Just today, because of my free time, I was able to search friendster for fellow sealed servants. After a while a 5 or 6 pages of "Found Accounts" displayed. As I browse each sealed servant friendster account I found several profiles containing pictures and images that are so unfit and unbecoming of a sealed servant. It is equally alarming and worth of attention. These pictures and images I am referring to are satanic, demonic, hellish and some are of the new-age movement as you can see below.

The curious thing there is that the images and pictures of the Holy Covenant and the Holy Patriarch were placed side by side of these pictures and to be honest this is sacrilegious.

I assume that they do not understand what would it mean to have those pictures and images displayed and associated with the throne or covenant of blessed spirit - our holy seal. And what do they mean, anyway, Apo Almiro. Well, images and pictures symbolizes our affinity 'a fine tie' with the owner of the image - which is a lie. A lie because we are sealed servant, thus we are in fact and in truth connected to the heavenly images and pictures.
We should fill our mind and heart with the beautiful,holy and good. For consequently, out of the good and fine things of our hearts issues forth the good acts and words.
If Images and pictures are used by the church as a textbook for those who cannot read, as much as what being done with the children in preparatory school, so is the anti-church uses the same to lead souls astray and away from God. These images became a preparatory tools at the hand of the evil ones to be used to those unsuspecting people.
The theme of those anti-heaven images are DEATH, SIN, VIOLENCE, DEICIDE or Murdering God, ATHEISM and HUMANISTIC SOCIETY WITHOUT GOD. These images de-evangelizes the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ and secretly cancels all our efforts and sacrifices. Let us not become an unsuspecting de-vangelizers.

Not only with our friendster account, we must also gradually and totally eliminate in our life all that is anti-christian, anti-church, anti-catholic and anti-heaven literature, arts and practices like the tattoo, wearing printed T-shirts, pants, necklace and chains, as well as watching brain-washing,misleading, incomplete and distorted presentation of history like the Da Vinci Code among others.
We should remove from our homes pornographic and licentious reading materials and media as these defeats the purpose of our Rosaries, of Holy Communion and Confessions. Fill our hearts, our minds, and our homes with all that is holy and pure so that it will become a worthy abode of the blessed spirits.
We are sealed servant and though we are purified and cleaned as wool and our scarlet sins were washed by the fiery love and salvation of the Holy Spirit there is one thing remained and shall remain with us and that is FREE WILL. Let us then exercise our free will in proper way and manner. We are expected to be sower of good images and pictures.
And one of the ways of evangelization is the distribution of literatures, arts, articles about Mahal Na Ingkong, His Church, the Messages and His Mission. Let us fill our friendster with images and pictures of our kaganapan, of the lovely face of Beloved Mama Virginia, of the Patriarch, of the fellow sealed servants and the miracles in our kagapanan which were being captured in photos.
The coming of Mahal Na INGKONG is to gradually change the face of the earth by planting the seeds of faith, hope and charity. These seeds He took from the fruit of the tree of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Cross. That seeds he planted in our soul after the 'Cleansing' and along with it He made us throne or covenant of the blessed spirit who will help and assist us in our spiritual and temporal needs.
As such, Mahal Na Ingkong expect us to help Him by becoming His feet, hands, and mouth and to become His extension of sowing the seeds of heaven. So, it is contrary to the purpose of Mahal Na Ingkong, His church, and the blessed spirit seal that we still possess with us propaganda and images of the enemies.
I implore the help and assistance of St.Michael the Archangel and make him the protector of this blogspot.

Dear St. Michael the Archangel, I offer to you this humble blog for the glory of Mahal na Ingkong, for the success of His Church and the Patriarch, the sanctification of all thrones of blessed spirits with the intercession of St. Maria Virginia and St John the Baptist. Amen.