When there are still beautiful statues of the Blessed Virgin, people are more drawn to pray. That is why. They up there wish that...
E: Continue, tell the truth by order of the Blessed Virgin. Say everything that she commands you to say!
J: ...good works of art be displayed, at all events good and beautiful statues, which speak to the people. The tabernacle should be - when this is possible - richly gilded, and installed in such a way that the whole appearance of the church is in harmony. Let it not look like a nest for a dog - I have a fancy to say: like a tree-house for pigs (sarcastic laugh).
E: Tell the truth, as ordered by the Blessed Virgin. Leave out expressions like that which come from Down Below!
J: They do come from below, but I have been allowed to use them (He breathes heavily and laboriously)
E: Continue to tell the truth, say everything the Blessed Virgin charges you to say! Continue to speak!
J: The Blessed Sacrament, the Blessed Sacrament. It is no longer adored any more; It has been put completely to one side. Exposition (of the Blessed Sacrament) rarely takes place. There are still a few ceremonies of Reparation in the churches of the “Traditionalists”; apart from that, it is now the exception (rather than the rule). And yet...if you knew how great this Sacrament is!
E: Continue, in the name...!
J: If it were realized what blessings flowed from the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar! Such blessings used to pour from It when It was exposed outside the Tabernacle and people used to make reparation in adoration before Him! That was very beneficial for sinners. All that does not happen any more, which is the reason fewer souls are saved - I would like to stop talking, I really would!
E: Continue, as ordered by the Blessed Virgin, say everything she charges you to say and nothing but the truth!
J: I am still required to say this (he sighs heavily): the bulk of the priests are blind. We blind them. But, with a little good will and much prayer to the Holy Spirit, they would in the course of time, regain their sight. The Rosary would be a universal remedy, but it has been done away with almost everywhere. It is no longer fashionable, no longer the “in thing”, so to speak.
E: Continue, by order of the Blessed Virgin, say all the truth, say what you have to say!
J: The chaplet of Sorrowful Mysteries would be the most precious of the three; what I mean is, they are all precious, but that of the Sorrowful Mysteries contributes the most towards saving souls. That is why, On High (he points upward), it stands out as the most precious.
E: And the other chaplets? Speak, in the name...!
J: They are good too. They are all by their nature very good, especially the Glorious Mysteries with the decade recalling Pentecost and the Descent of the Holy Spirit. They are all good, but the Sorrowful Mysteries are good and precious because they cannot be separated from the contemplation of Christ's Agony in the Garden of Olives, the Scourging, the Crowning with Thorns, the Carrying of the Cross and the Death on the Cross.
The book, “The Imitation of Christ”, would provide food, nourishment and bread for humanity. But it has been thrown out as have all the best books in existence. Let us cite, for example “Agreda” and “Emmerich”, etc. Many other Lives of Holy people have fallen into oblivion.
Yet, Catherine Emmerich and Mary of Agreda have the advantage of presenting Christ's life before the eyes of men in a very impressive manner and showing them the extraordinary poverty in which Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin and Saint Joseph had to live. If men took that to heart, they would not become men of money, as they are becoming, and they would not let themselves get so puffed up with pride. They would realize that the only things blessed by Heaven are humility, the virtues, works of mercy - as they are so correctly called - the perfect imitation of Christ and His offering of Himself to the One on High (he mutters).
E: Continue to tell the truth, nothing but the truth, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Lucifer is paralyzing me. I can't any longer. I can't any longer. I don't want to any more, I don't want to. Talking makes things too hard for me, for me, Judas Iscariot (he breathes loudly and painfully)
E: Continue to tell the truth, Judas Iscariot! We forbid Lucifer to treat you badly! Lucifer, you must go away, by order of the Blessed Virgin, so that Judas may go on saying what the Blessed Virgin has ordered him to say! Lucifer, you must go away! Take yourself off! (Sound of heavy breathing)
J: The imitation of Christ would be good; the Cross would be good. In the Cross lies salvation; in the Cross lies victory; the Cross is stronger than the battle. Oh! Lucifer is tormenting me because I am saying that!
E: Continue to tell the truth! Lucifer, go away, come out of this woman! You have no right to do harm, in the name...!
J: He is in the vicinity.
E: Go away, Lucifer! You have nothing to look for here! Continue, Judas Iscariot! Lucifer has no right to harm you, in the name...!
J: He is tormenting me. It is only thanks to Her up there -because she once loved me very, very much - that he, that old, mad, hideous monster, does not torture me more terribly in Hell.
E: Continue to tell the truth, by order of the Blessed Virgin, and Lucifer must not upset you, he must not hurt you, in the name...!
J: He is upsetting me, he is hurting me, but it's all the same to me. I will be happy if I am not obliged to say these things. They only make me remember my own misdeeds. I would like to be able to go back to the way things were - to be able to go back (he sighs piteously).
E: Continue, on the order of the Blessed Virgin, to say what you must say! Lucifer must not harm you any more, he must leave, go away, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
J: The Marial Congregation used to be good, but now it is no longer good. In the places where it does still exist, it is not good any more; however, it has gone out of existence practically everywhere, because the Blessed Virgin has been eliminated in a big way from the churches. There are no longer many people who act according to her wishes and desires; there are few who imitate her perfect devotion as described by Saint Louis -Marie Grignion de Montfort.
It must be said that it is difficult. Perfect devotion and the gift of oneself is not easy, not easy. We want to hinder that sort of thing, but it would be the best thing men could do - at least, one of the best things. She (he points upward) is very powerful and protects her children - protects them as She would have protected me, if only I had been willing (he sighs despairingly).
E: Continue to tell the truth, Judas Iscariot! Lucifer must not harm you or prevent you from speaking! Say what the Blessed Virgin wishes to say to us through you! By her order, you must speak, in the name...!
J: In modern churches, hymns to the Blessed Virgin are heard only once in a blue moon (he sighs dolefully, as if being tormented).
E: Lucifer, you must not harm Judas Iscariot, nor give him a bad time - he must be allowed to speak!
J: They are heard only once in a blue moon; and when you do hear one, it does not go right to the depths of the soul and doesn't say much at all. That is a great win for us, because many have been saved or brought back to better sentiments through hymns to the Blessed Virgin. Let us take, for example, the hymn “Maria zu Lieben” (“To love Mary”) - “You are my Mother, I want to be your child, only yours in life, in death!” (He sighs piteously). No, I don't want to say that!
E: Tell the truth,'in the name...!
J: I want to hold my tongue!
E: By order of the Blessed Virgin, you must speak, in the name...!
J: I want to hold my tongue... Many of the words have been changed by the bishops in the German-speaking countries. The hymn “Milde Konigin, gedenke!” (Remember, gentle Queen!; is another one which we fear, for it contains this beautiful sentence: “Should the poorest of your children leave you without receiving help?” That used to inspire good thoughts in many people, thoughts which were retained to the last moment. Or again, “Look on me, a poor, great sinner...” But it is good for us in Hell that they are no longer sung; it is good, it is only too good.
E: Tell the truth by order of the Blessed Virgin, and say only what she wishes!
J: Then, there are the hymns to the Blessed Sacrament, “Kommet, lobet ohne End” (Come, praise without end): “O Stern in Mure, Furstin der Liebe” (Star of the Sea, Queen of Love); there are, or used to be hundreds of very good and beautiful hymns... But the modern church knows very well, the things we must destroy first of all in the Catholic Church. We are forced; Lucifer wished it, Lucifer speaks, Lucifer demands it. We have now arrived where we want to be. The culminating point has been reached. We are standing at the zenith. To top it all off, the only thing still missing is the Warning! Only the Warning is missing![55]
E: Tell the truth, by order of the Blessed Virgin, Judas Iscariot, say what she wishes to tell us, through you!
J: Within many people, humility is lacking. Within many priests today, humility is lacking; for, if they were humble, they would not be so faint-hearted. They would be bold enough to stand up with the good people, and for everything they should represent, even at the risk of receiving indignities. It is through this that we have taken them over. Many things are dependent on this virtue.[56] Humility is written in extremely small letters, so small that they are difficult to read any more. They are still written within a few people, and in a very few indeed, the virtue of “Humility.” is written in very large letters. Naturally, when there are no more sermons on it, how are men to learn humility and other virtues? If it doesn't come from sermons, where are they to find the fabric, the inspiration, the soundness of spirit which should prevail.
Didn't a great Saint once say: “When the devil wants to have someone, he doesn't let him go to a sermon any more”? But with sermons the way they are today, the devil can let people go there with an easy mind (loud laugh of wicked joy).
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, and stop laughing!
J: Now, there are many more anecdotes or foggy, conciliary superficiality, where they act more like a lecturer up there in front (he bursts out laughing), rather than fulfilling their role as preachers. Yet the people hang on their every word, But, for how much longer?
E: Tell the truth, in the name...
J: They drink in his words and believe unhesitatingly everything he says, for he is a priest and he has been appointed by the bishop. He says this, he read that, every Sunday - never from the height of the pulpit - but down below, of course, so that the people...it really is quite a business... (He laughs again, louder)
E: Tell the truth, say what you must say, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, speak the whole truth!
J: A priest has...(the words don't want to come out; he seems to be choking): I don't want to say that.
E: Go away from here, Lucifer! You have no right to harm Judas, you have no right to hinder him! Judas, tell the truth, in the name...!
J: A priest is much more effective when he speaks from the height of the pulpit, than down at ground level with a microphone. Formerly, priests had a much greater effect when they spoke, in their natural voices, from the pulpit, than nowadays, on the floor, with fifty loudspeakers.
E: Tell the truth, the entire truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, nothing but the truth; say what she wants to say through you, Judas Iscariot!
J: It really is like that, which is what makes the whole business so clever. When the people were obliged to look towards the pulpit -and, one way or another, it is normal to look at the person speaking - they were not seeing all the hats, all the hairstyles, the coats and the ties. They were obliged to fix their eyes on the mouth, or at least on the head of the preacher. Now it is not like that any more; they look all around and are distracted by the others.
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin! Lucifer must not upset you!
J: It really is clever the way things have been organized so that the priests no longer speak from up in the pulpit. It is a very important thing for us - a great advantage - that they speak up in front of the church. It is something which has been brought about by our plotting; it too, is what we wanted. We got it. We get everything. Yes, now we get absolutely everything we want (triumphant laugh)
E: Tell the truth, nothing but the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, and Lucifer must not interrupt you, Judas Iscariot, speak, in the name...!
J: Another of our achievements which we are still working on, is that women - or anyone at all - can go to Mass in scanty clothing without any priest sending them away. Quite the opposite, there are many priests who say that one must practice love of one's neighbor...
E: Speak! Send out the truth, in the name...!
J: ...that one must practice love of ones neighbor; that one can't judge a man by his clothes, whether they are suitable or not, but that one must take account of the feelings in his heart, etc. (wicked laughter)
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin and nothing but the truth!
J: Previously, it was better. Then, any such person - let us say, any such lout - was expelled from the church by the priest. Previously there was order. But now, anyone can come in, no matter how slovenly (huge laugh) E: Say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say, Judas Iscariot, nothing but the truth, only what the Blessed Virgin wishes to say through you!
J: It is normal for this sort of thing to happen when people like that are in the church... (he remains silent).
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name...!
J: When some people of this kind are in the church, heads turn from right to left, forward and backward, twisting and turning to wards everything they have a desire to look at (he laughs boisterously). As a result of that, prayer is not slow to vanish (wicked laugh).
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
J: Then, prayer is hung up on a hook, or better, stuck away on the flypaper (sarcastic laugh).
E: By order of the Blessed Virgin, tell the truth, say what the Blessed Virgin wishes you to say!
J: As for that, prayer can't even wriggle any more after the flypaper; the very most it can do is wriggle when hampered by the shackles of sex. (He remains silent)
E: Tell the truth, in the name...! J: Priests should get back into their black clothing. We have already had to say that before; some of the human demons said it.[57] When a priest goes out in civilian clothes, in an open-necked shirt - or wearing a necktie for that matter - then nobody knows if he is a reporter...(he laughs ironically)
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, nothing but the truth!
J: ...a diplomat, or an Executive Vice-President (full - throated laughter), or a lecturer who...
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, nothing but the truth!
J: who...(sarcastic laugh)
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin; stop laughing; stop playing the fool; Speak now, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
J: ...or a lecturer, or some other jackass prowling round looking for a “ good time”, a romantic spree.
E: Tell the truth, say only what the Blessed Virgin wishes!
J: That fits into the picture; it fits into the picture (he continues to laugh with wicked joy)
E: Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, by order of the Blessed Virgin, say what she wishes to say!
J: That was exactly what I was doing! (he grumbles)
E: Speak, in the name of Jesus!
J: I don't want to speak!
E: You must tell the truth, speak Judas Iscariot!
J: That was the truth.
E: You must speak, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
J: When a priest goes out in a sport-shirt - preferably a stylish one - any old cat could think he was after her. What sort of an example is that for a priest to give? What sort of example? How many of the errors of the last years have been caused by that sort of thing. They could have been avoided if priests were still wearing their correct, primitive, old, good, traditional...(he grumbles)
E: Tell the truth, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, say what you must say, speak!
J: ...not only good...(he sighs)
E: Tell the truth, speak, bring out the truth, the whole truth; speak, Judas Iscariot, in the name...!
J: ...their very suitable clothing, or...
E: Continue in the name...! Lucifer, you have no right to torment him!
J: In their priestly soutane,[58] their costume...! Don’t know how to put this. Let us take, for example, the Benedictines. The habit of Saint Benedict would still suit many priests much better than crumpled, secular clothing, which will never be able to present the imago which should he presented. Or let us look at the habit of Saint Francis with its cowl. How many lay people's thoughts would become better at the mere sight of this habit, even from a distance - it need not necessarily be right along side.
How many times has the salvation of a soul been made easier through that sort of thing! Many people were made aware of the fact that there were still many priests and that God must exist in spite of everything. Otherwise, those men would not be wearing that habit.
E: Continue to tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, say what you must say, what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say, nothing but the truth!
J: And then (the person) says to himself: “If there really is a God, perhaps he could enter into me. What must I do?” Then that works away all night in the soul of this individual and, in the end, will find the way which will lead to a correctly-attired religious, be it a man in a black soutane or a priest in the flowing garb of a Benedictine...I don't know the correct name for all these things.
If that happened, it would be marvelous good fortune for you and for the whole world. It would be a tremendous advantage for souls. Thousands and thousands of souls would be saved just because of that. How many men and women, wherever they happen to be, wherever they happen to be going, on trains, in public places, would feel better, less neglected shall we say - they would change their behavior (he remains silent
E: Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot! Say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say, and nothing but the truth, in the name...!
J: How many beneficial rays (of grace) would then come down right into the souls of these people when they think: “He is a priest; he represents the Divine Blessing, the Blessed Sacrament, he has all the power. God must be standing right behind him; besides, we can do nothing about the fact that we will have to die one day...” It would be good if things were like this, as I have just said. I repeat it yet once again, because...
E: Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say! Lucifer, you have no right to prevent Judas Iscariot from speaking, or to upset him, in the name...!
J: ...because it is frightful when a woman in a mini-skirt sits facing a priest in secular dress and does not know that he is a priest. She sees from the look of him or from his general bearing, that he must be someone quite important. She feels that in a certain way and she tries to get nearer to him. That wouldn't happen if he were wearing the soutane or the religious habit. Things like this have already led many priests astray - have led them to get married, and to abandon their priestly role. The Catholic Church is in a very bad way. It has reached rock bottom.
E: Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot! Lucifer, you have no right to prevent Judas Iscariot from speaking, nor to torment him. Judas Iscariot, say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say!
J: (Only unintelligible, guttural noises are heard, and there is an impression of suffocating)
E: Speak, Judas Iscariot, in the name...! Lucifer, you have no right to disturb him, go away, in the name...!
