Mother Bernadette de Soubirous, Mother General of the sisters of the Order of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (OMHS), for the first time after being silent, at least publicly, narrates crucial information that seeks to clear out allegations and unfounded accusations that caused confusions and misunderstanding among sealed servants. You may listen her statements from Apostolic Catholic Church official website or download it here using Save As or Save Target As...
The following facts are clear in her statement:
* That Patriarch John Teruel is chosen by Mahal na INGKONG, and St. Maria Virginia among her other children to act as the [sole] administrator of all the Ecclesiastical and spiritual places in [and out] of the Sacrifice Valley Pilgrimage Center. This is stated in the first and original Last Will and Testament written in the year 1994 by Atty Ingco i.e. Apo Agapito, of Hagonoy District (Toka 11) with Beloved Mama [in person].
* That the Apostolic Catholic Church with the Patriarch will continue the mission of Mahal na Ingkong.
* That St. Maria Virginia and Mahal na Ingkong Himself prepared and preferred above all others Apo Juan Bautista, the Patriarch, to continue the ganapan of Mahal na Ingkong. And this was evident of the several and numerous major festivities or occassions like Senior Noemi, Pasan or during Holy Week where the Patriarch himself is used by Mahal na Ingkong upon the request and bidding of the Holy Covenant.
* That Apo Juan Bautista was indeed the present mouth, hands, and physical body and instrument of Mahal Na Ingkong to continue the "Holy Sealing" and in delivering the "Mensahe"
* That all sealed servants and the faithful are entrusted in the Patriarch's and the Apostolic Catholic Church's care. And that there is no other.
Note: The following entries can be found in Youtube: Pagsira sa aming simbahan.

The Patriarch is the only rightful and legitimate head of the church and successor to the management of the pilgrimage center. All other lay organizations must submit, by principle and practice, to the higher ecclesiastical body, and in our case, the Church, the APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH.
You can see in the picture above that Mahal na INGKONG transfers the “crown of thorns” to our Patriarch John. This transfer signifies that he will carry the pain as the Holy Covenant suffered. He is not accepted by his own, and those whom he blessed and has given bread to eat have lifted their feet against him, and the hands he once held for prayers have clenched, ready to hit him.
In the same picture, did Beloved St. Maria Virginia or Mahal na INGKONG Himself asked the opinion and approval of the people around Him if it is alright to transfer the crown of thorns to Patriarch John? Did He consulted them? They witnessed, as you can see in the picture, the transfer of the responsibility to carry the burden signified by the crown, the same burden, that our Beloved Mama has carried on her shoulder to the Patriarch's shoulder - the welfare of the sealed servants.
Mahal na INGKONG preferred the Patriarch more than anyone else to continue what He started to our Beloved Mama - 'caro matriarcham caro est patriarcham'' the flesh of the son is the flesh of the mother'