Ave Maria Purissima...
This 29th of May, 2012 I will be celebrating my 19th year of being tinatakan of Mahal na Ingkong. I was sealed on 29th of May, 1993 and He enthroned in me a Querubin. I decided to get sealed on my fourth time of 'pag-akyat' in 'Lupang Banal' Sacrifice Valley. My first was during the holy week of 1990, and the second time till my holy sealing happened in May 1993. I am an Apo now, Apo Almiro de Alexandria. I was sealed as Apo last September 1999 by our Beloved Mama, Sta Maria Virginia at Sacrifice Valley.

Before I even reached Sacrifice Valley, I dreamed of a church whose roof is round and that there are no chairs, surrounded with doors. I found myself in the said church, in its library, where i opened and read several books. I heard a voice that says 'someday you will be here with me'. I almost forget this dream until the second time of my pag-akyat (visit). In my first pag akyat of 1990, i did not get inside the church because right from the place where we are eating our lunch we went directly to the Kalbaryo and followed the procession. I recalled my dream vividly in my second pag akyat.
My first Pag-akyat 1990, was with my friends Rowin, Edmon, with Rowin's tita Josie, Tita Luming and Tito Boy both are tinatakan, namely Apo Rosalina and Apo Ambrosio. I remember that Ate Lolit, sister of Tita Mar and mother of Serafines Manny Boy Guevarra, was there also with other persons. I was invited by Rowin to come with him and Edmon, he said his Tita Luming agreed for us to pay fifty pesos (50php) only as fare in the rented jipney.It was the first time I stepped my feet in the Holy Land, not much of houses and concrete structures. I can still recall the food we ate, halabos na alimasag (blue crabs). We sat on the roadside beside our jeepney when we ate our lunch. I can see the many people clothed with sutana and i can hear from the church the voice whom Apo Rosalina said, is Mahal na Ingkong. After few minutes, we saw that the procession of the PASAN has already moving towards the KALBARYO, so we prepared ourselves and started to queue among the many APO who also follows the procession.

As we follow the procession, you can hear the echo of the prayers of the Holy Rosary in the sky, all people are praying devoutly the Rosary, all are barefooted, braving the hot and sharp rocks and stones of the Kalbaryo. I can still see vividly in my mind the angelic faces of all the girls wearing long blue veils, i learned lately that they are Hijas de Maria. I led also the recitation of the Rosary among our group.

After the PASAN is the Santo Entiero, Santo Entiero or the Holy Sepulchre, is when the body of Mamang Viring was laid, without life, on the sepulchre. People came one by one to kiss the hand of Mahal na Ingkong thru Mamang Viring. The fragrance of sweet and fresh roses was so strong in the sorrounding, thesame was true during the Pasan, wherever you are, if you are blessed to smell it, you will smell it. After we all kissed Ingkong's hand we started to prepare for going home to Bulacan.

At first,I do not know who is Mahal na Ingkong. What i know is that i happened to be with the people called APO, but on what do they believe, certainly I do not have any idea at that time. I just felt something is so mystical and special with the place, the people and Mahal na Ingkong.
My second time was when one morning, as I am riding a bicycle towads the Church of Sto.Rosario to attend mass,I saw Apo Ambrosio while cleaning the front yard of his house. I asked him if they will go to Sacrifice Valley as I would like to join as well. He advised me to join Apo Eugenia as he said, they regularly went to Sacrifice Valley. So, that Friday, with his instruction, i went to the Hagonoy Public Market and search for the house of Apo Eugenia. I introduced myself and found inside a familiar face, a teacher in Mercado, Mr.Donato Payongayong,and i learned that he is Apo Renato de Padua. Since then, I and Apo Renato became friends and he shared me a lot about Mahal na Ingkong. After the holy week, year 1993 i decided to receive what the Apo recieved from Mahal na Ingkong. I found peace and so much joy that i cannot describe whenever i am there in Sacrifice Valley.
Friday afternoon, Apo Eugenia signed my application paper, Apo Geovania de Alexandria was my sponsor. Querubin Nick (+) and Querubin Ogie helped me to the comprohan. It was a whole night teaching,discussion,and prayers about the Doctrine of Mahal na Ingkong. Emphasis was always given to the prayer of the Holy Rosary and of recieving the Sacraments of the Church. I thank God, i was accepted and cleansed by Juan Bautista, Apo Anastasio, now Bishop Anastasio. I was numbered around 200 plus our of about six hundred people who will be sealed that saturday afternoon.