J: Only the intervention of God Himself, of the One on High (he points upward) can save the Catholic Church now. We have it completely hemmed in. It is starting to perish, it is breaking up. It is engulfed in Modernism, in the ideas of teachers, doctors and priests, who believe they are more intelligent than their predecessors. Only prayer and penance can help now, but there are few who devote themselves to those (he breathes deeply, painfully).
E: Tell the truth. Judas Iscariot! Lucifer, you must not disturb him! go away, Lucifer, let Judas Iscariot speak, in the name!
J: It is a great advantage for us that very few priests still speak of Hell. Hell - in all its horror - should be painted on the walls. I must add, however, that no painting would ever give any idea of its horror. Where, nowadays, do you still see a priest who preaches about hell, death, purgatory or any other subject like that? There are very few of them left! These rare priests are not enough for the army, the great mass of people, who are on the road to perdition.
E: Continue, Judas Iscariot! Lucifer you must not hinder or upset Judas Iscariot when he is talking!. He must say what the Blessed Virgin charges him to say, in the name...!
J: This also one of the principal reasons...
E: Continue to say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say, Judas Iscariot.
J: ...something we can latch onto. It is great for us when there is no more preaching about Hell. The horror of Hell in all its magnitude should be preached, but even that would not be enough now. I said it before - Hell is much more terrible than is commonly...than is thought (he sighs and weeps).
J: If people were only told that from the height of the pulpit, and if popular missions were given again, great numbers of people would return to confession. Now they don't go. As we said previously, penitential ceremonies are never a substitute for a confession. We fear popular missions like the plague, because they have saved too many souls.
The preachers of popular missions used to speak principally about Hell, Purgatory, Conversion and Death. That used to light a sacred fire in the souls of many; it was as if the priests were able to place a fuse near the people. That made them stop in their tracks, because nobody loves death, nobody loves the devil. Everybody shrank back in a startled way, thinking: “If it is like that, I must start to lead a good life again. He is right.”
When a priest follows, the good, the old tradition - as They up there wish (he points upward) - when he still celebrates Mass in the proper way, and moreover, is guided by the Holy Spirit and prays to Him often, then his power of blessing and his influence over men is much greater.[60] The same goes for his sermons. Many priests preach only superficially nowadays. Indeed, there are scarcely any blessings flowing from their Masses, very very few, and certainly fewer than with the good priests. And that is logical.
This is what Heaven says: a priest who wants to be really good, who lets himself be guided by the Holy Spirit, who gives himself completely to God, and does only what He (he points upward) wishes, has by far the greatest effectiveness and bestows the greatest enlightenment on the people who frequent his church. Even reading the Gospel and other readings from the beginning of Mass right until the end he has a great power for greater and more extensive blessings than an ordinary, or lukewarm, or almost apostate priest. The latter kind of priests do not want that any more, or they are too slipshod to say the Mass and to do good in the way that they should according to the Will of the One on High...I don't want to say any more, I don't want to speak.
E: Judas Iscariot, tell the truth, say what you must say, by order of the Blessed Virgin! Lucifer, you have no right to disturb Judas Iscariot; you must go away to Hell, which is where you belong! Judas Iscariot, continue to say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Say everything that you ought to say!
J: (He sighs)
E: Lucifer, go away! You have no right to cause a disturbance, nor to prevent Judas Iscariot from speaking! Judas Iscariot, continue, in the name...!
J: It is necessary for some courageous priests to stand up. Naturally, it would be better if the bishops rose up against the abuses in the Church. They should organize themselves. They should repeat it in their sermons - they should even shout it from the rooftops. Everything that I, Judas, have just said should be proclaimed loudly from the pulpits. I am thinking, in particular, of the Asperges Me and the Blessing at the end of Mass, during which everyone should be kneeling. Of course, they should be on their knees! The standing position procures fewer blessings. God does not like that. It offends God when people remain standing for the Blessing, perhaps not even praying, and leaving their arms dangling. It is frightful - we in Hell would be shocked - if we could be - but obviously it pleases us. It pleases us.
E: But speak now, by order of the Blessed Virgin, say only what she wishes you to say!
J: If they had again the thirty-three signs of the cross, which, moreover, is in keeping with the Life of Christ and which was all worked out in advance - it was Jesus who organized that through the Holy Spirit; if they reestablished it (the Mass), from the Asperges Me right to the prayer “Saint Michael, Archangel”, and celebrated the Mass as Christ has wished, then...I don't want to say it.
E: Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, by order of the Blessed Virgin. Lucifer, you have no right to disturb him! You must go away!
J: ...then, thousands of souls would be saved, who are not saved and who are going to their eternal destruction. The evil comes from the Mass, principally from the Mass.[61] An endless flood of blessings used to flow from the Mass, when it was still celebrated properly.[62] The Mass is the principal factor.
The Mass and Holy Communion are the two greatest things for you Catholics. All the mystics, all the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin must yield place to them. Holy Mass has an infinite value, an unimaginable value. Christ Himself goes up to the altar with all his plenitude of graces, which we hate so much. We must flee from a Mass that is still celebrated well. We have to flee at the very beginning, at the Asperges Me. Then, speaking figuratively, we can only watch, timidly, through a crack. Now, on the contrary, at the modern Mass, we can dance around, up to...I don't want to say it.
E: Tell the truth, say what the Blessed Virgin wishes you to say, nothing but the complete truth!
J: ...up to the sanctuary. We can dance around even in front of the tabernacle. For it is no longer in every tabernacle that...I don't want to say that, I don't want to.
E: Tell the truth, you must, Judas Iscariot, by order of the Blessed Virgin! Lucifer has no right to disturb you!
J: Those in Heaven lament because the consecrated Host is no longer present in all tabernacles.
E: What did you say? Tell the truth, in the name...!
J: If, at Mass, the priest no longer believes in the words of the Consecration, and has no intention of consecrating, then the host is not consecrated. Then, it is only bread, as the Protestants and the sects say it is. The majority (of priests) have “lost their minds”; they do only what the people command. They wish to be honored in their modernism and in their presumption, which seems to ooze out from the tops of their head (he grumbles).
E: Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, nothing but the truth, say everything you must say, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
J: The saddest thing of all for Those up there, is that the people believe they are receiving Christ in the host...and it is only bread. In actual fact, it is no longer Christ. That represents for them a loss of graces, and so makes it easier for them to leave the good road. They are deceived by their very own priests.
E:Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, in the name...!
J: It is necessary for me to say this: Those, up there, do not like to see brown hosts used. They are allowed only in cases of extreme necessity. In normal times, preference must be given to white bread. The reason, dating back from earlier times, is that Jesus is Innocence personified (his breathing is troubled).
E: Continue, Judas Iscariot, say all that you must say on behalf of the Blessed Virgin! Lucifer must in no way disturb you; he must flee to Hell, where he belongs! Judas Iscariot, continue speaking, in the name...!
J: When the Pope appears on his podium - what I mean is his balcony where he is accustomed to speak - if he were able to speak freely and say what he should say (which is also what he would like to say), then men would return to the past. Then there would still be time, but right now, he is prevented. If he were able, just once more, to come out and say what he would like to - but he would be... (mumbling)
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, in the name...!
J: He would be silenced altogether if he spoke freely.[63] He knows that he cannot take a false step. The situation being what it is, he would like to be able to die. But he knows very well that he must hold out right to the end. He must live out his martyrdom, like a true disciple of the Cross of Christ. He must live the Passion right to the end, whether he wishes to or not. The Pope must pass through the winepress as Jesus Himself passed through it: not in the same degree, but, nevertheless, he must pass through it.
K: Continue, Judas Iscariot, say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say! Lucifer is not to disturb you, he must let you speak, in the name...!
J: People do not believe what Heaven announces through the “privileged souls”; the things She (he points upward) charges the privileged souls to impart, in the name of Jesus Christ; and when Jesus Himself appears, still they do not believe. Jesus and His Mother have said so often what is being said now, that everything is rotten in the Church, but, exactly as I have said, the bishops do not believe it; now the places of pilgrimage, more so the older than the more recent ones, are no longer recognized. There is still some superficial belief in Lourdes and Fatima, etc. but there are no longer many graces in those places, because the priests no longer say the good Mass there... (He remains silent)
E: Tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, in the name...!
J: There are certain priests there who would indeed like to say a Mass of their own invention - so to speak - and to send the other priests packing. Already, Fatima is in the lead, and soon Lourdes...
E: Tell the truth, by order of the Blessed Virgin! Lucifer must not disturb you, nor prevent you from talking!
J: ...soon Lourdes will not be very far behind. Moreover, not many Catholics go to Lourdes any more, because they consider it out of date to honor the Blessed Virgin or to go on a pilgrimage.
E: By order of the Blessed Virgin, continue to tell the truth, saying now everything that you have been charged by the Blessed Virgin to say!
J: If all priests, without exception were to recognize in a flash of understanding, exactly where the Church is and what the whole situation is, they would be panic-stricken. They would come back immediately, or at least, a great number of them would. But they do not have this flash of understanding, although they believe that the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit.
K: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, and nothing but the truth!
J: These priests fix their gaze firmly on the new Church - in the final reckoning, they themselves would be the Church and could therefore make any changes they pleased, because the Holy Spirit would also be in them. But, in thinking that way, they forget that they are being disobedient to the Pope, the Head of the Church, and that these things do not come from him at all. For it is only through the (official) word of a Pope, that that could come from the Holy Spirit, and not through my old words that they would like to twist and turn as they please (he growls).
E: Continue, Judas Iscariot, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, say what she charges you to say, in the name...!
I: Naturally, what we are disseminating by means of the cardinals does not come in any way at all from the Holy Spirit.[64]
E: Judas Iscariot, tell the truth, say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say, continue, in the name...!
J: Some of them (cardinals) will he destroyed like the grass that withers - the prayer of the exorcism puts it very well[65] - but not all of them will be destroyed. Some of them will yet come to understand... As far as the bishops - in this case, the iron is still hot...the bishops...
E: Say what you have to say, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: I was a bishop. If I could have my time over again, I would do my work better, a thousand times better. The bishops...
E: Continue, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: It would be better if many of the bishops were not bishops. It would be better if they were the lowliest of laymen, rather than bearers of the word and holders of the crozier, because that, for them, is no more than a camouflage, and...
E: Tell the truth, in the name...Say what you must say on Her behalf!
J: ...they wear their disguise very well, but underneath, there is only wormwood and rottenness. It is the same for us, it is...
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, say what she wishes to tell us through you, Judas Iscariot, in the name...!
J: But I don't wish to speak any longer. I don't want to speak.
E: You must speak on behalf of the Blessed Virgin and in the name of...! Lucifer must not hinder you from telling all the truth!
J: Enough - I've...(he mutters)
E: Speak! Speak on behalf of the Blessed Virgin! You must say everything she wishes to tell us today through you!
J: I have said enough - enough. This was the main thing that I have had to say: they must organize themselves, and Ecône will triumph in spite of all the persecutions. That cursed Ecône will triumph (he growls)
E: In the name of Jesus, leave that alone! Tell the truth! Say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say!
J: It will triumph in spite of everything! What do you believe? Where do they find so many candidates? Perhaps from the nether regions! These candidates see very clearly where the good way lies and how they must follow along it. They feel very strongly that only there - in renunciation, sacrifice and the way of the cross - can be found the imitation of Christ and the true priesthood. It is because they know that so well that they have so many candidates for the priesthood. They have more than the others (seminaries), who would still like to be able to boast of what they...but they have almost come to the end of their boasting.
E: Continue! Say what you have to say on behalf of the Blessed Virgin
J: The modernists can see, of course, that their song is almost over and that Ecône is ahead of them. That is why they are fighting it. There it is - the whole story. That is why they are fighting it (he sighs).
E: Stop pulling at our stoles! You have no right to harm us! Continue, in the name of Jesus!
J: In the most real sense, it is only because we are in them - in those who are fighting Ecône. They give us support like good tools. They are good, useful tools, which we wouldn't want to throw away right now. Their theories are useful to us in Hell.
E: Now, it is necessary for you to tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, and not just say what pleases you!
J: We are obliged to say all that as well. We are obliged to add that, so that the picture will be complete. We must emphasize how all these things are linked together, so that everyone will come to understand. But now, no more - I don't want to say any more!
E: Say what you must say, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, right to the end!
J: I don't want to speak any more, I don't want to!
E: Lucifer has no right to disturb you. Continue saying what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say, in the name...!
J: Next then, confession...and celibacy. That is quite a business! When a priest lives a celibate life, all the women, and the men too, have much more confidence in him, particularly in the confessional, than if he were married.
(If he were married) there could well come a day when one of those witches (ironic laugh) cross-examines her husband about what so and so said during confession. She would be mighty curious to know what so and so had said, and, in particular, whether it fits in with her schemes.
But if the priest lives, and perseveres in, a celibate life, and if he imitates the virginal life of Christ, then any jackass will understand - anyone at all will think: “I can go there (to confession) to him. There I can unburden myself completely. It won't come out, it will remain between us. If they are good enough to keep their celibacy, then they are also capable of maintaining silence.” But they don't feel this any more about those who are married. On the contrary, then they think: “He is married, therefore he has not been able to keep it (celibacy), so how could... (Laugh of wicked joy)...how could he remain silent, how could he hold his tongue, when he is not even master of his own body?
E: Tell the truth, nothing but the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Celibacy is Christ's wish. It must not be departed from, not by a yard, not by an iota. Those who have married must come back and repent of their fault - it would be better if each of them could have his time over, rather than repent of his fault - then he... but as things are...
E: Continue, say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say; Lucifer has no right to disturb you, he must go away! Continue, say what you must say, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, and only the truth!
J: Even if the people wanted to go to confession, they have too few opportunities. Confession times are at the most one hour and then, only a few old people come (ironic laugh)
E: Continue, tell the truth, say what you must say, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
J: Then the priests feel put out. They ask themselves: “So few, and only old people? We will soon be able to consign confession to the box-room. Are we also going to be obliged to go along with penitential ceremonies?” Then the minute the old people have finished their prayers for the confession, these priests leave the confessional, so that those who are waiting believe that they will miss out on confession unless they rush quickly into the confessional. Then they can't (bursts of laughter)...
E: Tell the truth, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin! Stop laughing!
J: ...they can't even, in their fear that the confessor will get away from them, prepare themselves properly, as they would otherwise do (full-throated laughter).
E: On behalf of the Blessed Virgin, tell the truth!
J: I don't want to say any more, I don't want to.
E: Yes! You must speak, say what the Blessed Virgin wishes! You must say right to the end, what the Blessed Virgin wishes, and nothing else!
J: If the priests were to hear confessions for several hours; if on Good Friday, while speaking on the Death of Christ, they could take the opportunity to speak also on the death of man. They could recall that everyone must die and that he must prepare his soul for death - in that way, thousands of souls would be snatched from Hell (he sighs woefully),
E: Don't be annoying! You have no right to pull at that stole, in the name...!
J: It's not our idea, but we are forced to; Beelzebub[66] and Lucifer want us to annoy you.
E: Beelzebub and Lucifer have to disappear! Judas Iscariot, you alone, speak, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, in the name...!
J: We spread disorder everywhere. Because Beelzebub is here, we have more power in every way. He prowls in all directions and sows disorder wherever he can.
January 12, 1976
E= Exorcist
V= Veroba, an angelic demon from the Choir of Powers
E: We order you, Veroba, in the name..., you must tell the truth, say exactly what the Blessed Virgin wishes!
V: The good people are even fighting with each other. It used not to be like that. Formerly, the good were united. Confusion has now begun and is heading towards its climax. But it will become even worse.
E: Continue, in the name...!
V: At the present time, all of a sudden, men do not look so often at the Holy Scripture. Moreover, it is explained differently everywhere, or even distorted and arranged differently, and interpreted according to the individual's own ideas. Only the Holy Scripture that has not been falsified, the good, old, traditional Holy Scripture should be retained. All the rest is part of the plan (of the demons); you could say it is poisoned.
