Saturday, June 14, 2008

Response of His Holiness Patriarch John Teruel to Archbishop Tobias Circular

21 May 2008

To All the Faithful in Christ;

Attention: EXECOM - National Council of Churches in the Philippines, May 22, 2008

Greetings of Peace to all! SHALOM!!! Kapayapaan!!! May our Almighty God bless, guide and protect us all.

The Circular 2008-05, The Apostolic Catholic Church, of the Most Rev. Antonio R. Tobias, DD, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Novaliches, Attested by Rev. Fr. Jaime Z. Lara, Chancellor, Addressed to All Parish Priests and Principals of All Diocesan and Congregational Schools in the Diocese of Novaliches, is a Gross Acussation that devastated me as a Religious Person being the Patriarch and Founding Bishop of the Apostolic Catholic Church, as an Individual of dignity and respect, and a law-abiding Filipino citizen protected by the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.

Upon deep soul-searching and much prayer, with advises from religious and legal personalities, with due respect to whatever advise and reaction of the Execom of the NCCP, I am definitely filing a LIBEL case against Archbishop Tobias and Fr. Lara. I suppose that this is the right time and opportunity to put a Stop, once and for all, to the Bigotry and Lordship of such people.

This year's 2008 Christian Unity Week Opening Celebration, February 2-9, between CBCP and NCCP, whose theme: "Pray without ceasing," And Sub-theme: "That we may be One," in the Metropolitan Church in Taft Avenue, Archbishop Tobias, in his speech, singled-out the Apostolic Catholic Church by saying, "That even we are ecumenical friends, we need to point out that we have differences, too." He cited in his story some comments and reactions of his parishioners of almost indentifying Apostolic Catholic Church to the Roman Catholic Church. Out of humility, respect and meekness, considering the sair Bishop as an ecumenical friend, I kept silent and quiet. We even had picture takings with him. The Circular 2008-05 is an agonizing surprise. Enclosed is a true copy of the circular and other pictures to counteract such allegations.

The Apostolic Catholic Church (ACC), being a full member church of the NCCP since 1997 would like to seek help and support of the Council to straigthen up this false blunder. The said circular undermines the long process of the Council before accepting any church to be a full member, just to make sure that the applicant church is "Not a Cult." Likewise, the said circular belittles the efforts of his predecessor, His Grace, Deogracias Yniguez, DD of Diocese of Caloocan, former CBCP Chairman on Ecumenical Affairs, the CPCB's Ecumenical Affair Office and the Pope Benedict xvi appeal for Interfaith in the United Nations just recently.

Again, I vehemently abhor and deny Archbishop Antonio Tobias' libelous accusations. As a matter of fact, WE claim and declare that:

1. the Apostolic Catholic Church (ACC) is NOT a CULT; the ACC is a CHURCH of good name and best refutation,

2. the Apostolic Catholic Church is NOT FOUNDED by Maria Virginia Leonzon, the Mother of the Patriarch. She is made an Honorary Foundress.

Please do not DISGRACE our Blessed Mother. The Patriarch Dr +John Florentine Teruel, PP, is the FOUNDING BISHOP and nobody else,

3. the Apostolic Catholic Church has NEVER and WILL NEVER let its faithful and Clergies to go around to solicit funds,

4. the Apostolic Catholic Church is OPEN and TRANSPARENT that ACC is NOT A ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. ACC even CLAIMS

and PROFESSES with PRIDE that ACC is a SCHISMATIC CHURCH from the Roman Catholic Church. ACC is AUTO-CEPHALIC CHURCH.


5. the Apostolic Catholic Church's some Dogmatic Truths and Articles of Faith are based on/from the Nicene Creed and other Ecumenical Synods :

"NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO CHANGE, TO INTERFERE AND TO QUESTION THEM." Likewise, in the ACC's particular beliefs on

"MAHAL NA INGKONG" as God, the Holy Spirit and making "INA POON BATO" as the Patronness of the ACC,

6. the Apostolic Catholic Church's number of years and types of training and/or formation, studies and ordinations, consecrations, mandates and commissions

are based on the need of the ACC and on wisdom of the church's heirarchy. Why make a BIG FUZZ on the system and mind of Archbishop Tobias?

7. the Apostolic Catholic Church neither denounces the whole Roman Catholic Church nor the CBCP as Ecclesiastical bodies. But rather, the Apostolic

Catholic Church will never participate in any Ecumenical gatherings when the very persons of Archbishop Antonio Tobias and Fr. Jaime Z. Cruz are present.

8. the Apostolic Catholic Church rightly asks for "PUBLIC APOLOGY" from Archbishop Tobias and Fr. Jaime Z. Lara and correct its accusations against

the Apostolic Catholic Church and its Patriarch and Founding Bishop, Dr + John Florentine Teruel, PP.

Thank you very much. Hoping for the coherent and positive support of the council for its member churches, on matters of Truine Faith and Ecumenical endeavor.


Patriarch and Founding Bishop
Apostolic Catholic Church


Update as of 25 January 2013

[Photo: His Holiness, Patriarch, Dr. +John Florentine Teruel P.P.,PhD. while having conversation with Roman Catholic Bishop Antonio Tobias (Diocese of Novaliches)
Following is Monsignor Juan Arnaldo's comment from his FB account.
NOTE: AMP. If you remember my dear brothers & sisters, wayback year 2008, the above RC Bishop Tobias had FALSELY ACCUSED the APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH (ACC) as 'CULT' and not a 'VALID' Catholic Church due to wrong information he received.

But the TRUTH shall always PREVAIL...
Thru the SPIRIT of TRUTH, the HOLY SPIRIT our BELOVED INGKONG, the said RC Bishop Tobias was ENLIGHTENED by His Holiness, our dear Patriarch and immediately Bishop Tobias gave an APOLOGY to the CHURCH (ACC) and to our Beloved Patriarch, His Holiness +Dr. John Florentine Teruel because of his wrong accusation about the APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH.
He said that APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH is a true and valid CHURCH which must gain EQUAL RESPECT same with other Christian Churches in the Philippines and recognizing the CHURCH as member of NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES IN THE PHILIPPINES.

Photo: (At center) His Holiness, Patriarch Dr+ John Florentine Teruel P.P.,PhD. (Patriarch & Founding Bishop of Apostolic Catholic Church) 
(left) His Eminence, Archbishop Deogracias Iñiguez,D.D (Catholic Bishop Conceference of the Philippines -EPCPA Chairman), and (right)Bishop Dr. Elias Soria (President, Asian Clergy Leadership Conference)

End of Update