I was sealed as Querubin by the hands of Mahal na Ingkong thru Mamang Viring. The most significant words or mensahe He said to us, which i personally felt myself within my spirit are the words "Hindi na kayo pangkaraniwang tao, ang inyong mga kasalanan ay kinuha ko, alalaon baga ay pinatawad ko, ang katulad ninyo ngayon ay bagong silang na sanggol, sapagkat wala na kayong kasalanan.
Ako ang inyong PUNO, kayo ang aking mga sanga, ang sanga ay hindi dapat mabali, hindi dapat mapigtal sa akin ang sanga, mapipigtal lamang kayo kung magkakasala kayo!
Pagsapit ng alas-dose ng gabi, babangon kayo, magninilay kayo, sa alas dose ng gabi nakikipag ulayaw sa akin ang mga banal. kung kaya naman nasa sa inyo ang mga banal na iyan, gagabayan kayo tuturuan kayo tutulungan kayo huwag lang tatalunin ng inyong isipan!'
These words of Mahal na Ingkong is so crucial to keep oneself in the kaganapan. So many sealed servants or tinatakan would have never been went astray, if they keep the 'Pagninilay sa Alas-Dose ng gabi' faithfully. One must 'magnilay' at least once a week on twelve oc clock morning, it is the only time that the holy seals or tatak altogether in unison praises and worships Mahal na Ingkong, and we as 'throne' or luklukan should avail of this wonderful and so mystical unity.
When i was sealed, APO started to call me Querubin Abner. Since then, there were sick people who came to our home asking to be touched, when I was not a sealed servant,nobody comes for healing, but now, perhaps Mahal na Ingkong wants me to share and extend His healing hands to these people.
In the same year, 3rd July 1993, First Saturday, while we are having Sikaran Martial Arts Practice at Hagonoy institute with Angelito Embang who was later sealed as Apo Oscar de Alexandria in 1994. I went outside to pass urine, afterwards when I am about to get inside the room, I heard a voice of a girl, about fourteen years of age, beautiful and sweet voice. The girl told me that she will give me something as gift, she asked me to bow down and sit, reach the soil, and wipe or dig lightly with my right hand. As my hand moves from the right side to my front, an object was uncovered. She said, open it! I opened what seems to be a folded thing. I saw inside the medal of the Immaculate Concepcion popularly known as the Miraculous Medal. Right at the moment I opened it, i smell fragrance of roses, and the voice told me, 'From now on, I will be with you, guide, and teach you in all things!'. Lately did I realized what has happened and learned that the Blessed Virgin Mary presented me a wonderful gift.