E: Continue to tell the truth! Speak, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, of all the holy Angels and Archangels, and in the name of the Immaculate!
V: The Great Lady wishes to save all those whom she can. The world is so corrupt that she is no longer able to save all people en masse. Nevertheless, she still wants to do everything that she can. She loves her children, loves them more than most of them would have deserved.
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name...!
V: If only we were still loved with one-tenth of that love! (He sighs dreadfully) She loves her children as only a mother can. That is why many good people, particularly from among the laity, must turn to her: all must pray, but they must also suffer for and on behalf of the salvation of other souls who would otherwise be lost or sink deeper into the ways which lead to perdition. The confusion is frightful and it will become even worse. But you must carry out all her wishes!
E: What does the Blessed Virgin wish? Speak, in the name...!
V: That you persevere on this road, that you do not deviate from it in the slightest way, even if the devil were to rush up at you on stilts.
E: Tell the truth, say what you must say, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin and in the name of the Most Holy Trinity!
V: The Pope can be a consolation for you: he is suffering even more than you. For a long time, he has wished that everything could come to an end. But he has to go on praying and making sacrifices. You (priests) must help him.
Lay people must also join in. There is a real need at this time for better discernment to be able to counteract all the varied opinions that are believed to be correct, because everyone thinks he has the right answer even when it is incorrect.
E: Continue to tell the truth, Veroba, say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say! You have no right to lie.
V: If she weren't in Heaven and if she could still become discouraged she would have become fed up a long time ago. But she is patient; she is infinitely more patient than all men put together...If only she had this patience...could still exercise this patience... with us (he sighs piteously) We in Hell no longer expect it. Now we can do nothing more except make revelations to you. Ah! To think that we still have to reveal to you what we would rather not!
E: Continue to tell the truth! You must tell it, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, Veroba! You must tell the truth!
V: Soon, Jesus Christ will no longer even be present at all Masses. Even now, He is no longer present everywhere. There are already many priests who do not believe in the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ at the Consecration. It is very sad; there are no longer many graces coming from it (the Consecration) or scarcely any.
If all those who call themselves priests were to still say the Mass -the Mass of Saint Pius V - properly, the world would change in a sensational manner.[67] But, unhappily, this is not the case. To bring this about, we have had to take the matter up strongly with the cardinals, then with the bishops and priests and finally, with the laity. A cardinal, a bishop or priest is always a thousand times more important than a layperson, at all events, for our purposes.
E: Veroba, continue! Say what you have to say, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, in the name...!
V: If the Great Lady could still weep - she does still weep during her apparitions - but if she could still weep in Heaven, the whole earth would be drenched with her tears. She still has pity for these miserable earthworms; in her compassion, she tries to call them back or hold them back. But men don't want that; they go on blindly, throwing themselves into the nets of these puppets, who are nothing but our lieutenants, our publicity agents. But people don't believe this. That is a huge win for us, that it is not believed any more!
E: Continue to tell the truth, Veroba, in the name of the Blessed Virgin who is suffering so much in Heaven, and in the name of the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI!
V: Even Judas, with his odious betrayal, was less wicked than many of today’s priests. Judas did not act in such a secret way. He felt that Jesus was aware of his guilt. Then he repented and threw his thirty pieces of silver into the temple, saying: “I have delivered up Innocent Blood.” Is there even one priest today who still does that? Those of today are much more villainous. Not one of them would be sorry for the evil he is doing, and that is contagious. They are infected right into the marrow of their bones and they aid and abet each other in such a way that everything may be hidden and remain so. But for how much longer?
Until the time when that will all be shattered on the great day,[68] when it will no longer be we who have the upper hand, but the Church. What the Church has represented up until the present day cannot simply be thrown overboard, discarded like a worn-out shoe, or like a threadbare overcoat that needs to be patched up with other material!
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity! V: It is sad for the Great Lady and for Heaven, that so many good people, whom she loves so much and who should be going hand in hand with her to Heaven, are now paralyzed. Many do not know anymore what they ought to do in the midst of this confusion; and imperceptibly, the danger of falling into error looms up on them. That is why I, Veroba, have to say: “You must pray a lot to the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to pray too much to the Holy Spirit.”
E: Tell the truth, Veroba! Say everything you have to say on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
V: I would rather not have said that! I don't want to say any more!
E: You must say now what you have to say, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity!
V: She makes me say: “Do not despair, even if some of the just are mistaken about you”. Jesus predicted: “The time will come when whoever kills you will believe he is doing a holy duty for God”.[69] That time is here now. They will not kill you straight away; many have already been killed, but not you. Inevitably, you must undergo persecutions. But it will become even worse. It will not last more than ten years.[70] Even we do not know how long. We ourselves know only that it is near. Christ Himself has said: “You know neither the day, nor the hour when the Son of Man will come”.[71] That is true, not only of the end of the world, but equally so regarding the Chastisement. In saying that. He also meant the Chastisements, as well as the individual death of every man. The Warning[72] is part of the Chastisement, which will not be so light! The Chastisement will commence with the Warning - it will be, so to speak, the first part.
E: Tell the truth, Veroba, say what you must say and nothing but the truth!
V: It will not last more than ten years. According to our calculations, it could well be possible that the Warning - but as I said, we in Hell do not know (frightful grumbling). The many prayers being said are the reason Heaven is still holding the Chastisement back. In fact, it is paradoxical to continue praying. With the delaying of the Warning and Chastisement, the confusion is only growing greater. Nevertheless, prayer is necessary. She wants it, because through prayer, many more souls are saved (spine-tingling roaring).
February 5, 1976
E= Exorcist
Al= Allida, an angelic demon, from the Choir of Archangels.
E: Tell the truth, Allida, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity!
Al: We are grateful to Those on High that the Chastisement has not yet come. That leaves us additional time to bestir ourselves. They up there (he points upward) have everything in hand; it is all in their hands. We down below (in Hell) are afraid that the great warning will come soon.
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
Al: We will soon have finished our deliberations.
E: In the name of the Blessed Virgin and in the name of..., tell the truth!
Al: Because all the signs now appearing throughout the whole world - in the clergy, in nature - point that way, we are afraid that...What do you believe? We also know what is in the Apocalypse. Comparing the signs with what is in the Apocalypse, any jackass has to admit that we have now arrived at that point...with just a few, small reprieves, because those up there still feel pity all the time.
Al: We must say, because Those up there wish us to: Don't lose your head, be as steady as a rock and as hard as iron and diamond; apply yourself, step by step, to what is good, to what is traditional! It is obvious where the New is leading you.
For example, many children are now so advanced that they know everything about sex almost while they are still using a pot. It is, so to speak, drummed into their skulls so well that by four or five years of age, they have nothing else in their heads. There are even some institutions such as kindergartens and schools, who know nothing better nor more intelligent than to drive sex into the heads of the children with a mallet. Then what stage do the young reach at the age of puberty? The parents don't know what to do. They scarcely dare to speak with the priest and protest about it. They say to themselves: “He is a priest, he knows what he is doing” (he growls)
The young are corrupted even before they are able to stand up on their own feet. The last two generations will never produce true soldiers of Christ, unless there is a complete reversal of the situation. They would be better off in concentration camps than in those education centers that inoculate them with sex like a poison. At the same time, this is offset with a faint taste of modern Christianity.
It was more easily seen in Sodom and Gomorrah. At that time, corruption was not injected, drop-by-drop, as it is now (he growls). It is true that it was serious in Sodom and Gomorrah, but they knew that they were sinning. They felt it. Today's children of ten do not even know that they are sinning. They understand too late that they have been pushed headlong into sin. The priests, teachers and educationists who would be responsible for it often know only in a very confused way, that their manner of acting is culpable. Sometimes, they still hear the voice of conscience, and some times they imagine it is the Holy Spirit.
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Immaculate Conception, of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, of the holy Curé of Ars and of Catherine Emmerich, continue, say what you have to say!
Al: There has never been such confusion as there is now. There was indeed a very great crisis at the time of the Reformation, but then it was more of a split. The good remained on the good side and the others simply moved over to Protestantism. But the Lutherans (of that time) were still better than the bad Catholics (of today). Then it was a terrible liability for the Church, but now everything is in a much more deadly situation. Then, the majority of people, even among the protestants, were aware when they had done wrong.[73]
Then they were divided into three groups - Luther, Calvin, Zwingle - they soon realised that this could not be the true Church in so far as these three men were in conflict. Then they saw clearly that it was a crisis for Catholicism. But they also saw that the good were at least united. They would then have been willing to come back, at all events Luther would have, but it was too late. We (he points downward) had him too tightly hemmed in by then.
E: Say, in the name of..., what you still have to say, Allida!
Al: It was we who influenced Luther, and the Old One (Lucifer) who influenced Zwingle.[74] It was necessary for the Old One to take Zwingle in hand until he had risen up like a hothouse plant that flourishes like a weed. This weed doesn't even need much rain. It is well known that evil always flourishes and grows tall much more quickly than good. In some way or another, it multiplies rapidly and is difficult to cut back.
Good is always harder and more difficult; it does not grow up so readily; and even when it has flourished, and the person concerned believes that it has already reached a good height, it can suddenly come tumbling down from half-way up the mountain and be obliged to begin again from zero. Evil, on the other hand, flourishes and multiplies like weeds, without any setbacks. It flourishes, it grows upward, and nobody can stop it.
Corruption is like a sinister mountain which obscures everything, makes everything reek, spreads darkness over everything, infects everything, when evil is once there, it is like an epidemic which carries off throngs of people. Virtue, on the contrary, has much more difficulty flourishing. It is not so easy, not so attractive, not so widespread.[75] We do not want to say that! How we have been forced to say that! (He growls furiously)
March 30,1976
E= Exorcist
J= Judas Iscariot, a human demon
B=Beelzebub, an angelic demon, from the Choir of Seraphim.
E: In the name of Jesus, tell us who must speak?
J: Judas Iscariot must speak.
E: Demon Judas Iscariot, we priests, as representatives of Jesus Christ, order you, in the name of the most Holy Trinity...tell us: when must you go away! Judas Iscariot, in the name of all these invocations and in the name of the Church, you must speak!
J: To begin with, that is a superfluous question. First, it is necessary for your business to be settled (he growls).
E: In the name of Jesus, what business must be settled?
J: This business of publication of this little book[76] (he growls again). - That is still not all, still not all.
E: What does “That is still not all” mean? Tell the truth, you must speak! Tell the truth, in the name...!
J: We don't want to speak - we don't want to speak.
E: In the name of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, Whom you betrayed after the Last Supper, you must speak now!
J: If I had known, I would never have betrayed Him!
E: On that holy evening, you betrayed Jesus, and now, you must speak in His name and in the name of all the holy Apostles and Popes who have not betrayed Christ! Speak now - the truth and nothing but the truth! You must speak, Judas Iscariot!
J: What is already printed is settled, but that is not yet all.
E: What else is still necessary? Tell the truth, in the name...!
J: We definitely do not wish to do that. Just go home, go away!
E: No, we are not going to go home now. You must speak now, Judas Iscariot and Beelzebub! We order you to say only what is true! In the name… you must say what the Blessed Virgin wishes to say through you! By her order, you must speak! What more must be added?
J: How we hate Her (he points upward)! Oh! How we hate her.
E: Yes, but in her name, in the name of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, you must speak the truth!
J: (He sighs). But you cannot demand that of us!
E: Yes we can! She is your Queen and your Sovereign. All Hell must obey her.
J: That is right. She (he points upward), rightly, she must... (he wails piteously). She is there with her crown and scepter. She is there with her crown and scepter; and on the crown, she bears the cross, the insane, the cursed cross (he howls in a heart-rending way). Oh! how we fear her.
E: Tell us, in the name of the Blessed Virgin, and in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, what you have to tell us, and nothing but the truth!
J: We do not want a woman having dominion over us - we don't want that!
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father..., tell the whole truth!
J: Partly, I must repeat something that has already been said, and partly, I must say some new things.
E: Judas Iscariot, say now what the Blessed Virgin has charged you to say, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity!
J: Broadly, Veroba has said that it was a paradox to keep on praying, because without that, the Warning would already have arrived. But the reason for that is: so that a few men may still be saved.
E: Continue to say what the Blessed Virgin has charged you to say, and nothing but the truth! She commands you now, Judas!
J: The Blessed Virgin wishes that this cursed, filthy little book be widely distributed. That was the only thing left for us to say, so that the whole world may know what is going on. They could change their lives; they could certainly begin to doubt those things that we are propagating through Rome. They could come back to the old tradition. There is nothing more for us to say - that was all that remained.
E: Continue, by order of the Blessed Virgin, to say what she has charged you to say, and nothing else! Speak now! Is that all?
J: She (he points upward) certainly wants still more of it!
E: You must tell the truth, in the name...! Speak now, Judas Iscariot, you must speak for the Church!
J: “Nothing” would be, too much for the church, that cursed container of filth!
E: Speak now for the Church, the Holy Church, which will not disappear, in the name...!
J: All right, I am going to be forced to speak.
E: Yes, the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. You haven't the power to destroy the Church.
J: The part concerning the Church will come later on, but first I must stick to my subject. It will come later, it will come later!
E: Then speak: Judas! Say what the Blessed Virgin wishes, in the name...!
J: Now she wished quite simply that the question of sex and the business of youth generally, be raised again. She wishes to let it be known yet one more time, that it must be proclaimed from up in the pulpits; that there must be preaching on the virtues (he breathes with difficulty); that the gravity of the fault must be proclaimed - do you understand? - how grave the fault is and where it is leading.
E: What fault, speak in the name...!
J: The whole fault of sins, of each individual sin in particular. These sins can be mentioned separately in different sermons, or all together in one single sermon whichever seems the most suitable to each priest, but above all, the Holy Spirit must be invoked.
E: Judas Iscariot, speak in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father...Judas, speak!
J: It must be brought much more to the attention of the young, of all the faithful, how serious the fault is,[77] how terribly serious and deadly, where it comes from, where it is leading and how it comes; how to keep oneself free from it, what would need to be done to be able to lessen it, to be able to eradicate it altogether (he wails)
E: Judas Iscariot, continue telling the truth on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, the Mystical Rose!
J: Above all, it must be said that prayer is one of the most solid anchors of Christian life. This must be said from the height of the pulpits, without a microphone. A thousand microphones are no substitute for the pulpit. When the priest speaks from the pulpit, the faithful are linked directly to God's Word. Then they don't see all the objects of possible distraction in front, behind, on all sides. They look straight at the one above them, and are able to concentrate better.
E: But all that can already be found in the little book that the Blessed Virgin wants.[78]
J: Yes, it is there already, but it is necessary for me to say it once again, and it must be written once again.
K: When did you say that before, Judas Iscariot? Do you still remember? Speak, in the name...!
J: Yes: on October 31 (1975).
E: Continue, continue, in the name...!
J: the fault is much greater than you can describe. It is like this! We demons are hideous; we are afraid of one another. we have a terrible appearance. We cannot bear one another. If only we didn't have to look at one another! But we must, we must! For all eternity, we will have to live in this diabolical pit, and will have to look at one another!
But when we are obliged to look upon sin, the fault, in the hearts of men, it always plunges us again into a frightful terror. So, you can picture for yourselves the seriousness of the fault: when it can plunge us demons, accustomed to so many things, who are in frightful torment day and night, who must contemplate hour by hour, minute by minute, this sight which is the most terrible of all terrible sights - when it can still plunge us into terror!
So, you can imagine how serious the fault is, particularly in the sight of Him up there (he points upward), Whose majesty surpasses all else. That was what I still had to say (he wails piteously).
E: Continue to tell the truth, Judas Iscariot, and nothing but the truth, in the name... in the name of the Immaculate!
