The picture below was taken by Geof Hill last October 2008 in Sacrifice Valley, Hermosa, Bataan. The beaming light is the position of the dome of the Image of the Ina Poon Bato at the Nature's Basilica in Sacrifice Valley, Hermosa, Bataan.

The "Ina Poon Bato" is the local version of the Immaculate Concepcion, our true and native Patroness. She is the patroness of our church and the sealed servants along with St.Maria Virginia and St.John the Baptizer.
You can read more of the story of the Ina Poon Bato from the blog of Apo Emilio de Alexandria of Tacloban Leyte.

The Nature's Basilica is one of a kind. It showcases different images and titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, according to the place where she appeared and delivered messages.

Each image represents Toka, Region or Diocese scattered around the Philippines and abroad (USA, Hongkong, Japan, Canada among others).

Apo Oscar while praying.
The House of the Holy Covenant and Her Mausoleum is located within the Nature's Basilica.

Adjacent to it is the Convent of the Sisters of the Order of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit.
The road also leads to the Lourdes Grotto.

Come and spent some times of prayers and reflection to the Nature's Basilica.