I found inside the plastic case along with the medal a Five hundred (500Php) pesos. I used the money to buy pieces of Miraculous medals and Praying the Rosary leaflets and distributed it to my friends.
When i went to Sacrifice Valley, during the 'dulogan' to Mahal na Ingkong at Mama Viring's house beside the Day Care Center. I presented to Mahal na Ingkong the said medal, He smiled and asked me if I liked His gift, He breathe on it and gave me back again. I kissed His feet and so grateful of this wonderful token of maternal love. Since then, the medal has not parted from me and became one, if not the only priced possessions of my life.
Since I was sealed, I used to pray the Holy Rosary and read the Holy Bible until it was Twelve midnight (12am) which is the time for PAGNINILAY or PAKIKIPAG-ULAYAW SA MAHAL NA INGKONG. I have altar in my room, candles, Holy Bible and the prayer book called GABAY (A Cursillista prayerbook).
When it's twelve, I pray to the Holy Spirit as it was written on the prayer book and read the Reading ang Gospel for the day. After which I meditated on its message to me. I praised the Holy Trinity, bowing my head and kissing the ground three times and thanking the Blessed Virgin Mary.
In one occasion, after all my prayers and just before I conclude it with the final Amen I asked Beloved Ingkong to strengthen my faith in Him by allowing me to experience something which I never experienced before. I said my Amen and blew the candle and sleep.
After a while, I heard from our on top of our nipa roof, happy and merrily talking small voices saying to each other, let's go down. My eyes closed, I heard the cracking sounds of the nipa leaves as I assume they are entering its crevices to get inside the room. I felt they landed on my breast and slide through my shoulder and surrounded me. They talked where they will start. I felt that my feet started to raise or lifted in the air from my Banig (sleeping mat), from my feet to my knees, to my legs, waist, my upper body and finally my head. I felt and see I am lifted of about two feet from the sleeping mat.
The experience was so extraordinary, I was so happy and joyous. Then after I felt some power went inside me, and I know it was my Querubin and I was in a trance. I run around my room on my knees, running on knees while shouting praises to Beloved Ingkong crying "ALELUYA ALELUYA ALELUYA" I covered my mouth so as not to awaken my sleeping parents. After the experience, as if I wake up from found myself kneeling at the altar with lighted candle. Then after, I wake up in front of the altar, little bit confused if I am dreaming or things were true as it happened.
My auntie, second from the youngest of the ten siblings of my mother, visited our home and seek my mother's help how to stop her conception. She was on her three months pregnancy. I learned that she tried herbal medicines but not effective. My mother knows a certain quack doctor or hilot from Calumpit who can help. When I heard of their plan, I went to the altar and begged Beloved Ingkong and I hold the Miraculous Medal to spoil their plan. I thought to myself that the hilot can do many things to abort the child but a word from Beloved Ingkong is more than enough to prevent it.
My Aunt, after all they did, continue to bear the child and she gave birth to a son. I personally call his name Moses, for out of death, he is lifted and saved by Beloved INGKONG.
I used to go to Holy Mass every morning in Santo Rosario Church in Brgy Sto. Rosario if it is Saturday and Sunday, and during weekdays at Santa Ana Church in Hagonoy town proper. So, it was in Sto Rosario where I did all my First Saturdays. I used to served in the Altar as Acolyte to Rev Fr Roberto Lunod who was then the Parish Priest. One morning, after the Holy Mass, I visited my Auntie, Moses was still a baby and he was suffering from multiple boils 'pigsa' all over his body, from head to different parts of his body. When I saw them I heard an instruction which I believed to be from my Querubin, to apply my saliva on all the boils. When my Aunt left me and Moses to get me coffee, I applied saliva on Moses's boils. So when she came back I am done. Moses was just staring at me.
The following day I visited my Aunt and Moses again and found the boils all ruptured, and the third day they were all dried.
This 29th of May, 2012 I will be celebrating my 19th year of being tinatakan of Mahal na Ingkong. I was sealed on 29th of May, 1993 and He enthroned in me a Querubin. I decided to get sealed on my fourth time of 'pag-akyat' in 'Lupang Banal' Sacrifice Valley. My first was during the holy week of 1990, and the second time till my holy sealing happened in May 1993. I am an Apo now, Apo Almiro de Alexandria. I was sealed as Apo last September 1999 by our Beloved Mama, Sta Maria Virginia at Sacrifice Valley.

Before I even reached Sacrifice Valley, I dreamed of a church whose roof is round and that there are no chairs, surrounded with doors. I found myself in the said church, in its library, where i opened and read several books. I heard a voice that says 'someday you will be here with me'. I almost forget this dream until the second time of my pag-akyat (visit). In my first pag akyat of 1990, i did not get inside the church because right from the place where we are eating our lunch we went directly to the Kalbaryo and followed the procession. I recalled my dream vividly in my second pag akyat.
My first Pag-akyat 1990, was with my friends Rowin, Edmon, with Rowin's tita Josie, Tita Luming and Tito Boy both are tinatakan, namely Apo Rosalina and Apo Ambrosio. I remember that Ate Lolit, sister of Tita Mar and mother of Serafines Manny Boy Guevarra, was there also with other persons. I was invited by Rowin to come with him and Edmon, he said his Tita Luming agreed for us to pay fifty pesos (50php) only as fare in the rented jipney.It was the first time I stepped my feet in the Holy Land, not much of houses and concrete structures. I can still recall the food we ate, halabos na alimasag (blue crabs). We sat on the roadside beside our jeepney when we ate our lunch. I can see the many people clothed with sutana and i can hear from the church the voice whom Apo Rosalina said, is Mahal na Ingkong. After few minutes, we saw that the procession of the PASAN has already moving towards the KALBARYO, so we prepared ourselves and started to queue among the many APO who also follows the procession.

As we follow the procession, you can hear the echo of the prayers of the Holy Rosary in the sky, all people are praying devoutly the Rosary, all are barefooted, braving the hot and sharp rocks and stones of the Kalbaryo. I can still see vividly in my mind the angelic faces of all the girls wearing long blue veils, i learned lately that they are Hijas de Maria. I led also the recitation of the Rosary among our group.