B: If you knew what majesty He has (he points upward)! It is not Judas saying that - it is Beelzebub, It is I, Beelzebub!
E: Good. You have seen better than Judas what the majesty of God is. Speak, in the name...
B: Judas has not seen the majesty of God; by that I mean that he has seen the humanity of God; and he has been able to perceive a few fragments of His majesty, but he has not seen Him (God) in the fullness of His Majesty (he sighs). Do you know what that is? I have seen Him - that is to say, I have not seen him as you will see Him one day. But I was able to understand Him, and I have seen and experienced a large part of it. We were not yet in the totality of the perfect beatific vision, but we were already in a very powerful beatific state. But we were not willing to give her the pleasure of having dominion over us, or directing us. That leads on to what must still be said.
E: Continue to tell the truth, Beelzebub, by order of the Blessed Virgin, who commands you to speak, and nothing but the truth!
E: She is indeed above us. She is terribly much above us.
E: Speak, Beelzebub, in the name of the Father..., by order of the immaculate Conception!
B: She wants me in particular, to say these things; if only she had chosen Allida! But she wishes me to!
E: You are required to speak now, Beelzebub, in the name...!
B: Now listen carefully! I must say this - she is forcing me!
E: Yes, so much the better. Speak, in the name...!
B: There she is with her crown and scepter. She is there; she almost crushes me. This is what it is like: in the beginning, at the time of the Apostles, when she, the Mother (he points upward) was still living, She, in a manner of speaking, had to organize the beginnings of the church. She had to pray that it would develop as it should, that it would develop as (he sighs)...
E: In the name of the Father, and of the Son... tell the truth!
B: That it would develop according to the Will of the Holy Spirit. She was on her knees, day and night; and she prayed for the church to become like that, and that it would get rid of the old, that is the Mosaic, law; that circumcision would disappear. She saw that circumcision had been fitting during a certain period and had been necessary in accordance with the law of that period. But after Jesus Christ and His Mission, it was no longer necessary. Jesus Christ submitted Himself to circumcision, but He did not want to continue. From that time on, there was the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (he sighs). E: Beelzebub, continue by order of the Most Holy Trinity, Father... and the Immaculate Conception, on whose behalf you must speak today!
The Blessed Virgin was present when the Apostles celebrated Holy Mass for the first time. After Christ's Ascension, the Blessed Virgin always took part in the Mass of the Apostles and received Holy Communion. They used to prepare for their Masses for many hours. Is there even one (priest) who still does that today? There are scarcely any who do! Often indeed, the Apostles would prepare themselves for entire days before a single Mass. On one occasion even, the Blessed Virgin retired for ten days and prayed day and night. During that time, she was called to Heaven, and she saw the infinite Majesty of God.[79]
God, the Holy Trinity, ordered us down there, to come up from Hell (he points first downward, then upward). It was not yet the perfect celestial sphere, but it was already a superior sphere. We had to come up, and we had to look upon this creature, whether we wanted to or not. The Holy Trinity forced us to see her in her almost perfect majesty. Her majesty and splendor were greater than we had ever seen them before. The Blessed Virgin has conquered. She has vanquished us.
We saw her clothed in the sun. At all events, we saw her in a great majesty, the moon at her feet, that is to say, the world. The moon under her feet represents the entire world whose adversary is the serpent, which is symbolic of all of us.
How we pleaded with God! How we begged His Majesty to spare us from this sight! We even pleaded with Him to allow us to rush straight back towards Hell so that we could return to the nether regions; so hard was it for us to bear looking at her! But He did not allow us to leave. We had to suffer this terrible sight for yet a moment longer - (he moans in despair).
E: Speak, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father...
B: Do you know how often we deliberated over how to weaken or degrade this creature, even by the smallest fraction? (He points upward)
But nothing we did succeeded. She was victorious everywhere. She was sovereign over all. For years, centuries, we were deliberating to see what we could, what we might be able to do once she arrived (was born). But when she did come, we didn't even recognize her immediately...
E: Not recognize her immediately?
B: ...Not immediately... We suspected that such an extraordinary incredibly virtuous creature - a creature over whom we had no influence - could be her. But why we didn't know immediately (he mutters and sighs vehemently)...
E: You must speak now, Beelzebub, continue in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Father... of the Immaculate Conception, by whose order you must now speak!
B: ...and who hid herself in the background. Lucifer and I, Beelzebub, called the whole Council together.[80] When we had finally worked out that this really was her, we deliberated, day and night, for a long time, to see what we might be able to do to harm her. For this we called together the best magicians (those with the greatest occult powers). We ordered them to harm That Woman (he points upward), both in body and soul, so that she would not be so strong, so that her prayer would not be so deadly, and so that she could exercise such power.
For we knew very well that later the Church would be in her hands. Even Peter used to fall at her feet when he failed (he growls).
She has an immense power, because she has been the most amiable and perfect of God's creatures. She has been a creature of incredible perfection; after God, she is thousands and thousands of times above all creatures. Even her spouse, Saint Joseph, who was thousands and thousands of times above other men, was still thousands and thousands of times inferior to her.
E: In the name of the Father... in the Name of the Blessed Virgin's Immaculate Conception, continue to tell the truth! Continue, Beelzebub, go on, continue! And nothing but the truth!
B: So we deliberated and the magicians tried to harm her. They tried everything to harm her, but she persevered in prayer. She stood fast. She was well aware of what was happening, but we could achieve nothing. We were not able to harm the beastly creature, because she was not subject to original sin like the rest of men. Neither magician, nor sorcerer, nor anyone else, was able to harm her. Black magic can harm only those men whom we can harm, particularly those who are possessed. But the diabolical magicians had no influence over Her (he points upward)[81]
So we were overtaken by an infernal fury, a frantic fury, a fury of which only Hell is capable, when we saw that all those together could do nothing more against this incomprehensible creature, this predestined one of God. We hurled ourselves furiously against the sorcerers and the magicians and it was on them that we inflicted injury. They received double the harm they would have inflicted on her (he points upward) - (he moans).
E: Continue, Beelzebub, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Immaculate Conception, by whose order you must now speak! Tell the truth!
B: It is a crazy penance for me that I have to be the one who is obliged to say these things!
E: Go on! Continue to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth! You have no right to lie!
B: Leave me alone! The (possessed) woman is almost on the verge of a heart attack.
E: The Blessed Virgin orders you to speak for the Church, in the name...!
B: No, we don't want to speak!
E: Yes, you must! Go on! Speak!
B: No, leave me alone! (he growls).
E: You must speak now, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in the name of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, you must speak now!
B: Very well. It is impossible to describe the fury of Hell, when we saw our shots miss the mark. As that was not successful, we pondered[82] again how we could harm her, but she was able to put to flight all our evil efforts. She was superior; she was truly a chosen creature of God, chosen in a very special way.
For as long as the earth will continue to exist, right up to the end of the world, you will never find her equal; never, from the beginning of the world to eternity, would there, or could there, be found anyone to equal her. And He up there (he points upward) could imagine nothing more atrocious, nor find anything more shameful, than to make us go up into this sphere in order to present this creature to us. It was a dreadful calamity for us (in a tearful voice). We would have preferred to remain in the depths of Hell, in the midst of the most cruel fire, rather than be forced to look on this...We cannot say what we want to, but I would like to use the most abusive adjectives if I could. She does not allow it.
E: Tell the truth! You must speak now in the name of the Blessed Virgin, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity!
B: It was frightful for us to be obliged to look upon this creature, clad in the greatest sanctity, with crown and scepter, chosen by the Most High (terrible cry). I still have the spectacle before my eyes; this sight from the past: it still maddens me (he shouts). It seems to me as if It must have happened today; it seems like today to me, and to the others as well. Even now, we are still stamping with rage about it.
When we eventually had to return to Hell - but it was more like being allowed to, rather than being ordered to - we rose up in fury against one another. You know, we maltreated one another... for we could not bear the sight of one another.
I have to say still more about that same diabolical happening (cries and terrible wailing)...
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity...!
B: On one occasion, during the time she was helping, to organize, the Church founded by her Son, she was immersed in prayer, that the Almighty might well have carried her constantly in His hands, so great was His satisfaction.
Then the Apostle, Barnabas, came, followed by another. They prostrated themselves before her and they pointed out, correctly, that it was now time for the Gospels to be written for the Church. “They invoked the Holy Spirit for a long time, and they prayed constantly for days on end. Such prayer does not happen any more today, or only in very rare circumstances and places. Yes, for several days they prayed, they bombarded Heaven with prayers, to know who should be chosen to write the Gospels. And then the Blessed Virgin appointed that Luke, that John, that Mark and do I know the other one? to write those filthy books. How annoyed we were about, that, but it still happened! Do you know what it felt like for us when those texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John came out? (he growls furiously). Just think about it, those four were chosen by the Trinity and by the Blessed Virgin with her rotten majesty! It was not Peter who was charged with it, no not he; he was the rock, he had the overview of everything, and the Church was founded on him; yet the writing of the Gospels was entrusted to those four Apostles.[83]
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
B: Then the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove on those (gathered there) and they saw that those four were appointed - all the others saw this. But now, I don't want to say any more.
E: Yes, you must! In the name of the Father... in the name of the Immaculate Conception, you are required to speak, Beelzebub, go on!
B: When Barnabas and one of the others came to visit the Blessed Virgin, she said to them: “Above all, you will tell the story of the life of Christ. Do you understand? It is He Who must be glorified, He who must be in the forefront; as for me, let me stand aside. Concerning me, you will relate only what is indispensable for the Birth and Incarnation of Christ. The rest you will leave aside.”
Although they knew about and had seen very great and elevated things which gave evidence (of her greatness), they were not able to write about them. It was a great sacrifice for them not to have the privilege of writing about her. She wished to efface herself through humility, in order to leave the forefront to the Son of God, His Jesus Christ, on whom the Church was founded. But She, the Mother of God, is the great Sign of God; indeed she symbolizes the Church. He (Jesus) loves the Church like a spouse.
Then, so they would not be saddened, she told these two apostles (Barnabas and his companion) that later on Christ would speak again about her, through mankind or through I don't yet know whom (he cries terribly).
E: Mary of Agreda has spoken of her.
B: (turned towards the priest with an annoyed expression; You have guessed it. Mary of Jesus, in the town of Agreda. We know more about it than men. Yes, we have cursed those books,[84] we fear them! How I was forced to say that! (he grumbles and gives an anxious cry).
E: Continue to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth! By order of the Blessed Virgin, you must speak now and in the name...!
B: During the cursed beginnings of the Church, I was kept quiet. The Blessed Virgin and the Apostles were responsible for this. Her role in particular (he points upward) was the determining one; it was crucial to an extraordinary degree. She subdued us. Often she prayed day and night for the Apostles, so that they might carry out their mission correctly. So that we would not be able to defeat the Apostles, she often prayed day and night. She frequently remained on her knees, day and night, without eating (anxious grumbling); that is why she now has such far-reaching power. These are lofty truths, which we are being forced to tell you now. We would prefer this little book to be published without this part (he howls like a dog).
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name...!
B: You could have made this little book several months ago, without this exorcism. We don't want to say it, don't want to...and we don't want to speak any more. I, Beelzebub, do not want to speak any more.
E: You, Beelzebub, must continue to speak, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in the name of the Immaculate Virgin!
B: So she said she wanted to efface herself. It was entirely through humility that she wanted this. She did not want in any way to appear in the forefront, although she was a powerful creature. Even we have to acknowledge that. She was and she is far above us, far above your Angels. And when I say “far”, that does not signify a distance (measurable) in leagues,[85] but a distance that becomes lost in infinity; it means so far above that there is a gigantic distance between the Angels and her (he wails). She is a terribly majestic creature, and yet she wanted to withdraw herself. She wanted this in order to show men how they also should (he mutters), how they also should be humble. But men do not do it. What they achieve is not the least grain of sand compared with what she has accomplished, and with what has been done thanks to her.
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
B: Although men cannot accomplish anything and are nothing on their own, they still want to be talked about, much more than this creature, predestined from eternity, wanted to be talked about. Therefore she withdrew from the limelight. But that was a great advantage for us. From that moment on, the sects could be born (wicked laughter), and they would not recognize this creature.
If she had said, without reservation, what she was, and if the Apostles had written of the great miracles that took place through her intercession, and if that had been contained in the Gospels, then those sects would not have flourished like weeds (he wails).
Thousands of sects have appeared: there are among them many who attack the Blessed Virgin savagely, and who attack Catholics solely because they give recognition to this predestined creature. They attack this woman because they believe that with this course of action (by Catholics) Christ is overshadowed. However, she has done nothing but serve Christ.[86] She praised her Son to the skies; everything that she has done has been done only for Him and for the Church. She excluded herself completely. This was a great thing for us. But by doing so, she gave a lesson in humility and this was a great shame for us. But only Catholics are aware of that. Through love of her Son she wished to exclude herself, so that her Son might reign supreme. Even in regard to her suffering, she accepted only a role in the background, and one that was no larger than absolutely necessary. Yet the Apostles were bound to have seen how humble she was, the extraordinary way in which she foresaw things, what she suffered, what she had to bear with and endure.
She is given much too little prominence in the Gospels. What if she had been less humble? However, we were in luck's way and the result was the birth of the sects. Nevertheless, their birth had to be allowed by God. K: In the name of the Father... of the Immaculate Conception, of the Mystical Rose, you must now speak the complete truth, Beelzebub!
B: From then onwards, the sects were born. They thought that Mary was only a character on the fringe, and that she had been chosen only in passing as a receptacle for Him up there (he points upward) and after that she could very well go away like an old... I am not permitted to use the word.
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name...!
B: We are refined. We do not use very bad words. It is only the human demons who say them. We are more refined than they (he swaggers about). I must tell you something else, which has just come to mind. When Judas had to speak on October 31, it wasn't he who laughed through the mouth of this woman (the possessed). Judas absolutely never laughs. As we have already said on previous occasion, Judas is in the most gloomy corner. He is despair personified. When Judas had to speak, it wasn't he who was laughing through this woman. It was the other human demons who were laughing - laughing with wicked joy (he cries). You should note this too - Judas never laughs. He is utter despair. He never laughs. We had to add this -this remark is part of the whole Judas business of October 31 (1975).
E: And now, what else have you still to say? Continue, by order of the Blessed Virgin and the Most Holy Trinity!
B: Yes, the charlatan...if only things were not the way they are, and we could say more about her...[87]
Now I have come to the central point...but I don't want to say that, I don't want to. E: Beelzebub, speak, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity.
B: On the subject of the beginnings of the Church, I have to repeat that the Gospels contain very little about the Blessed Virgin. But later, great saints were inspired by Heaven, or received in visions and revelations, enlightenments on the life and work of Her up there (he points upward).
One of the greatest among these is Catherine Emmerich who has not even been canonized yet! (Laugh of evil joy.) She is one of the greatest of Heaven's Saints.
And the second one is Mary of Jesus, from the town of Agreda. She lived in Agreda. She was an abbess. Her parents had previously retired to a convent (snarling)...they had made a vow to enter a convent. They obtained for their daughter, their favorite child, the grace of having these accursed visions.
E: Speak now, in the name... speak now about this central point that you announced!
B: Because the Gospels contain much too little about the Blessed Virgin, she wishes that now, particularly in the this time of confusion, reading the books of this Mary of Jesus of Agreda be recommended from the height of the pulpit.
No Catholic family should be without them. They should have all the volumes (terrible cry). Originally, there was one volume; now there are, to be strictly accurate, four blue volumes, and eight volumes in the edition with red binding (snarling).
E: Continue to speak, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity... in the name of the Immaculate Conception; you must speak, by her order!
B: So she wants the priests to say in their sermons that these books should not be lacking in any Catholic family and that they should even be recommended to Protestants. When the readers have become acquainted with all the richness of these books, it will not be long before they understand what a...
R: Continue, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity!
