“To us God hath revealed them by his Spirit”
I Corinthians 2: 7-11
“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, a wisdom which is hidden, which God ordained before the world, unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew. For if they had known it, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory. But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard: neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him. But to us God hath revealed them by his Spirit. For the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, but the spirit of a man that is in him? So the things also that are of God, no man knoweth, but the Spirit of God.”
“All things in Christ, that are in heaven and on earth”
Ephesians 1:7-10
“In whom we have redemption through his blood, the remission of sins, according to the riches of his grace, which hath super abounded in us, in all wisdom and prudence, That he might make known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he hath purposed in him, In the dispensation of the fullness of times, to re−establish all things in Christ, that are in heaven and on earth, in him.”
“The Mystery is revealed”
Ephesians 3:1-6
“For this cause, I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ, for you Gentiles: If yet you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me towards you: How that, according to revelation, the mystery has been made known to me, as I have written above in a few words: As you reading, may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ, which in other generations was not known to the sons of men, as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit: That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body: and copartners of his promise in Christ Jesus, by the gospel.”
“May be made to known…through the church”
Ephesians 3:9-10
“And to enlighten all men, that they may see what is the dispensation of the mystery which hath been hidden from eternity in God who created all things: That the manifold wisdom of God may be made known to the principalities and powers in heavenly places through the church, According to the eternal purpose which he made in Christ Jesus our Lord: In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.”
The Spirit of God, Beloved Ingkong reveals to us the “Mystery of His Will” that in the fullness of times, these last days, He will gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth. And by His works and words we understood that the Holy Sealing and the enthronement of the spirit of an Angel or of the Christian Saint to us is the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Prophets: Isaiah(32:15-18;44:3;), Ezekiel(11:19;36:26-27), Joel(2:28-29), John the Baptist (John 1:23-24;Luke 3:16;Mark 1:6-8;Matthew 3:11-14). It is through the Holy Sealing that all that are in heaven are united to us who are on earth to become one in Jesus Christ as the Scripture says:
“But you are come to mount Sion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the company of many thousands of angels, and to the church of the firstborn who are written in the heavens, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of the just made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new testament, and to the sprinkling of blood which speaketh better than that of Abel.” (Hebrew 12:22-24 )
And this Mystery will be fulfilled when the Seventh Angel of the Apocalypse sounded his trumpet.
“The Seventh Angel and the Mystery of God”
Apocalypse 10:5-7
“And the angel whom I saw standing upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven. And he swore by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven and the things which are therein, and the earth and the things which are in it, and the sea and the things which are therein: That time shall be no longer. But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound the trumpet, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he hath declared by his servants the prophets.”
“The Seventh Angel sounded the trumpet… A Woman clothed with the sun”
Apocalypse 11: 15-19; 12:1
“And the seventh angel sounded the trumpet: and there were great voices in heaven, saying: The kingdom of this world is become our Lord's and his Christ's, and he shall reign for ever and ever. Amen. And the four and twenty ancients who sit on their seats in the sight of God, fell on their faces and adored God, saying: We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, who art and who wast and who art to come: because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and thou hast reigned. And the nations were angry: and thy wrath is come. And the time of the dead, that they should be judged and that thou shouldest render reward to thy servants the prophets and the saints, and to them that fear thy name, little and great: and shouldest destroy them who have corrupted the earth. And the temple of God was opened in heaven: and the ark of his testament was seen in his temple. And there were lightnings and voices and an earthquake and great hail…”
“And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” (Apocalypse 12:1)
The Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus Christ in Fatima Portugal is the great sign ever appeared in heaven in the 20th century, unanimously, she was regarded as the Woman Clothed with the sun described as follows:
The Apparition and Messages of the Virgin Mary of Fatima 1917 AD
Beginning on May 13, 1917, the Mother of God appeared six times to Jacinta (age 7), Francisco (age 9) and Lucia (age 10) in Fatima, Portugal. The Blessed Virgin told the children to pray the Rosary every day; she showed them a vision of Hell; and she made prophecies about World War II and the expansion of Communism (“the errors of Russia”), among other things.
The Vision of Hell shown by Our Lady of Fatima to the children: “As the Lady spoke the last words, she opened Her hands once more, as She had done the two previous months. The rays [of light] appeared to penetrate the earth, and we saw, as it were, a vast sea of fire. Plunged in this fire, we saw the demons and the souls [of the damned]. The latter were like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, having human forms. They were floating about in that conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames which issued from within themselves, together with great clouds of smoke. Now they fell back on every side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fright (it must have been this sight which caused me to cry out, as people say they heard me). The repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. That vision only lasted for a moment, thanks to our good Heavenly Mother, Who at the first apparition had promised to take us to Heaven. Without that, I think that we would have died of terror and fear.”
“You see Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them God wishes to establish in the world the devotion to my Immaculate Heart,” Our Lady said.
