The following are the description and prayers researched and provided by His Excellency Bishop Filippo, OMHS of USA, personal pictures courtesy of His Eminence Archbishop Policar, OMHS, and some from our official website picture gallery.
When vesting for the liturgy, the cleric first washes his hands, praying:
Give virtue to my hands, O Lord, that being cleansed from all stain I might serve you with purity of mind and body.
Latin version:
Da, Domine, virtutem manibus meis ad abstergendum omnem maculam ut sine pollutione mentis et corporis valeam tibi servire.
Then he puts on his: AMICE - Symbol of the helmet of salvation

The amice is a rectangular piece of white linen with two strings at the upper corners which a cleric uses underneath his alb to cover the neck so that the collar of the cassock is hidden. The word amice comes from the Latin amicire, meaning "to cover" and, because the heads of criminals condemned to death were covered in linen, the amice recalls the humiliation which was put upon Christ. This piece has been replaced as a separate hood (part of the monastic alb) used until 2006. This piece has been discontinued to be used during liturgical celebrations upon being replaced by the new alb in 2007. The hood (amice) though is still worn when wearing his monastic alb, and/ or with the cassock worn by the Auxiliary Bishop, Bishop, and Archbishop. As he puts on the amice, the priest kisses the Cross on the Amice and prays:
Place upon me, O Lord, the helmet of salvation, that I may overcome the assaults of the devil.
Latin version:
Impone, Domine, capiti meo galeam salutis, ad expugnandos diabolicos incursus.
ALB:Symbol of purity

The alb is the long white, robe-like vestment worn by all clerics at liturgical celebrations (celebrant, concelebrant, deacon, or acolyte). The alb (from Latin word alba, meaning "white") can be traced to the ancient Roman alb worn under a cloak or tunic; its color symbolizes purity and its form recalls that described in Ezekiel 28:4. As he puts on his alb, he prays:
Purify me, O Lord, and cleanse my heart; that, being made white in the Blood of the Lamb, I may come to eternal joy.
Latin version:
Dealba me, Domine, et munda cor meum; ut, in sanguine Agni dealbatus, gaudiis perfruare sempiternis.
CINCTURE: Symbol of Chastity

(A Deacon receive his cincture)
The cincture ties the alb at the waist. And a rosary is included (tied) also at the point where the cincture makes a knot. The knot and rosary is positioned in the left side of the person. The Auxiliary Bishop, Bishop, and Archbishop do not wear a cincture and is required only to wear one when using his monastic alb. As he ties it, he prays:
Gird me, O Lord, with the girdle of purity, and extinguish in me all evil desires, that the virtue of chastity may abide in me.
Latin version:
Praecinge me, Domine, cingulo puritatis, et exstingue in lumbis meis humorem libidinis; ut maneat in me virtus continentia et castitatis.
STOLE: Symbol of the clerical office,immortality, and the yoke of Christ

The stole, matching the liturgical color, is a long, scarf-like vestment worn over the dalmatic/chasuble. The Priest wears the stole around his neck so that it hangs equally down his chest in front; the Deacon wears his stole over the right shoulder and tied/pinned at his left side; the Sub-Deacon wears his around his neck and hangs equally down his chest in front to form an X-shaped Cross; the Auxiliary Bishop, Bishop, Archbishop, and Patriarch wears a unique stole (a form of a rectangle with a hole in the middle) where he put his head over it so that it hangs equally down his chest and back (like a poncho). The design is explicit for each office, as each color is different matching the liturgical calendar. As he puts on the stole, he kisses the Cross on the stole and prays:
Restore unto me, O Lord, the stole of immortality, which was lost through the guilt of our first parents: and, although I am unworthy to approach Your sacred Mysteries, nevertheless grant unto me eternal joy.
Latin version:
Redde mihi, Domine, stolam immortalitatis, quam perdidi in praevaricatione primi parentis: et, quamvis indignus accedo ad tuum sacrum mysterium, merear tamen gaudium sempiternum.