B: ...what a chosen and predestined creature she is, a creature of such grandeur as could never be attained by man, neither in deeds nor in thoughts. The priests should lot the people know that these books, which are so instructive, should be distributed throughout the entire world and everyone should read them straight away. You will also learn from them about our disaster in all its extent and totality, and about the grandeur and dignity of this creature (his teeth are chattering), who crushes our heads.
E: You must speak, in the name... of the Immaculate Conception, on this Octave of the Annunciation, you must now speak, Beelzebub, and also in the name of Saint Michael the Archangel!
B: She wishes (he utters a dreadful cry)...I am speaking against my will, against my will (he roars). For all that, I still cannot withstand That Woman from up there (he points upward) if I have to withstand what the Old One (Lucifer) wants. I do not wish to speak.
E: But you must speak now, in the name..., in the name of the Immaculate Conception, in the name of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, in the name of Saint Michael the Archangel, for the Church! B: Besides, it isn't our job, it isn't our business. Our mission is to lead men astray. We do not want to direct them along the best roads. Through these books, men would indeed be rushing headlong along the best roads (he cries).
E: Continue! You must speak, in the name of the Immaculate Conception, in the name of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! You have no right to lie, continue!
B: Well in these books, you will learn what the Blessed Virgin has done in her life and death, and indeed before. These books are a reliable source from which to gain knowledge of God's eternal plans, as far as man can know them, and are worthy of belief. In these hooks, the faithful will see the full details and the outcome of everything.
E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name...!
B: They will see in That Woman (he points upward) a universal creature. They should bow down before so much humility and dignity. We ourselves fear her; we have to surrender before such humility and such dignity... Then how much more should creatures like you men, filthy muck that you are! You're not worth a red cent! We were far superior to you men...and how much more so is She (he points upward).
E: In the name... continue!
B: If you saw only a tenth of her dignity, you would immediately grovel in the dust - but I am saying that against my will. We have seen her, we were forced to see her, we had to. We don't want you to see her. We would rather you hurl yourselves down, and not up. Some of those educated men, actually those academics, should have been told about this Mary of Jesus of Agreda before they joined up with priests in opposition to the “Traditionalists”.
E: Tell the truth now, in the name...!
B: Even the “Traditionalists” (no matter what their method of approach are a long way, a terribly long way, from being able to capture such dignity, even if they read these books. But you must read them, in the name of God. Neither you nor laymen can pass them by any longer. You priests must announce it to the people. I have to say it once more: You must proclaim it from the height of the pulpits. That Woman up there wishes these books to be carried to the four corners of the world.
Now comes the second one: Catherine Emmerich, this fawning expiator. She was always lying on her back because she was torn by pain and suffering. She didn't have much to say during her lifetime, and yet when she died, all Dulmen was ablaze. When everyone from the district came running with fire-pumps, it should have been seen as a sign from Heaven...but men are fools, men are crazy fools. What do men know? They know nothing...they are blockheads, fools to the tips of their toes...
E: In the name..., tell the truth!
B: Even a block of wood is more intelligent. Here and there, it produces a little green leaf. But men can produce, nothing but filth and chaff.
E: Continue, tell the truth, in the name... of the Immaculate Conception, in the name of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel!
B: This Catherine Emmerich had to speak for the Church. She made prophecies about the Church and prayed and suffered continually for the Church. She was suffering right from the time she was quite a small child. We used to get in such a rage against her. Even as a small child, she used to toddle around (making the Way of the Cross) and she used to imitate to the letter, the humility of That Woman up there...Ah! and the cross too, the cross, just like That Woman up there.
She was a great Saint. We had a great fear of her, which is why we wanted to destroy her, but we were never successful. She always survived, so that she might suffer mortal illnesses for others, in order that they might receive the grace of conversion. She died only when Those up there (he points upward) truly wished it, so that they could take her venerable, her holy soul...it was a holy soul...to Heaven.
There are many Saints in Heaven - I mean those Saints canonized by Rome - who are less holy and less great than she. Ah! How I was forced to say that!
E: Yes, continue to tell the truth, in the name...!
B: We considered that if she were canonized her books would be known. As long as she is not canonized, her books will not be so well received. That is also why the bishops don't want to hear about it. Perhaps one can be found who reads her, but that is of no consequence.
I have to say this yet once again she is a powerful Saint in Heaven (he weeps). Her books should have been distributed to the four corners of the world a long time ago. You must proclaim it from the height of the pulpits. But now, I am saying nothing more, nothing more! (He whimpers like a dog.)
E: Speak in the name..., in the name of the Immaculate Conception, of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel, you must speak now!
B: Among her books it is particularly the volume “Life and Death of the Venerable Catherine Emmerich”[88] which should be distributed among the people. These books should be strapped to the backs of children so that, they learn to walk with the cross which the Lord puts on their path. At the age of four years, this little Saint used to go, even at night, to make the Way of the Cross, with her small feet wounded and covered with blood, in honor of her crucified King. In the morning her mother used to have to bandage her feet. She did not know where she had been. The little one said nothing (he weeps).
Catherine was a great suffering soul. It used to be very cold in her room. She accepted this as part of her poverty. Even when her sheets were frozen stiff and she was shaking with fever in this coldness, she did not ask for them to be changed. She wanted to bear her Passion and to offer it up humbly. Where are such souls still seen? Some compassionate nuns then changed the sheets for her. Catherine had not even complained; she would rather be dead from the cold. She endured everything for her crucified Lord. What she did for Him is beyond imagining. She is a powerful Saint whom we have always feared. These people who renounce self and voluntarily follow their Way of the Cross, and suffer patiently for others, are very annoying for us. There are some great Saints, who perform many miracles and who are very great in the eyes of the Lord and who can even read into people's consciences - which, you must understand, she also did -but I am talking about those who do it very much more publicly, so much so that they attract the attention of millions, or at least thousands, of people. They are certainly great Saints also, but many, many of them cannot and do not equal her. She was a suffering, hidden, ardent soul of God. God has especially loved and glorified her and that is why He would like her to be canonized.
E: Continue, in the name...!
B: It is not just now, but a long time ago that she should have been canonized. It is essential that you inform people about her books and her numerous visions and revelations. It is essential that you do this through love of the bitter Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, she wishes it and God Himself, Jesus, wishes it. Of these books, you should give prominence to “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ”.[89] This book too, should not be lacking in any family, above all in any family which calls itself Catholic (he sighs). But now, I don't want to speak any more!
E: Yes, you must! In the name of the Father... in the name of the Immaculate, in the name of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel, of all the Holy Angels, you have to speak now, Beelzebub!
B: Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin have given and allowed these great visions and revelations to these two great Saints, to this Mary of Jesus and this Catherine Emmerich, so that they would come to the knowledge of the faithful. They should accept them in their hearts, follow them, and tell others about them. This isn't bunkum, it is a treasure, a great thing which the Blessed Virgin foretold the Apostles in the past: “God will provide, Heaven will provide that my name, at the desired time, at the desired time... (he whines like a dog)...
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
B: ...will yet be glorified and placed in the light, and what should be revealed about me will be revealed at it's proper time”. Now, it is high time. Now we are already in the midst of the Apocalypse. And She (he points upward) is the Great Sign. That is why people must read these books, because it is in Emmerich, and more particularly in Mary of Jesus, that the Apocalypse, the Great Sign, the Virgin Mary are considered,
E: Continue to tell the truth, say what you have to say on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, the Immaculate, Saint Michael the Archangel and all the Holy Angels and Archangels!
B: If they were to read these books (he emits plaintive sounds), they would soon understand that the hour has come. They would understand a great part of the Apocalypse and what is written about in the Bible. What fools you are! What super-fools men are! They allow such great treasures to get lost, squandered or neglected! (Noisy laugh of wicked joy.)
E: Tell the truth, in the name...!
B: They allow these precious treasures of infinite value to stagnate and remain hidden. And what ought to stay hidden, they publish and display in bold type (sarcastic laugh) such as, for example, bibles which are no longer bibles and lives of saints which contain absolutely nothing of a religious nature. This kind of work is guided more from down below than from on high (sneering laughter). They are all the work of “village idiots”[90] Even a donkey or a horse is much more intelligent - it has some idea of what its master wants. But down here, on earth, they have no idea; it is only when it is far too late that they realize that there could still be something that ought to be done differently.
Ah! For us, those texts of Emmerich and Agreda are accursed books which we have feared for a long time and will fear forever. We, down there, pondered for I don't know how long to see what we could do to oppose them... and men don't even read them (sarcastic laugh). Even those who call themselves good Catholics do not have them in their homes! (Prolonged, sneering laughter.)
E: Tell the truth, in the name... of the Immaculate, of the most Blessed Virgin, Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Joseph and all the Choirs of Blessed Spirits!
B: You should expound this to the world: All priests, all “traditionalists” and even the modernists, should proclaim from the height of the pulpits, that these books should be disseminated everywhere, as quickly as possible so that they might be read. If they were read and their contents followed, be it only in an approximate sort of a way, there would be a great number of saints (terrible howling).
E: Continue, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity!
B: For Emmerich had visions of the dolorous Passion of Jesus so that it could be known in a closer and deeper way, because the Gospels have recorded only fragments of it. Although the Apostles knew more about it, their accounts are very summarized.
In the visions of this great Saint, there are some condensed and summarized accounts which are frightfully drawn out as far as we are concerned. One can learn from them, for example, how to have a good contrition - which plays the main part in confession. One can also learn how not to offend the Lord so much any more - the Lord Who suffered so much. His sufferings are described there in a more profound way than in any other hook (he growls).
They should be displayed prominently on the shelves of all libraries, at all events, all Catholic libraries. They should be there in plentiful supply, not just a single copy.
E: Beelzebub, tell us something about the hidden sufferings of Christ on Holy Thursday, in the name...!
B: We do not like talking about that subject. But because it is the season of Lent, She wants at least a few sentences...
E: Then speak of the hidden sufferings of Christ,[91] as you saw them; in the name...!
B: We didn't look much, we didn't want to see all that. We were flying about like arrows and injuring one another in anger and rage (he cries). Of course, we knew what was happening. We know even better now. But that Emmerich woman was shown it in a very real way. She saw, for example, that in the Garden of Olives. Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered much more terribly than can be known by imagination alone.
Previously during His life, He had often sweated blood in anguish. We demons persecuted Him dreadfully in the Garden of Olives. He saw us rushing upon Him in our hideous throngs. We had the appearance of the sins that men would be committing in the future. We were hoping, through the sight of this horror, to take away from the Son of God the courage to endure His Passion. He saw an unspeakably foul, horrible sight, which brought forth a sweat of blood from His pores. Facing this monstrous obscurity and horror, He thought that His Passion, which was never just that of a man - He was also God, you understand, but at that precise moment He felt Himself only a man[92] - would not be enough to wipe out and expiate such an enormous sin. Shuddering with the violence of His suffering. He wanted to withdraw. Then came the Angel with the chalice which was meant to give Him strength. But, in actual fact, this chalice was only the acceptance of this suffering. By drinking the chalice, He confirmed that He was accepting the Passion (he sighs) and that He would drain the whole chalice to the last drop (he wails). Thanks to that, you creatures, damned dirt that you are, will one day see the Heaven which is closed to us (furious).
Later on, Christ was lashed even more. At the scourging, He was lacerated and torn to the bone. When He was crucified, less than half His hair remained. Almost all had been torn out, but He turned this into good.
He had very tine features, with the feet of a traveler. As a result of walking, their skin was hard and calloused. His hands were very fine-boned, much too fine to carry that dreadful cross (he cries).
If we had tasted His streaming Blood, if we could have tasted only one thousandth part of it, then we also would adore Him for all eternity (he weeps). But He no longer allows us to. For us, it is too late (he sighs).
Then, on the cross, when He was suspended on the cross, He did that for you. As that was being done for men, so was the fury of Hell being unleashed. When He was suspended on the cross. He was like a worm as Akabor has already said; He wasn't a man any more... for you. Why did He do that for you? He wouldn't do it for us (heart-rending wail). A worm, no longer a man - there He was, crushed by everything (he weeps).
It was as if He had taken upon Himself the burden of the sins of mankind) it seemed to Him that He was the greatest of criminals. It seemed to Him that He had been abandoned and rejected by God the Father; His executioners had inflicted countless blows upon Him; they had hacked and beaten Him and left Him stretched out in His Own Blood (he growls). And He did that for you! Why were we unable to prevent it? (He weeps).
If the Lord Himself has done so much for you, how much should you not make reparation for one another, to prevent any other men from coming to Hell? If He, Who was God and had no sin, achieved something so immeasurable, something that no man will ever achieve; if He took upon Himself such atrocious torments, then you should spend your whole life as if you were under the axe of martyrdom. This would not be too much for you, it would only be what you deserved. But men don't understand that. They imagine that they are meant to have a beautiful life, even if their Master has walked before them with the cross and good example, and endured such a frightful torment from Hell.
What he endured was a torment from Hell, but it was not for long. We ourselves admire Him - we admire Him as we rage about His having done that for you. We would never have thought that He would undergo something so severe for such dirt. We predicted it well enough, but that it would be done in such great measure, we would never have imagined.
As well as all that, I must also say that it is necessary to proclaim from the pulpits that people should especially during Lent, do penance with Christ, the Lord Jesus. He fasted for forty days, as no man has ever fasted... He too has been racked by hunger...
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, by order of the Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, Mary, continue to tell the truth, say what the Blessed Virgin wishes to tell us, in the name of the Archangels, Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, of all the Choirs of Angels and all the Saints in Heaven!
B: ...He prepared Himself for forty days for His public life, and also for His great Sacrifice. He knew that it would be a Sacrifice as vast as the world, with a universal efficacy, which He, God, would have to offer to the Almighty, in reparation for the guilt due to sin, so that you would be able to attain the eternal vision of God.
Without that, you would at best have seen Paradise (the Garden of Eden), nothing else, supposing that you could have still seen even that. Also many more men would have come to Hell because they would not have had any share in the Graces brought by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Countless graces flow from the unbloody Sacrifice of the Cross, at the offering of which the Blood of Christ flows anew.
We, down there, (he points downward) hate this Sacrifice of the Mass which is celebrated every day in many churches. It is true that it is no longer celebrated properly in many of the houses of God. Formerly it was frantic for us when the true, the old Sacrifice of the Mass was offered. That is, in actual fact, the renewal of Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross, which wipes out sin and obtains marvelous graces for the salvation of souls which, without it, would be lost by the thousands and would come to join us. I must say this again: you are forcing me (he sighs). I am saying nothing, I do not wish to speak any more.
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, of the Immaculate Conception, in the name of Saint Michael the Archangel and of all the Holy Archangels, in the name of Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, and in the name of Catherine Emmerich, tell the truth, say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say!
B: I do not wish to say it. I no longer have the right to say it. If I must speak, then you must recite again a little exorcism.[93] Lucifer is furious about this. He would like to throttle me; I shouldn't say that. If I speak any more, he is going to grab me by the neck when I arrive back down below.
E: (After the recitation of the exorcism). By order of the Blessed Virgin, Lucifer has no right to do that, because you have spoken for the Church. He has no right to harm you again!
B: I was a great angel, I was second in grandeur. That is why Lucifer gets in such a rage and says: “Since you are so great you ought to know that you should not say stupid things like that. You must have more control of yourself”. That's what he is going to say (his teeth chatter violently). She (he points upward) has ordered me to speak because I was present earlier at the fall of the angels. I was the second in importance, that is why it is I whom she forces to speak about this “filthy business”. She always has the power to dictate to us down there (he growls vehemently).
E: Beelzebub, on her order, you must speak now and say only the truth!
B: I still have to say this: in writing these revelations, you must mention my name. You must quote my name. With the other demons too, you must always specify who has spoken. You must do it. It is not for nothing that we tell you who is speaking. Why do you think we do it?