After the PASAN is the Santo Entiero, Santo Entiero or the Holy Sepulchre, is when the body of Mamang Viring was laid, without life, on the sepulchre. People came one by one to kiss the hand of Mahal na Ingkong thru Mamang Viring. The fragrance of sweet and fresh roses was so strong in the sorrounding, thesame was true during the Pasan, wherever you are, if you are blessed to smell it, you will smell it. After we all kissed Ingkong's hand we started to prepare for going home to Bulacan.

At first,I do not know who is Mahal na Ingkong. What i know is that i happened to be with the people called APO, but on what do they believe, certainly I do not have any idea at that time. I just felt something is so mystical and special with the place, the people and Mahal na Ingkong.
My second time was when one morning, as I am riding a bicycle towads the Church of Sto.Rosario to attend mass,I saw Apo Ambrosio while cleaning the front yard of his house. I asked him if they will go to Sacrifice Valley as I would like to join as well. He advised me to join Apo Eugenia as he said, they regularly went to Sacrifice Valley. So, that Friday, with his instruction, i went to the Hagonoy Public Market and search for the house of Apo Eugenia. I introduced myself and found inside a familiar face, a teacher in Mercado, Mr.Donato Payongayong,and i learned that he is Apo Renato de Padua. Since then, I and Apo Renato became friends and he shared me a lot about Mahal na Ingkong. After the holy week, year 1993 i decided to receive what the Apo recieved from Mahal na Ingkong. I found peace and so much joy that i cannot describe whenever i am there in Sacrifice Valley.
Friday afternoon, Apo Eugenia signed my application paper, Apo Geovania de Alexandria was my sponsor. Querubin Nick (+) and Querubin Ogie helped me to the comprohan. It was a whole night teaching,discussion,and prayers about the Doctrine of Mahal na Ingkong. Emphasis was always given to the prayer of the Holy Rosary and of recieving the Sacraments of the Church. I thank God, i was accepted and cleansed by Juan Bautista, Apo Anastasio, now Bishop Anastasio. I was numbered around 200 plus our of about six hundred people who will be sealed that saturday afternoon.

I was sealed as Querubin by the hands of Mahal na Ingkong thru Mamang Viring. The most significant words or mensahe He said to us, which i personally felt myself within my spirit are the words "Hindi na kayo pangkaraniwang tao, ang inyong mga kasalanan ay kinuha ko, alalaon baga ay pinatawad ko, ang katulad ninyo ngayon ay bagong silang na sanggol, sapagkat wala na kayong kasalanan.
Ako ang inyong PUNO, kayo ang aking mga sanga, ang sanga ay hindi dapat mabali, hindi dapat mapigtal sa akin ang sanga, mapipigtal lamang kayo kung magkakasala kayo!
Pagsapit ng alas-dose ng gabi, babangon kayo, magninilay kayo, sa alas dose ng gabi nakikipag ulayaw sa akin ang mga banal. kung kaya naman nasa sa inyo ang mga banal na iyan, gagabayan kayo tuturuan kayo tutulungan kayo huwag lang tatalunin ng inyong isipan!'
These words of Mahal na Ingkong is so crucial to keep oneself in the kaganapan. So many sealed servants or tinatakan would have never been went astray, if they keep the 'Pagninilay sa Alas-Dose ng gabi' faithfully. One must 'magnilay' at least once a week on twelve oc clock morning, it is the only time that the holy seals or tatak altogether in unison praises and worships Mahal na Ingkong, and we as 'throne' or luklukan should avail of this wonderful and so mystical unity.
When i was sealed, APO started to call me Querubin Abner. Since then, there were sick people who came to our home asking to be touched, when I was not a sealed servant,nobody comes for healing, but now, perhaps Mahal na Ingkong wants me to share and extend His healing hands to these people.
Here I will narrate my encounter of the providence and guidance of our Beloved Ingkong and Mama Mary.
In the same year, 3rd July 1993, First Saturday, while we are having Sikaran Martial Arts Practice at Hagonoy institute with Angelito Embang who was later sealed as Apo Oscar de Alexandria in 1994. I went outside to pass urine, afterwards when I am about to get inside the room, I heard a voice of a girl, about fourteen years of age, beautiful and sweet voice. The girl told me that she will give me something as gift, she asked me to bow down and sit, reach the soil, and wipe or dig lightly with my right hand. As my hand moves from the right side to my front, an object was uncovered. She said, open it! I opened what seems to be a folded thing. I saw inside the medal of the Immaculate Concepcion popularly known as the Miraculous Medal. Right at the moment I opened it, i smell fragrance of roses, and the voice told me, 'From now on, I will be with you, guide, and teach you in all things!'. Lately did I realized what has happened and learned that the Blessed Virgin Mary presented me a wonderful gift.