The Gold Dalmatic of an Archbishop
For the Eucharistic Liturgy: Chasuble
The chasuble, also matching the liturgical color, is the long, often ornate, sleeveless poncho-like garment worn over the alb during the sacrifice of the Mass. The design is explicit for each office, as each color is different. White for Deacon’s and Priest’s; Light Silver for Auxiliary Bishop’s; Dark Silver for Bishop’s and Gold for Archbishops/Patriarch. Bishop’s may wear a beige or cream colored chasuble. Everyone can wear a plain white colored chasuble. A combo chasuble/stole is not worn, except by the Archbishop’s and Patriarch. As he puts on the chasuble, he prays:
O Lord, Who said: My yoke is easy and My burden light: grant that I may bear it well and follow after You with thanksgiving. Amen.
Latin version:
Domine, qui dixisti: Iugum meam suave est et onus meum leve: fac, ut istud portare sic valeam, quod consequar tuam gratiam. Amen.
For non-Eucharistic Liturgy: Cope
The cope is a large mantle worn by clerics (including deacons) at some liturgical celebrations (but not at the Mass) -- during Processions and Benedictions of the Blessed Sacrament. It matches the color of the liturgy and is worn in the same way as the chasuble or dalmatic.
Deacon for the Eucharistic Liturgy: Dalmatic
Instead of a chasuble like a Priest wears; the Deacon wears the sleeved dalmatic, also matching the liturgical color, over his alb. Priest/Auxiliary Bishops/Bishops/Archbishops also wear a dalmatic at major solemn feasts, special occasions/celebrations, and ordinations only when the Patriarch assigns him as assistants (concelebration with the Patriarch). It symbolizes charity, justice, and the sufferings of Christ. As he puts on the dalmatic, he prays:
Lord, endow me with the garment of salvation, the vestment of joy, and with the dalmatic of justice ever encompass me.

The biretta is a tri-cornered or square-shaped hat with silk trim, tuft and three raised wings, called "horns," on top at three corners (the side of the hat without the horn is worn on the left side of the head). It is made of scarlet silk for Auxiliary Bishops, Rose Pink silk for Bishops, Violet/Purple silk for Archbishops, White for the Patriarch, and the biretta is not worn for priests, deacons, and seminarians.
In addition to the above, the Bishop wears a:

The pectoral cross is a cross, usually about 6 inches in height, worn around the neck of an ordained clergy and suspended by chain. Cords have not yet been authorized for wear in the church. The pectoral cross is worn on the chest so as to keep the Cross close to their hearts. The Corpus is not required for the Auxiliary Bishops, Bishops, and Archbishops, just a plain cross with or with out stones. Only Bishops and Archbishops are allowed to wear a gold cross.

The crozier is the shepherd's staff used by Auxiliary Bishops, Bishops, and Archbishops. The crozier has always been in the Church a symbol of their pastoral role. In the very early Church, it was made of wood, but in the early Middle Ages metal (silver and gold, depending on rank) was used instead. The staff used shall have a simple cross on top.
The Patriarch used a crozier staff called the "pastoral staff." The pastoral staff is the only one allowed with a “Corpus”, and or other images on it, or expensive stones. He can also opt for the staff used by the orthodox churches.
When an Auxiliary Bishop is elevated; the Bishop and Archbishop is consecrated, he receives a ring representing his office.

The Patriarch's ring, is his personal and unique seal of his reign as Pontiff and is destroyed on his death.

The zucchetto is the silk yarmulka-like skullcap worn by bishops. The Patriarch's zucchetto is white; the Archbishops' zucchetti are violet/purple; the Bishops' zucchetti are rose pink; the Auxiliary Bishops’ zucchetti are scarlet.

The mitre imitates the Old Testament priestly headcovering and is the headdress for the Auxiliary Bishops and Bishops, worn at liturgical functions. It is designed exclusively for each Auxiliary Bishop, Bishop, Archbishop, and patriarch to distinguish them from each office.imple (simplex). The precious (gold) mitre is worn only by the Patriarch. The mitre is required for everyone during special/festive occasions. For regular celebrations of the mass with concelebrants, the main celebrant shall wear his only. If alone, he has the option not to wear the mitre, except for the required Holy days of obligation, and other sacramental celebrations (last rites not included).
In addition to the above, an Archbishop and the Patriarch wears a: PALLIUM
The pallium is worn only by archbishops (in their own Archdiocese or Diocese) and the Patriarch, as symbol of their authority.

It's a band of white wool adorned with 6 small black crosses, worn around the neck with extensions front and back, and pinned to the chasuble in three places about the neck. The non-silk part of the pallium is made of white wool. The Patriarch sends the palliums made to the archbishops.
Picture of an OMHS priest, Patriarch, new deacon, and Archbishop