E: Beelzebub, you must speak, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
B: She allows us to say our names... who is speaking, and then she also wished you to note who has spoken. Concerning the important matters above all, she wants it to be known which demon she chose, which one had to speak...
E: Beelzebub, you must speak now, in the name...!
B: ...Just because I am well known, it is essential that my name be mentioned.
E: In the name of the Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel, of all the Choirs of Holy Angels, of St. Joseph, Patron of the Church, of all the saints of Heaven, and of Catherine Emmerich, you must speak now and only the truth!
B: Veroba has spoken previously on January 12, 1976, of the Warning and the Catastrophe. He said then that that should also be put in the little book.[94] He also told why the Warning has not come yet, and why it was paradoxical to pray. You men, you are worth nothing (laugh of wicked joy). You are nothing, and you will be nothing. You are asses who can be told the same thing over and over again. Have you the brains of a fly, or maybe you have a sieve for a brain?
If He up there (he points upward) did not exist, all your bones would disintegrate; it is He alone Who supports your carcass every second without that, you would be rags and scraps. This is why we, down there below, cannot understand how teachers, doctors and I don't know how many more, have such insane presumption; how can they have such great presumption, although they are only dirt which will be eaten up by worms!
E: Beelzebub, continue, in the name and by the order of the Most Holy Trinity... of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel, of all the Holy Angels and Archangels, and of all the Nine Choirs of Blessed Spirits, of all the Saints of Heaven!
B: On the subject of this presumption, she wants this to be said in addition: she deems it entirely out of place on the part of these people to exalt themselves so inordinately; they are an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. She considers it entirely misplaced since she comported herself with such perfect humility.
She would have had cause to carry her crown high and to flourish her scepter. She would have had every reason to. Did she ever do it? At all events, not on earth. Consequently, she has been exalted in accordance with the Scriptures, as Jesus said: “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.[95] This means that everyone who exalts himself will, in the end, be humbled in an extraordinary way, not just by one degree, but by innumerable degrees.
Do you understand what we mean? He who exalts himself will not be humbled by the same amount, but a million times more. and still more than that. But he who humbles himself, however high his place may be - we are learned, we know that! (He emphasizes what he is saying with a wave of a finger) - according to the parable of the banquet where Jesus said: “He who puts himself in the last place will perhaps be placed in the first place by the Master of the banquet”[96]... I mean that those who humble themselves thus will not be exalted by the same amount. They will be placed a million times higher than they were... and that applies for all eternity.
I have to say that it is a paradox and a monumental act of stupidity to exalt oneself on earth. I have to say it because it is an abomination for the Lord. If men knew what they are doing, they would be horrified with themselves (laugh of wicked joy).
E: Beelzebub, in the name of the Father... of the Immaculate, of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel, of the Nine Choirs of Blessed Spirits, of all the Saints of Heaven, of all the Holy Exorcists and of Catherine Emmerich, you must speak now, by order of the Blessed Virgin!
B: If she had not always put herself in the last place, even below Saint Joseph, who however was highly aware of her dignity, and if she had not been so humble, she would never, never ever, have had today, this power over the Church and over the world. You would not have in her this Mother, who does everything for you and who obtains for you the inexpressible graces which she can now obtain, if she had not first given you the example. She practiced humility, in every part of every virtue, right to the last degrees of heroism. If she had not practiced these virtues, and especially this cursed virtue of humility, we could have dragged ourselves close to her in spite of everything. That would have enabled us to succeed once more, in spite of everything - the devil it would! (Cry of bitterness)
E: Beelzebub, continue, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity...!
B: It is the same for men. It is as clear as day: when a man is not humble, all the vices follow. We have a hold over a man as soon as his own wisdom call it what you like goes to his head. Man has not been wise for a long time for a long time his brain has been that of a gnat. Even if he believes himself to be wise, and then exalts himself only a little bit, he falls immediately, in the mind of That Woman up there (he points up ward). But I don't want to say that. I know it well enough because that is what happened to us. How we have fallen, thousands and thousands of times, confound it, and then more again! (he howls woefully).
E: Continue, Beelzebub, in the name...!
B: That is why you priests must speak from the pulpit about the original sin, about pride. You should do your utmost to promote the virtue of humility. Speak about the Saints who have practiced this divine perfection to an eminent decree, for example, Catherine Emmerich; of thousands of other Saints, of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus.
Preach about Saint John Marie Vianney. He lived on potatoes for fifteen days, at a time he used to eat sour, moldy potatoes (he sighs). He did not even want to get into the bed that had been installed for him. He found that it was too comfortable for him.
We do not have so much power over these people who have such a poor opinion of themselves that they don't even wish to sleep in a good bed; and who do not make this known to other people by saying such things as; “See, I am not using the good bed. I am good, I am using the uncomfortable bed.” They hide it from men. John Marie Vianney always kept it secret that he was not eating normally. He had true humility.
Catherine Emmerich was the same; she did not want to show how ill she was, nor what she carried on her body.[97] It was only when people came and said: “But she is in a pitiable state, something must be done!” that she allowed them to move her because it was absolutely necessary; and still she wanted to remain in extreme poverty. She used to lie half done for, framed in a wretched bed. She always wanted to live a retiring life; that is why the birds used to come from the skies to perch on her shoulders.
The Saints receive so many favors; the Saints in general, hut above all, the humble Saints. They are very much in favor up there; they mount rapidly towards Heaven, while the others drag themselves laboriously, step by step, along the hard road which is leading them there.
Before all else, the virtue of humility must be preached again from the pulpit: all the others come only after that one. Then comes the virtue of purity, most fitting for our times (he breathes painfully); then truth.[98] and all the others. You must say where that leads and give examples.
E: Lucifer, you have to go away. Beelzebub, you must speak, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity... of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of Cod, Mary, and Saint Michael the Archangel!
B: First and foremost, the vice of pride must he denounced. You must say that the virtue of humility must be written in very large letters. Then, of course, comes anger, theft and all the rest. You must. always endeavor to quote comparisons and examples, living, proved and verified in the lives of the Saints (frightful cry). Leave me alone!
E: Continue, Beelzebub, continue in the name of the Father... of the Immaculate and Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, Mary... (Here, Beelzebub interrupts):
B: What you are doing is good, it is good, but you ought to do it with more insistence; You must point out more insistently the devastating effect of sin. Particularly during this season of Lent, put the accent on the gravity of sin, which surpasses all imagination. Make known the consequences of sin with great clarity. It is much more frightful than you can depict it. It is sin you must depict, and you must try to explain very clearly what its consequences are. You have now understood everything, but the other priests must do as much, because it is worthless coming just from you. If they do not do it, although they are under an obligation to do so, they are inflicting great harm and they are depriving both themselves and those depending on them, of many graces. All their faithful suffer as a result, and they did not receive the graces they should receive.
E: Beelzebub, speak on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, in the name... and say nothing but the truth!
B: About these virtues I must say again that this filthy old book: “The Imitation of Jesus Christ”, by Thomas a Kempis,[99] which we fear so much, down there below; this satanic old book (he whines like a dog) should be disseminated and it must be read. It should not be missing from any Catholic household, and it should be read.
The best thing would be to read a chapter of it every evening, and strive to conform your life to it. In so far as possible, you should read the old, non-abridged edition of “The Imitation of Jesus Christ”. In the recent versions ways have already been found of changing some things. But they are changing things all the time.[100] So you must search out the old copies. If there are not enough of them, it should be republished.
In any case, you yourselves should preach on the Imitation of Christ use and develop the themes you find therein, and inculcate them into the hearts of the faithful. “The Imitation of Christ” is pure wheat, it is not chaff; it comes from Heaven. Heaven wants and recommends it, and would this not be because it places the cross of Christ in front of one in a concrete way, and it tells how the cross of Christ can be imitated? In that way, man learns how Christ suffered, and how he must do the same himself if he wants to advance one step, or even one inch, in the following of Christ; and even with that, he is still a long way from being a Saint, and he must continue to have a very small opinion of himself. That is what you absolutely must say.
There are thousands of people, one could say millions, who believe that they are good because they have done this or done that. But that is far from enough. They will be good only when they consider themselves to be not yet good, and think they have done too little and that they could do a lot more about it. They will be good only when they consider themselves to he very unimportant, and do every thing that they can for Christ.
B: The Blessed Virgin Says: Just as she herself always carried out her duties around the house which she always did with humility and for the greater glory of God, and always in the service of Christ alone it is quite improper for anyone to wish to exalt themselves above their service and duties.
She says to say that she was not even present on the occasion when Christ commenced His public life, although her desire was to accompany Him. She loved her Son to such a degree that it was the greatest pain and sorrow to allow Him to leave. It could be said that she was attached to Him almost as if He were part of her own body. She was much more closely bound to Him than a brother to a sister, or a father to a mother. She found well-being only in His presence. But she effaced herself and remained at home. From that moment on, she saw Him only occasionally.
In this behavior, she demonstrated her humility, so that men may also learn to be humble themselves. Did she ever officiate at an altar or at a Mass, as the principal character? She always put herself in the background, although she was the most exalted, the most universal creature. She is much more exalted than all the priests and religious put together! She is the All Great, chosen by God to guide the Church and to be a Sign, to be the Great Sign and the Mother of the Savior. She is also the Queen of the Angels. But all men must be told that, in spite of all that, she lived in retirement in her home.
It does not become a woman to appear in public offices, for example as a government adviser or a doctor of science; the devil knows what, else they are called. It is not good to be on display like that, nor is it good, besides, to scorn the duties of a housekeeper.
Even the lowest, the most humble office of a housekeeper who serves God and her family with all her heart, weighs more than the most brilliant, the finest and the best lecture of such a woman doctor, even if her speech is relayed through all the micro phones, taken down by all reporters and appears in all the daily newspapers. Such a woman is worthless up there than a mother who bears her daily cross, who brings up her children well, and who says “Yes” when a, child comes to her.
When she bears everything patiently, does her work humbly, nurses, protects, raises and clothes her children, she is much higher in the eyes of that Gang of Three on High,[101] than a woman who wishes to be important. This saying could apply here: “Who ever humbles herself will be exalted, and whoever exalts her self will fly away like an arrow.” When a woman does not want to take upon herself the duties of a household and aims for grandeur, most of the time she will not be able to remain humble. All women who want to be exalted will be humbled in Heaven; all those who, on the other hand, humble themselves, are on the good road. They obtain for their families and for the people, many more graces than a woman who wants to shine.
But at the same time, there is abortion, which is a consequence of pride. A woman does not want to play the part of the mother hen whose role is to bring up children; she wants to be, and to be seen to be, “something”. That is one of the reasons for which many children die through abortion. There are always mothers who are in great distress; they should be helped, by words and by deeds. They must bring their children to term, even if it is hard for them. They will receive blessings in return.
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Father...!
B: If women were to stay by their stoves, in order to prepare good meals for their men, there would not he so many divorces as is the case now. If women were to fulfill their household tasks better and prepare a pleasanter home for their husbands, there would be fewer disagreements and separations.
If men and women did not, live in free union, there would be many more partners endowed with a spirit of sacrifice and there would be far fewer homes breaking up. When, in their free union, they have forgotten what sacrifice is, and do not know how to practice self-denial, how do you think that they can lay the foundations for a family! In their eyes, marriage requires too many sacrifices and privations. But that is what it is, that is how it goes, and that is what it will always be.
Among people who have lived for a long time in free union, and who have set up house with anyone at all, few will marry later. That is because it is hard for someone who has lived in this fashion for a long time to go back and correct himself or herself. Even if these people would change their way of life, it would be much harder for them to single out the good grapes and gather the fruit as they pleased, than it would be for someone who has lived normally and has not wandered from side to side.
E: In the name..., tell the truth! Say only what the Blessed Virgin orders you to say, and nothing but the truth!
B: I am forced to say this yet again: the book “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ”, the books of the Venerable “Saint” as far as Heaven is concerned, Catherine Emmerich, as well as those of that monkish Mary of Jesus of Agreda, and the little book, “The Imitation of Jesus Christ”, by Thomas à Kempis, are extremely valuable (he groans). I don't want to say that.
E: In the name... tell the truth!
B: These books must be circulated. But themes for sermons must also be drawn from them, ideas which are very important for today's confused world, for the faithful of today.
E: Tell the truth, Beelzebub, bring it out, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, of the Immaculate Conception, of Saint Michael the Archangel! Lucifer has no right to hinder you from speaking!
B: I must also say how valuable those rotten pictures are with their prayers. I have been forced to say this once. You must proclaim this from the height of the pulpits and it must also be noted in the little book. The pictures which are accompanied by promises have a particularly great value. You should make them known, these promises that are made to devout people. Many don't know about this: up to now, they have never read about it.
On the picture of the Agony of Christ, where Christ is kneeling in the Garden of Olives with the Chalice, there is a prayer to which important promises are attached. The picture and Rosary of Merciful Christ should also be referred to. Important promises are also attached to these.
There should be stocks of these pictures everywhere, in great quantities, and they should be distributed and almost... I don't say “thrown at”, you can't do that but attached to everyone's back. You are still as stupid as your feet; such pictures, such promises, such privileges... and you don't make use of them, or at all events, the majority of people don't.
There are many more similar pictures, for example, of St. Bridget of Sweden, and of the Sacred Heart. The devotion to the Sacred Heart is written in pretty small letters nowadays. There also, important promises are attached. The same thing applies to devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The perfect devotion as practiced by Saint Grignion (Louis) de Montfort, has also fallen into oblivion to a very large degree. These pictures I have just mentioned, in particular those of the Holy Face, of Christ's Agony, of the Merciful Christ, along with the Rosary you would frame them in gold if you realized what their value is (he utters a terrible roar)
E: In the name... Beelzebub, you have more of them to mention? What ones still?
B: The devotions to the Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with their important promises, the Rosary of Mercy, the contemplation of the bitter Agony of Christ and the devotion to the Holy Face, these five are of prime importance. Distribute them everywhere you can. She (he points upward) wishes it. You must speak about them in your sermons. These devotions contain great virtues. Many people, if they had known that or if they had always prayed, would have been converted or would never have fallen so low (he sighs).
E: Beelzebub, continue to say what you still have to say, by order of the Blessed Virgin, and nothing but the truth!
B: The situation is now grave for the world. The Pope is suffering much because of it. But he cannot, as it were, see it any longer. He is a martyr; he is suffering more than the martyr Saint Stephen.[102] As he has almost nothing to say any more. you should at least resume your task of widely spreading the books of Mary of Jesus of Agreda, of Catherine Emmerich and of “The Imitation of Christ”. That is what Those up there wish.
E: What do you still have to say, Beelzebub? Speak, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity!
B: There will of course be a great battle, a great battle.[103] She up there (he points upward) knows it well.
E: Tell the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel, of all the Angels and Archangels!
B: The Pope is suffering dreadfully on account of the New Mass. He knows that the document concerning the Mass has not been received in the way he wanted, and that the New Mass... (he utters terrible cries).
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, tell the truth!
B: Ah! We don't like talking about the Pope! We have some thing else to do right now. We must busy ourselves with men. We can no longer grapple so much with the Pope in person (he mutters in annoyance).
E: But, Beelzebub, you must tell the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Most Blessed Virgin. Mother of God, Mary! Say what else you have to say!
B: We said on a previous occasion that Pope Paul VI had prepared and wanted to promulgate a document in favor of the Old Mass. This is what it was: the Pope wanted to re introduce the Mass of Saint Pius V. He had drawn up, in the correct and proper form, a document for this purpose. He then wished to publish it “Urbi et Orbi”.[104]
Some of his subordinates deliberated to see how they could prevent the restoration of the Old Mass. They drew up another document, which looked like the first one so perfectly in its format and style of writing, that it could not, at first, glance, be seen to be a forgery. The Pope, the good Pope verified the tenor of the document, and we blinded him just enough so that he did not realize that the “copy” was falsified. Because this document bore his signature, people believed...and say that indeed it came from the Pope.[105] And there you have it (laugh of wicked joy).