I found inside the plastic case along with the medal a Five hundred (500Php) pesos. I used the money to buy pieces of Miraculous medals and Praying the Rosary leaflets and distributed it to my friends.
When i went to Sacrifice Valley, during the 'dulogan' to Mahal na Ingkong at Mama Viring's house beside the Day Care Center. I presented to Mahal na Ingkong the said medal, He smiled and asked me if I liked His gift, He breathe on it and gave me back again. I kissed His feet and so grateful of this wonderful token of maternal love. Since then, the medal has not parted from me and became one, if not the only priced possessions of my life.
Since I was sealed, I used to pray the Holy Rosary and read the Holy Bible until it was Twelve midnight (12am) which is the time for PAGNINILAY or PAKIKIPAG-ULAYAW SA MAHAL NA INGKONG. I have altar in my room, candles, Holy Bible and the prayer book called GABAY (A Cursillista prayerbook).
When it's twelve, I pray to the Holy Spirit as it was written on the prayer book and read the Reading ang Gospel for the day. After which I meditated on its message to me. I praised the Holy Trinity, bowing my head and kissing the ground three times and thanking the Blessed Virgin Mary.
In one occasion, after all my prayers and just before I conclude it with the final Amen I asked Beloved Ingkong to strengthen my faith in Him by allowing me to experience something which I never experienced before. I said my Amen and blew the candle and sleep.
After a while, I heard from our on top of our nipa roof, happy and merrily talking small voices saying to each other, let's go down. My eyes closed, I heard the cracking sounds of the nipa leaves as I assume they are entering its crevices to get inside the room. I felt they landed on my breast and slide through my shoulder and surrounded me. They talked where they will start. I felt that my feet started to raise or lifted in the air from my Banig (sleeping mat), from my feet to my knees, to my legs, waist, my upper body and finally my head. I felt and see I am lifted of about two feet from the sleeping mat.
The experience was so extraordinary, I was so happy and joyous. Then after I felt some power went inside me, and I know it was my Querubin and I was in a trance. I run around my room on my knees, running on knees while shouting praises to Beloved Ingkong crying "ALELUYA ALELUYA ALELUYA" I covered my mouth so as not to awaken my sleeping parents. After the experience, as if I wake up from found myself kneeling at the altar with lighted candle. Then after, I wake up in front of the altar, little bit confused if I am dreaming or things were true as it happened.
My auntie, second from the youngest of the ten siblings of my mother, visited our home and seek my mother's help how to stop her conception. She was on her three months pregnancy. I learned that she tried herbal medicines but not effective. My mother knows a certain quack doctor or hilot from Calumpit who can help. When I heard of their plan, I went to the altar and begged Beloved Ingkong and I hold the Miraculous Medal to spoil their plan. I thought to myself that the hilot can do many things to abort the child but a word from Beloved Ingkong is more than enough to prevent it.
My Aunt, after all they did, continue to bear the child and she gave birth to a son. I personally call his name Moses, for out of death, he is lifted and saved by Beloved INGKONG.
I used to go to Holy Mass every morning in Santo Rosario Church in Brgy Sto. Rosario if it is Saturday and Sunday, and during weekdays at Santa Ana Church in Hagonoy town proper. So, it was in Sto Rosario where I did all my First Saturdays. I used to served in the Altar as Acolyte to Rev Fr Roberto Lunod who was then the Parish Priest. One morning, after the Holy Mass, I visited my Auntie, Moses was still a baby and he was suffering from multiple boils 'pigsa' all over his body, from head to different parts of his body. When I saw them I heard an instruction which I believed to be from my Querubin, to apply my saliva on all the boils. When my Aunt left me and Moses to get me coffee, I applied saliva on Moses's boils. So when she came back I am done. Moses was just staring at me.
The following day I visited my Aunt and Moses again and found the boils all ruptured, and the third day they were all dried.