On July 13, 1917, Our Lady also told the children that on Oct. 13, 1917 she would work a miracle that all would have to believe: “Lucia said, ‘I wish to ask you to tell us who you are, and to perform a miracle so that everyone will believe that you have appeared to us!’ ‘Continue to come here every month,’ answered the Lady. ‘In October I will tell you who I am and what I wish, and will perform a miracle that everyone will have to believe.’” (Our Lady of Fatima, July 13, 1917)
Since the children had announced months in advance of Oct. 13 that the Lady would work a miracle, 70,000 to 100,000 people gathered at Fatima on Oct. 13 to see the miracle that was predicted to take place. There were also many nonbelievers who came to scoff when the predicted miracle didn’t occur. However, as even the secular press confirmed, the Miracle of the Sun – as it’s now known – did occur, just as it was predicted by the children and by Our Lady of Fatima. It stunned the gathered multitude, converted hardened unbelievers, including atheists and Freemasons, and confirmed thousands in the Catholic Faith.
Above: two pictures of the stunned crowd at Fatima on Oct. 13, 1917 witnessing the predicted miracle by Our Lady of Fatima
What was the Miracle of the Sun that so stunned and converted the enraptured audience of 70,000-plus at Fatima on Oct. 13, 1917?
“The sun stood forth in the clear zenith like a great silver disk which, though bright as any sun they had ever seen, they could look straight at without blinking, and with a unique and delightful satisfaction. This lasted but a moment. While they gazed, the huge ball began to ‘dance’ – that was the word all the beholders applied to it. Now it was whirling rapidly like a gigantic fire-wheel. After doing this for some time, it stopped. Then it rotated again, with dizzy, sickening speed. Finally there appeared on the rim a border of crimson, which flung across the sky, as from a hellish vortex, bloodred streamers of flame, reflecting to the earth, to the trees and shrubs, to the upturned faces and the clothes all sorts of brilliant colors in succession: green, red, orange, blue, violet, the whole spectrum in fact. Madly gyrating in this manner three times, the fiery orb seemed to tremble, to shudder, and then to plunge precipitately, in a mighty zigzag, toward the crowd. “A fearful cry broke from the lips of thousands of terrified persons as they fell upon their knees, thinking the end of the world had come. Some said that the air became warmer at that instant; they would not have been surprised if everything about them had burst into flames, enveloping and consuming them.”
“All over Portugal, in fact, the anti-clerical press was compelled to bear witness of the same sort. There was general agreement on the essentials. As Dr. Domingos Pinto Coelho wrote in O Ordem, ‘The sun, sometimes surrounded with crimson flames, at other times aureoled with yellow and red, at still other times seemed to revolve with a very rapid movement of rotation, still again seeming to detach itself from the sky, to approach the earth…’”
During the miracle the sun was seen to be speeding toward the earth and the people thought the end of the world had come. The significance should be obvious: Fatima was an apocalyptic sign; it was a sign that the end was near, that the events which would precede the culmination of the world and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ were to begin. Men must amend their lives before the end of the world really came.
Based on some of these considerations, many have concluded that Our Lady of Fatima is the woman clothed with the sun described in chapter 12:1 of the Apocalypse:

“And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon
under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” (Apocalypse 12:1)
The Fatima seers also reported that Our Lady was made all of light – she was more brilliant than the sun. The evidence is very strong that Our Lady of Fatima was the woman clothed with the sun prophesied in the Apocalypse, chapter 12.
The apparition and the miracle of the Virgin Mary in Fatima is the fulfillment of the prophecies in Apocalypse 11: 15-19 – 12:1. The seventh angel has already sounded his trumpet and that signals the opening of the temple of God in heaven and reveals His Ark of the Covenant|Testament following this is the great sign appeared in heaven, a Woman clothed with the sun.
It follows that the Mystery of God, His plan will be accomplished very soon. At the center of God’s Plan to save and sanctify His people in the last days is the Blessed Mother with the Holy Spirit. The spirit of the Ark of the Covenant which was seen in heaven will manifest in the flesh in the person of Saint Maria Virginia, as the Throne of Mercy in the last days being the fulfillment of the words of the Prophet Isaiah 16:5; before the great second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It was also in 1917 when another sign appeared following the woman;
“And there was seen another sign in heaven. And behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns and on his heads seven diadems.” This is the Red Dragon of Communism and Atheism."
The Mystery of God will be finished
It was on April 3, 1969 when the VATICAN replaced the Traditional Latin Mass in the Vatican II churches with its own creation, the New Mass or Novus Ordo. The Novus Ordo Mass, as Cardinals Ottaviani, Bacci and other theologians wrote in their letter to Paul VI is “The Novus Ordo [the New Order of Mass] represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session 22 of the Council of Trent.”
It was also on the same year when the Holy Spirit appeared to Brother Florentine in 1969, Beloved INGKONG appeared to him, few years after the Vatican II – the fullness of times [the fulfilment of the third secret of Fatima,and La Salette]- when the church of Rome started to lose her holy faith and the sheeps are scattered for the wolves and serpents freely roam inside the tabernacle – bishops againts bishops; cardinals against cardinals; the holy sacrifice of the mass is defiled; seminaries are emptied; evil spirits freely roams the world. This is the fullness of times, the signal when the mystery of God will be fulfilled.
The sounding of the trumpet of the seventh angels signals that “the mystery of God hidden in all the ages will be finished, in the fullnes of times” and that is “To re−establish all things in Christ, that are in heaven and on earth, in him.”
Note: See also the blogs Why Mahal na INGKONG started His ministry in 1968-69, the significance of His manifestation to Brother Florentine and the Confession of the Devils in several occasions of exorcism in Sweden