E: Why does the Holy Spirit allow that in the Church? Beelzebub, tell the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity... of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God!
B: He allows that, so that the Scriptures may be fulfilled. It was said a long time ago, that a time of great confusion would come, a time when everybody will say: “The Christ is here! The Christ is there!”[106] Today, everyone is saying: “This is better, that is better, such and such a thing is better...” and no one knows what he wants. Everyone believes he is good, he is superior and that a step forward has been taken. There are even some people who follow many Christs... and those who follow only one, usually follow the false one (laugh of wicked joy).
E: Yet the Catholic Church is guided by the Holy Spirit, in the name...!
B: Certainly, the Holy Spirit guides the Church, but it, at this lime when everything is so confused, certain cardinals and bishops are not better than they are, it is not our fault if they let-themselves he taken in by our trickery.
E: Beelzebub, say what else you have to say by order of the Blessed Virgin, and nothing but the truth!
B: Fundamentally, the Church should not have to overcome this crisis, but it is necessary that things take place in such a way so that the world is passed through the crucible, according to the prophecy of Christ. The time will soon come when there will no longer he anything, except a left and a right, and nowhere in between. Perhaps that might not have happened if things had not come to such a state of confusion. It is necessary for the world to be passed through the crucible. The Christians who will remain will be better than the Church has been in the last five centuries.
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we order you, Beelzebub, to say what you still have to tell us, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin!
B: I, Beelzebub, must say once again, that the revelations of Saint John's Apocalypse, as they are written down in the Bible, are poorly understood by the majority of people, because they are written in mysterious language. To understand them better, they should consult the books of Mary of Jesus, of Agreda. There, many things concerning these revelations are explained clearly.[107] These are now the last times, which is why all the faithful should take these books in their hand and follow them. Then they would be better informed about every thing.
E: Beelzebub, tell the truth in the name of the Most Holy Trinity... of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, say what else you have to say!
B: Today is a time of great confusion and wars. What Those up there (he points upward) regret very much also, is the fact that today numerous “privileged souls” are rising up, who are not that at all. A great number of these privileged souls of today are not authentic. I have to add but I do so against my will that a very large number of the faithful have a tendency to follow these self-styled privileged souls fanatically. In any case, it is a lot easier to follow them than to follow the cross.
With the authentic privileged souls, one finds the cross in particular, as well as disbelief,[108] opposition and denials. This happens because we demons are at the back of it, and we don't want what is good. But the majority of the faithful, at all events many of them, have a tendency to follow, not the authentic privileged souls, but those where there is a lot of trickery and everything takes place with a good deal of fanaticism.
E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity...!
B: There have never been as many false privileged souls as there are at present. That is why many of the faithful, even the pious ones, are led astray into error, especially those people who are not very intelligent. We have great power, and we use it, first and foremost, to tempt good people. We are now working terribly hard. [109]
Many of the miracles that take place in certain sects and with the false privileged souls come from down below (he points downward). It is claimed that they are worked in the name of the Holy Spirit, but they are really worked in our name (again he points down), in the name of Hell. We can transform ourselves into “angels of light”.
It is possible to cure the sick in our name, when that results to our advantage. It is a lot easier for corrupt people to perform extra ordinary things through Hell, and in its name, than it is for authentic privileged souls to obtain from Heaven extraordinary things and true miracles.[110] For the latter, many prayers and much virtue are necessary; that is why in the case of authentic privileged souls, there are often far fewer visible miracles. Besides, it sometimes happens that authentic privileged souls get off the right track.[111] You must be on guard, and always bear in mind this warning: “Examine every thing and retain what is good.”[112]
B: Christ said: “A time will come when they will say 'The Christ is here' or 'He is there'. If someone says to you 'He is in the desert', do not believe him[113] and do not go out there, for there will be false Messiahs and false prophets, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”[114] These words could well he applied to the false privileged souls. Many men rush to flock around those people as to false Christs. Indeed the Antichrist will arise as a false Christ, but these words apply also to what I have just said.
E: Tell the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity..., of the most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, say what you still have to say!
B: You are now being put to the test, but the Church will come to life again with a new splendor.
E: In the name of...!
B: Listen to the parable of the fig tree: “When its branches are in bud you know that summer is near. So, with you, when you see all these things happening, know that the Kingdom of God is near.”[115] Now that time is terribly near.[116]
She (he points upward) makes me say: “Courage! Do penance and become converted while there is still time”...for His day[117] is going to come (he roars like a lion) and the day of the just anger of God!
Part One.
August 14, 1975.
August 14,1975.
August 17, 1975.
October 31, 1975.
January 12, 1976.
February 5, 1976.
March 30,1976.
[1] The following testimonies are in chronological order. The titles of each of the following paragraphs are not therefore in logical order.
[2] The demons or devils are fallen angels from the 9 choirs of Angels and in descending order of excellence these choirs are: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels and Angels (guardian). Apparently damned human souls in some cases are allowed to join the ranks of devils and tempt mankind e.g. Judas Iscariot.
This order of the Angelic choirs is as revealed by St. Michael to Antonia d' Astonac, and found in his chaplet, approved and heavily indulgenced by Pope Pius IX in 1851.
[3] All the gestures, contortions, cries, come from the demon, but are manifested through the possessed woman. That is why the pronoun 'he' is used: 'he' as the actual person speaking, and therefore the subject of the verb that follows.
[4] Information we have received since 1970 shows that practically ALL the Catholic Organizations and Movements of any significance, which once were comprised of traditionalists', have been infiltrated.
[5] These are: either regularly named and consecrated bishops, but traitors like Judas; or bishops irregularly named (by the imposter 'reigning' in the Vatican) even though they have been validly consecrated; or, a fortiori, invalidly consecrated, or even not at all, for anything is possible today.
[6] Exorcisms (the great exorcisms of the Roman Rite) at which we have been present, and participated in through prayer, have familiarized us with this procedure of incessant, stinging exhortations made by the exorcist. Helped by the continuous, humble and confident prayers of the people present, they force the Devil to obey - he who is the original rebel; They force him to tell the truth, he who is the father of lies (John 8:44). What a lesson in truth from the Beyond.
[7] In honor of Each of the Persons in the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
[8] See also a complementary message of June 18, 1977 and the corresponding footnote.
[9] The sufferings of Christ are sufficient on their own for the redemption and atonement, in principle, of all men. But the faithful man is called on to share in the redemptive suffering of Christ on behalf of sinners, so that the benefits of atonement and redemption can be applied to them. This is what the Church has to do, the Church, the Spouse of Christ, the Mother of Souls. If it were any other way, these titles would be mere words, empty and lifeless. Hence, the words of Paul: “I complete in my flesh, what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ” (Col 1.24)
[10] That is to say that Jesus, by His heroic “Let Thy will be done” accepted that the dark shadow of our sins would put a veil between His Humanity and the Face of His Divine Father and His Own Divinity and Total Innocence. This separation was made even more cruel because His sensitivity, faced with the horror of sin, and His insight, faced with the immensity of the drama of damnation, remained that of the HOLY ONE God made Man, the “Well-beloved Son”.
[11] Maria Simma, born in Austria in 1915, having privileged communications with the souls in Purgatory, says that most suicides are saved because they are not completely responsible for their actions as a result of the intensity of their sufferings (physical, moral, spiritual). The action is also contrary to man's instinct for self-preservation. (Ref: “Les Âmes du Purgatoire m'ont dit” Ed. Christiana, Stein am Rhein, Switzerland. Ed. Resicac - 53150 Montsurs)
[12] Christ would certainly have wished to redeem the demons if He had known it to be possible. As this was not the case, it is evident that His Blood did not flow for the (angelic) demons.
Moreover, the redemption of Christ was predestined, in principle, for all men. But in its application it was necessarily limited by their freedom to refuse. Consequently, in the final count, Christ's Blood does not profit the men who reject it, and who, for this reason, and through their own fault, end up in Hell, where they share the unredeemable fate of the (angelic) demons.
In this sense, the Blood of Christ did not “flow” for any of the inhabitants of Hell. Hence, Akabor's sentence: “He would have liked to shed it for all, but, IN FACT, It did not flow for all.”
ADDITIONAL NOTE: In the consecration of the Latin words “PROMULTIS” = “FOR MANY” The current English translation = “FOR ALL MEN” which equates to the Latin “PRO OMNIBUS”, is therefore inaccurate. The current moves afoot to remove all forms of “Sexist discrimination” (!) from the Mass could logically lead to “FOR ALL “, which as Jean Marty points out would imply, in effect, a denial of the existence of Hell.
[13] The demon's admission indicates that, because in the new “ordo missae” the Holy Mass has been thrown into disorder, there has been an immense loss in the number of graces flowing from it. So, in a time of dereliction, when the attacks of the demon are becoming more and more subtle and strong, the graces received are becoming fewer and weaker. Hence the lack of recognition of the spiritual enemy who is attacking so many Christians who end up by giving in and losing their foothold, and of the blindness which strikes so many of the consecrated who end up in error, while persuading themselves that they are on the right road.
[14] Michel Servant wrote in 1972: “The new Mass is still valid... for if we are not deluding ourselves regarding the plans of the 'Synarchy' - certain members of whom hold key positions in the Church - these modifications (of the ordo missae) are only a first stage in their thinking.” The second stage will result in the invalidation of the Mass by the total suppression of its sacrificial nature.
[15] “The True Mass” - this is the expression used by Our Lord in His messages to Jeannette of France since June 23, 1967 (“Parce Domine”distributed by theT.R.C. Association).
[16] Mark (13,22)
[17] Totally in agreement with the messages received by Jeannette of France - thus: “The Devil is in several from among them (bishops) and those ones, unfortunately, are leading the others” (November 3, 1970). The Lord had said on October 31: “If it “were not for the supplications of just souls, I would already have reduced them to dust”.
[18] It is appropriate here to recall the words of the gospel:
(A) At the moment of the washing of the feet: “The devil had already put it into the heart of Judas, son of Simon, the Iscariot to betray him” (John 13,2)
(B) Possession follows soon after Judas' acquiescence: “Then after Judas had taken the bread, Satan entered him” (John 13,27)
(C) There is also the affirmation of Jesus, at the end of His discourse on the Bread of Life: “Yet one of you is a devil.” St John adds: “He spoke of Judas son of Simon Iscariot” (John 6 70-71)
(D) Finally, there is the declaration of Jesus during His sacerdotal prayer: “Only one of them” (of those whom His Holy Father had given Him) “has been lost, he whom perdition claims for his own.” (John 17,12)
[19] Jesus died for all men. It is Judas, a human demon, who is speaking here, and not, as previously, an angelic demon (Akabor, on that occasion).
[20] What appalling suffering for this victim soul.
[21] Peter denied his Master, publicly and three times; then “he went out”...”and wept bitterly” (Matt 26,75). Judas betrayed his Master and delivered Him up: then “he went out”...”and hanged himself”. (Matt 27,5) The greatest sin for man is not to believe in the Mercy, the Infinite Mercy of God.
[22] Hell is an inevitable consequence of “freedom” when that is the highest prerequisite of Love.
Love can always be rejected. A temporary rejection during time, an eternal rejection in Eternity. Everything in time is a preparation and is fixed finally at the moment of death, which is that of the passage to Eternity. Because of what is at stake at this crucial, decisive moment, the soul benefits then from the supplementary grace of “the Great Celestial Light” (cf. our leaflet, published under this title and distributed by the Association “Tout restaurer dans le Christ”) The existence of Hell is a dogma of the Church (Cf. Fourth Lateran Council, 1215 - and many other documents of the magisterium).
[23] “One must blame the manipulators of the episcopal conferences where the wolf in lamb's clothing figures prominently” ('Parce Domine' - message of July 2. 1971)
[24] See the preceding note.
[25] See also the message of May 11, 1975 ('Parce Domine'), in particular: “God must be obeyed rather than man.” “It is not the bad bishops who will be their judges on the last day, but I.”
[26] Questions and exclamations of astonishment...!
[27] Let us pray that the priests and seminarians of Ecône remain quite small and stay very humble, as befits their great responsibility, to prevent the devil gaining a hold -the devil, who is at work there as elsewhere, and even more than elsewhere (he, himself, confirms that in these exorcisms)... and not without success.
P.S. We read in the exorcism of January 23, 1978, through the voice of Judas Iscariot: “Mgr. Lefebvre must literally follow the Way of the Cross and of Humility.” Refer Matt 10, 24: “There is no disciple better than his master.”
[28] Saint Luke wrote in the Acts of Apostles concerning Judas, after his suicide, applying these words of the Psalms to him: “Let another take over his office” (Acts 1, 20- Ps 109,8)
this was translated by Pere Feder in his Missal (1958 edition) as: “Qu'un autre prenne sa place dans l'episcopat.”, a literal translation from the Vulgate: “Et episcopatum ejus accipiat alter.” (Let another take his place in the episcopacy)
[29] Mat 28,20
[30] This paragraph and what follows about the Pope throw light on other avowals of the demon, reported under the title “Revelations on Pope Paul VI, the double, the Vatican” (Exorcism of January 16, 1976) and accompanied by explanatory notes added by Jean Marty in the French edition.
[31] For an account o1 the stoning of the deacon, Saint Stephen, see the Acts of the Apostles, 7,54-60.
[32] Jean Marty notes a similar message from Jesus to Jeannette of France: “France has been delivered, fists and feet tied, to the Enemy” ('Parce Domine' December 6, 1972). Thus, the head of the Church “hands and feet tied”, the “Eldest Daughter of the Church” - “fists and feet tied”
[33] Said, as prescribed by Saint Pius V, in Latin (see further accounts about the Tridentine Mass later on in the account of this exorcism).
[34] We are here in the presence of the “conspiracy of revolt” of which Saint Paul speaks (2 Thess. 2,7) Let us accept there is a “conspiracy”; let us reject with all our strength the “revolt”.
Compare the words of Our Lord, Jesus, to Jeannette of France on August 1,1976; “The Pope opened the door to everything that is now taking place, but he is paying for it with tears of blood”.
[35] They are those of the double, the imposter.
[36] The existence of the impostor, a double of Paul VI, explains so many things. See the later revelations of the demons on this subject (Part 2 - Exorcism of January 16, 1976)
[37] There must be in addition, sacrifice: Divine (“The True Mass”) and human (even to martyrdom).
Our Lord, Jesus, has manifested to Jeannette of France the twofold condition for Renewal:
A universal movement of public prayer, penance and reparation; and the return, in fact, of the “True Mass”, of the “Mass for always” (June 26, 1972 and June 23, 1973 - extracts for the messages “Parce Domine”). See the further avowals by the demons concerning the Council in the account of the exorcism of June 18, 1977.
[38] Confirmation from Beelzebub, during the exorcism of November 7, 1977: “That which today calls itself the Church, has not for a long time been the Church in the eyes of Those On High...”
[39] “IN THE VATICAN” (Beelzebub. Exorcism of November 7, 1977). The demon gives the following details: The greater part of the time, (he is) in his apartments. Occasionally, they whisk him away rapidly when visitors come.” (And the other Pope - the double - is brought in) “THE GREATER PART OF THE TIME” - “the old one, the real one is no longer present except rarely... One can't say 'present'... when he mounts his dais, they must first give him an injection to revive him so that he can speak just a little bit...”
[40] Without forgetting the sacrilegious horrors of the black masses, called correctly “masses of Satan” by the “initiated”.
[41] The context further on will show that it is not strictly all the cardinals who are concerned. We have already seen that.
[42] “Now” that Satan dominates everywhere, even within the Church..
[43] Holy water, in all its sacred uses, is a sacramental, whose ' precious effects are indicated in the liturgical prayer for the blessing of the water:
“Holy and pure be this water of your creating, kept free from all the enemy's assaults and cleansed by the withdrawal of every sort of evil. Make it a living fount, a life-giving water, a cleansing stream that all who are due to be bathed in this bath of salvation may have the Holy Spirit at work within them and receive the grace to be wholly clean” Thus, holy water is a “bath of salvation”, a preparation for the “Holy Spirit at work”. It is therefore the sign and the instrument of redemption.
[44] See the preceding note.
[45] It can never be said too often: “The Church of Satan” stands, always and everywhere, in opposition to the Holy Church of God. All churches and chapels are the targets for black magic practices directed against them from a distance. So, Ecône would be encircled by nine places of satanic cult, all concentrated against it. It is a miracle how it has resisted - and is resisting - such diabolical attacks.
[46] This is its true name. Because of earlier abuses and certain divergencies, the general rules for Mass were specified by the Council of Trent (Decree: “Da Sacrificio Missae” of September 17, 1562; whence its name “Tridentine Mass”); then codified, “ritualized” by a later decree of Saint Pius V (Bull: “Quo Primum” of July 14, 1570; whence its current name “Mass of Pius V”).
[47] The same applies to French, English - all “living languages”. Having the characteristics of a non-spoken language which is no longer evolving, Latin through its unchanging nature places a considerable curb on the kind of fantastic interpretations or fallacious translations which are found so frequently in the vernacular texts. The demon himself gave a precise example of this (See “THE HOLY MASS” Page 6)
[48] See “THE HOLY MASS” on page 7, and note 13 there.
[49] These are two separate things, but through what one has been able to read, one can understand that, even apart from the superiority of the Tridentine Rite in itself, there is also the superiority of Latin (over the vernacular).
[50] By your own (demons') authority.
[51] It seems clear that the demon, unwilling mouthpiece for Our Lady, has left aside, probably through lack of specific instructions from the Universal Queen, the masculine reactions and thoughts at such limes, when piety is certainly conspicuous by its absence, to say the very least! The remarks we have heard on this subject leave us in no doubt of this.
[52] “No women in the sanctuary. These practices are against my wishes” (Parce Domine”, message of July 2, 1972)
[53] In actual fact, the Church has always differentiated between men and women with regard to sacred things, obviously connecting this with the fact that, as Christ established His Church, only men are eligible for the Priesthood. That is why, for many centuries, the Church has permitted the majority of the functions of Minor Orders (Porter, Reader, Acolyte) to be exercised by simple laymen.
In our day, the modern movement has wanted to go much further, pushing forward to the function strictly reserved for Deacons and Priests: the distribution of Holy Communion.
It Is obvious that, In quite exceptional circumstances (persecutions, wars, concentration camps), - such as we have known under Nazi barbarism, and which are also looming up again with Soviet-Communist barbarism -laymen can be authorized (or can even presume authorization) to touch the Sacred Species for legitimate reasons.
But it must be remembered that giving Communion is, in its very nature, an act of Priesthood. That is why it belongs normally to the priest and, marginally only, to the deacon (if the priest cannot cope); the deacon being invested with the lowest, although still very real, degree of the Sacrament correctly called Orders. (See Council of Trent, Session 23)
[54] Beelzebub. Exorcism of November 7, 1977: “The world today wants to be seen. It wants women in the sanctuary, smart as new pins, well coiffured. No matter that the Mother of God never held office in the Church; no matter that: Christ said that women no longer had the right to enter the Holy of Holies, as a punishment, because Original Sin came from Eve and she was the first to fall. Christ said that a little while before His Passion...”
[55] This concerns the 'Warning”, which was announced by the Blessed Virgin at Garabandal, on January 1, 1965, through the voice of Conchita. One can legitimately think that the present “Warnings from the Beyond” are a merciful prelude to the “Warning of Garabandal” which is the last act of Mercy before the Chastisements, the great Chastisements.
[56] Jesus spoke to Carmela, September 29, 1969: “The Archangel, Saint Michael... humility in truth is the virtue which makes him strong and which he points out and obtains for those who ask for it, through his intercessions.”
“These writings (the teachings of Heaven as dictated to Carmela Carabelli of Milan) are truly riches of faith and holy ardour for the cause of God.” (Mgr. P. Pletro Santoro, Bishop of Termoll, for the Imprimatur)
[57] In an earlier exorcism, not published in this work.
[58] One must believe that the soutane impedes the demon terribly, that it is, in itself, an obstacle to his work, because it took repeated orders from the exorcist to make the word come out of Judas's mouth.
[59] In contrast to false “Renewal”, called charismatic, in which the devil plays the star part.
[60] Compare: “To those who, breaking away from human respect and servile fear, will take up the True Mass again, I promise very abundant graces of light, and the return of the faithful towards them.” (Message May 11, 1975 “Parce Domine”)
[61] “Disasters and misfortunes will proliferate without respite throughout the world, as long as the True Mass Is not re-established”. (“Parce Domine” message of November 15, 1974)
[62] See Note 65.
[63] Ah, yes! The remedy would be worse than the sickness. The mere presence of Paul VI (even in his powerless state) is sometimes like a stopcock against the action of the ecclesiastical subversion of the Vatican. All that will become clearer during the following pages. And the whole truth will come out publicly, at its due time.
[64] It is obvious that this sweeping expression, so cunningly used by the demon: “by means of the cardinals”, must be understood to refer to part of the Sacred College, and not to all Its members. It concerns cardinals subject to Satan's influence, whether consciously or unconsciously. In what proportion are they - the ones who are and the ones who aren't? God alone knows the answer to that.
[65] “As smoke is driven away so drive them away; as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God” - (Prayer of Exorcism, Ps. 67 V.2)
[66] Beelzebub is next to Lucifer in the hierarchy of Hell.
[67] “You will say to him: Well-beloved Holy Father, it is the True Mass which will assure the peace of the world” (“Parce Domine” -message of November 15, 1974)
[68] “What is veiled will all be revealed, what is hidden will all be known”. (Matt 10,26) The treacherous cardinals and disloyal prelates may be sure of that!
[69] John, 16,2
[70] 1976 (January 12) + 10-1986. The private prophecies, which have been collected by Michel Servant and published In 1972 in his book: “Veillez et priez car l'Heure est proche” (Watch and pray for the hour is close), unanimously place the progressive arrival of the chastisements (which have commenced in a diminished form) at around the years 1980-1984, the same conclusion also being found in the books by Pierre Roberdel on Marie-Julie Jahenny (ed. Rasiac, 1972-1977, 53150 Montsurs).
[71] Cf. Matt 24,42 and 25,13.
[72] This concerns the “Warning” of Garabandal.
[73] That seems to call for more precise details. The leaders were surely more aware of what they were doing and their motives, than the people, always able to be influenced by (he abuse of authority (although not so much as today). Furthermore, it is obvious that everything in the Catholic Church at that time was not exemplary.
[74] In fact Zwingle (Zurich 1518)- a contemporary of Luther (Wittenberg 1517) - under the direct influence of the leader of Hell, quickly went further than the most advanced positions of Luther, who was driven by mere demons. This revelation by the demon, Allida, explains many things, including the present time.
[75] All that is not altogether incorrect, psychologically speaking, but it is very pessimistic. It shows the devil publicizing his own house. He would like us to believe that grace is powerless to act.
[76] This book of demoniacal “Warnings”
[77] The fault means the sin, and sin in general which is a revolt against God. “The man who commits sin, violates order; sin of its nature is disorder”. (1 John 3.4)
[79] The custom of celebrating a Mass each day came only gradually, particularly in the Latin Church. But the other side of this old custom is the scrupulous care taken in preparation, and often also the importance and the quality of the ceremony.
[80] This is the same expression used by Mary of Agreda in “The Mystical City of God”, which is Mary. It was during the course of a second diabolical “Council”, held in Hell after the death of Christ, that a new plan for the domination of the world was established, as in future men would have “a powerful advocate in this new Woman”.
This plan is now being put into practice by the High Council of the Synarchy, as has been disclosed equally by Michel Servant and several other authors (Pierre Virion, Henry Coston, Jacques Ploncard d'Assac, Jacques Bordiot); throughout this book, the demons are pointing out the terrible consequences of this.
[81] The devil having no power over Mary, the magicians, mere tools of the demon have, a fortiori, no power over her.
[82] To “ponder” in a parallel sort of way. Pure spirits, as the demons are, experience more of a process of activity within their intelligence, but that takes place without a brain, and thus in a different, purely spiritual way.
[83] In the broad sense of the word, Saint Mark and Saint Luke were not members of the group of Twelve Apostles. The New Testament actually distinguishes between “The Twelve” and the “apostles” in general in the sense used here.
[84] The inspired work of Mary of Agreda, the writing of which was completed in 1665, bears the title; “The Divine History of Life of the Virgin Mother of God” or: “The Mystical City of God”. It comprises eight books which the demon Beelzebub has just cursed. It was translated into English by Rev. Father George J. Blatter of Chicago in 1912, and this English version is published in four volumes. It is available from Ray's Catholic Book Store, Necedah, Wisconsin 54646, at a cost of $35.00 for the 4 volumes.
[85] League = 5 miles
[86] St. Louis de Montfort wrote in his “Study on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin”: “She presents (our) good works to Jesus Christ; for in the end, she keeps for herself NOTHING of what is presented to her; she faithfully returns everything to Jesus”.
[87] If they could say more about her...but they are not able to.
[88] The English edition consists of two volumes and is entitled “The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich” by Carl E. Schmöger, C.S.S.R. It is available from Tan Books, P.O. Box 424, Rockford, Illinois 61106 at a cost of $18.00. Also available from Tan Books is “The Life of Jesus Christ and biblical Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich in 4 volumes 2,088 pages. These books include “The Dolorous Passion of OUR Lord Jesus Christ,” mentioned by the demons. This is in volume 4, set of 4, cost $25.00. Tan also has available an abridged version of Mary of Agreda's Mystical City of God (1 volume) cost $10.00, 800 pages. These books are also available from many other Catholic Book stores.
[89] Same title in English.
[90] A clearly pejorative expression in the mouth of the demon to describe these works. Jean Marty translated this literally from the German as: “Ce sont tous des nains de chaumieres”, making the point that it makes no more sense in German than in French. A literal translation from the French into English would be: “Dwarfs/midgets/pigmies from thatched cottages” - in context, “village idiots” seems a reasonable English rendition.
[91] Through a privileged soul, the Lord asked Michel Servant on June 12, 1971 to “distribute my hidden sorrows widely!” They were published as an illustrated booklet and have been circulated by the Association “Tout Restaurer dans le Christ” since 1972. Then the Lord asked again, but this time that everybody should “spread my hidden sorrows” (June 4, 1972). Innumerable and incredible graces, both spiritual and material, have been obtained by this devotion to the hidden sorrows of Jesus. We can bear witness to that. How very much in accord this is with the avowals dragged out of the demon!
[92] Jesus was always perfectly aware of what He was: God and Man. However. He so totally identified Himself with the misery of sinners, whom He loved and wished to save, that this apparently excessive expression is still in line with classical theology.
[93] What a lesson for all of us! If the little exorcism (that of Saint Michael, prescribed by Leo XIII) -which can be said by lay people as well as by priests - forces the demon, by his own admission, to speak, it can just as well force him to flee.
[94] We know that this Is a reference to this work “Warnings from the Beyond” - warnings transmitted, albeit unwillingly, by the demons. They persist, and for a reason, in calling this work “little”. Fundamentally, this is most valuable testimony for the book.
[95] Luke 14,11.
[96] From the parable about the choice of places by those invited to a banquet (Luke 14, 7-11).
[97] The wounds of the stigmata.
[98] Truth, that is the habit of telling the truth. It is therefore the exact opposite of the devil's habit - he who is “the liar, the father of lies.” (John 8,44)
[99] “Long debates on the question of the writer of “The Imitation of Christ” ended in the authorship of this admirable treatise on mysticism being attributed to him.” (Larousse, ed. of 1964)
[100] It is always the same procedure, characteristic of ecclesiastical Subversion, constantly applied since Vatican II in the translation of all texts, liturgical and other. Many examples may be found in the 3rd volume of Michel Servant's work “Veillez et priez...” (“Watch and Pray...”), on the subject of the New Mass in particular.
[101] Who has not recognized the Very Holy and Adorable Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
[102] “The wicked ones will make several attempt son his life (that of the Holy Father) in those days. (Message of La Salette of September 9, 1846)
[103] Probably an allusion to the “great battle” - which is spoken of in the Secret of Fatima - between the faithful Christians (helped by the Angels and the Saints) and the impious (helped by the demons); a battle which must take place at the end of the Time of the Chastisement and which will be followed by the dawn of the Renewal, of the Spiritual Reign of Jesus and Mary.
[104] In October 1975
[105] If, when each of us bears his share of responsibility for the “self-destruction” of the Church, all faithful Catholics had reacted positively and had used the divine weapons of prayer and penance on the Holy Father's behalf, instead of those sterile and inauspicious weapons of diatribe, polemics and even accusation, then the clusters of corrupt wills, both diabolical and human, who impede and smother Pope Paul VI, would have been denounced by God a long time ago. For He alone can do it, and the truth will be brought to light.
[106] Mark 13, 21
[107] This is the goal pursued by Michel Servant in his book (1972) where he analyses in the light of deeds and events, (past, present and to come), private prophecies, particularly those of Anne-Catherine Emmerich and Mary of Agreda.
[108] Disbelief - of other people with regard to them.
[109] (1) Message from Jesus to a French priest through Jeannette: “Suggest to him that he say each day, after Mass, the exorcism of Leo XIII for the Church. Let him invite his colleagues to do the same...” (Parce Domine”- July 10, 1972)
Moreover, In his explanatory commentary on Passiontide, Father Feder writes In his missal (page 343 of English Version, “Layman's Daily Missal, Prayer Book and Ritual” published In 1962): “In the gospel accounts of the plots and schemes of Christ's enemies we see the incompatibility of our own ignoble ambitions with love for Christ...man will not accept Him Who presents Himself as the Son of God”
It is always the same “plot” which continues through the centuries to our own times - to destroy the Church through the destruction of its Head. A plot which, after the Passion of the Church and its apparent death, will end with Christ's victory and the triumph of His Church.
[110] That is why the almost unbelievable numbers of “miracles”, “conversions” and “cures” worked by the “charismatic” Catholics (and even more by the “Pentecost” Protestants) appear to us, on the whole, to point to a diabolical cause (as the demon, Beelzebub, explains very clearly here by order of the Holy Spirit), rather than the Holy Spirit, whatever the part of faith, love and fervent, often very emotional, prayers of the participants In charismatic “Renewal” or Pentecostalism.
[111] Therein lies particularly, the extreme difficulty of the present time. The phenomenon is linked with the extraordinary power of the demon over the last century. In how many authentic privileged souls, sometimes very well known, there is a mixture (supernatural, human and diabolical in the messages that they receive! And it is very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.
[112] 1 Thess. 5, 21
[113] Our Lord, Jesus, clearly warned us of this: “The kingdom of God comes unwatched by men's eyes; there will be no saying, See, it is here, See, it is there; the kingdom of God is here, within you” (Luke 17. 20-21)
[114] Free quotation from Saint Matthew 24, 24; or Saint Mark 13-22
[115] Saint Luke 21, 29-31
[116] (3) After completing a detailed analysis of hundreds of private prophecies, spread out over fifteen hundred years, and having compared them with revelations from the Scriptures, Michel Servant has reached the following conclusion, confirmed by the Secret message of Fatima: the Spiritual Renewal, marked by the triumph of the Church and the general conversion will take place before the year 2000 ('Veillez et priez..., Chap XVI and XVII principally)
[117] His “day” par excellence, the Last Day, the Day of the Last Judgment. But here also, by analogy, His “day” nearer at hand, of the events which are coming which will be followed by the Spiritual Reign of Jesus and Mary, of the Son and of the Mother, over our world.